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Pre-July 2008

Criminal Justice Abstracts Now Online

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

We are pleased to announce that the long-awaited and much-anticipated online version of Criminal Justice Abstracts is now available to the University community via the UNB Libraries’ web site.

Introducing Oxford Reference Online

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

Oxford Reference Online: The Core Collection contains about 100 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press.

UNB Libraries Website – Summer Release

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

On July 29, 2002, UNB Libraries released the latest version of its website with various design, functionality and navigational enhancements. While most changes are relatively minor, many are not even cosmetically apparent. The goal was to minimize the visual and navigational impact, while improving and streamlining the experience for our patrons, staff and faculty.

Canadian National Site Licensing Project Wins CACUL Innovation Achievement Award

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

Ottawa, June 21, 2002 – The Canadian National Site Licensing Project (CNSLP) has won the 2002 Innovation Achievement Award of the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries (CACUL), a division of the Canadian Library Association (CLA).

Elsevier Releases Science Server 5.1 And New Website

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

University of Toronto has put the finishing touches on the latest release of their ScienceServer, now version 5.1.01. This is the server that hosts all of UNB Libraries access to Elsevier Science journals. It is now in full production and as of May 31st, U of T will no longer be updating content on the old server – version 3.2.

Public Lecture On Transformations In Libraries

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

An international expert on information literacy will give a public lecture Monday, May 13, at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton on the transformations taking place in university libraries.

Invitation To Launch Of National Poetry Database – May 13

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

Canadian poets are ready to be searched, right down to their last bits and bytes.

The team that has captured the bards in a database and made them available for this kind of intensive examination is the staff of the Electronic Text Centre at UNB Libraries in Fredericton.

Archival Documents Now Available Online

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

The UNB Archives would like to draw your attention to two web-based projects which we have recently completed with funding from the Canadian Council of Archives. The Indian Affairs Collection of 90 documents, 1761-1864, reflects numerous aspects of native history in New Brunswick, including treaties, petitions and appointments.

National Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

A National Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement among the 4 major university library consortia in Canada comes into effect on May 1, 2002. This agreement allows students, faculty and staff from any participating library to travel to any other participating library in Canada and borrow library materials.