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The development of the Harriet Irving Library Research Commons, generously supported by the Arthur L. Irving Family Foundation, has transformed the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library into a modern, interdisciplinary, research-driven learning environment to further innovation, scholarship, and research at UNB.

On a foundation of new spaces, technologies, expertise, and programming, the Research Commons is building toward UNB's Toward 2030 objectives, with an emphasis on transformative education, community engagement, and research impact.

To learn about the Research Commons and to book spaces and technologies, consult the sections below. Beyond the highlighted spaces, there are 10 group study rooms open to UNB student use and several open areas with varied seating options, whiteboards, and LCD screens for mobile connectivity.

Contact Marc Bragdon (, Head of the Research Commons or Mattia Fonzo (, Research Commons Manager, to learn more.

Spaces + Technologies

Active Learning Spaces

A view of the active learning space's work pods and wall-mounted 55-inch LCD screen

Audio Studio

Audio Studio

Data Visualization Lab

Data visualization wall consisting of a 3 by 5 grid of  55-inch 1080p Planar monitors

Event Space

Research Commons multi-purpose event space

Fabrication Lab

A view of the makerspace lab that provides tools for hands-on learning and making activities

FilmMaker Studio

Students recording in the Filmmaker Studio.

Graduate Student Spaces

Graduate lounge view

Innovation Hub

A view of the wall-mounted LCD  Screen curved table and seating accommodations in the innovation hub

Lightboard Studio

Research Commons Lightboard Studio