If you have a disability that limits your use of campus libraries or library resources, we invite you to contact any library staff member. We will be happy to help! Librarians and library staff are available to assist with:
- Access to assistive technology
- Advice about choosing and using information sources, in print and online
- Research help — for theses, dissertations, and major reports
- Retrieval of items from the stacks or storage
- Access to photocopying or scanning
- Extension of reserve loan borrowing period
- Information on how to access UNB Libraries' resources from off-campus
- Tour of a branch or unit
If you are unable to contact or visit with us in person, you may wish to contact us by phone, email, or online via instant messaging. For more information, including contact information and hours of service, visit Ask Us.
Building Accessibility
The Harriet Irving Library (HIL) is located at 5 MacAulay Lane. The main entrance to HIL includes a ramp and an automatic door, providing barrier-free access to the building. Wheelchair accessible washrooms are located on the first and third floors. There is an elevator system in the library, which provides access to all floors.
The I.U.C. Library is located on the ground level of the Integrated University Complex (IUC) concourse. A barrier-free entrance, including ramp and automatic door, is located at the entrance nearest the Forestry & Geology Building.
The Head Hall Library, located in Room HC15 (C level) of Sir Edmund Head Hall, is also wheelchair accessible. To visit the Engineering Library, users of wheelchairs are advised to enter Head Hall using the main entrance on Dineen Drive. Other accessible entrances to Head Hall include A Level (near the parking lot), B Level (the pedestrian entrance by the Loading Bay) and the entrance to Gillin Hall (near the bus stop on Windsor Street). Accessible washrooms are located in Gillin Hall. There are accessible washrooms on B Level (no automatic door opener) and in the lobby of Head Hall (with automatic door opener). There is one study carrel designated for users with wheelchairs in the Engineering Library, and there are adjustable tables (in Group Study Room B and in the Study Hall).
Located on the Saint John campus, the Hans W. Klohn Commons' main entrance is wheelchair accessible. As well, there is an elevator serving all floors for easy access to all materials and services. If you have any questions, please contact the circulation desk at (506) 648-5710.
Most of our library stacks are wide enough to accommodate persons in wheelchairs. If you have any difficulty accessing the stacks, please ask staff for help in retrieving materials.
Wheelchair-accessible parking is provided near each library. See the map of wheelchair-accessible parking on the Fredericton campus and the Saint John campus for locations.
Assistive Technology
UNB Fredericton
In all UNB Libraries, staff will be pleased to assist users in retrieving materials and with operating copiers, scanners, etc. If you require technical assistance during your visit to any of these locations, speak with a library staff member.
UNB Saint John
The Hans W. Klohn Commons in Saint John has a Mac and a PC available with accessibility software and large-print keyboards. These are in room 116, which is next to the Student Technology Centre on the First Floor. The room must be booked through the Library Services Desk. There is also a height-adjustable desk in the room.
University Services for Students with Disabilities
UNB Fredericton and Saint John
Visit the Student Accessibility Centre website for details of the services available and current locations and contact information.
St. Thomas University, Fredericton
Students of St. Thomas University are strongly encouraged to register with Student Affairs by contacting Student Accessibility Services (SAS) in person (George Martin Hall, room 104), by phone (453-7207), or by email (accessibility@stu.ca) and to visit the Accessibility Services website.
Other Information Centres
- The Canadian National Institute for the Blind offers access to qualified individuals to VISUNET Canada a networked library service which delivers books in alternate formats by mail or to the user's desktop.
- The New Brunswick Public Library Service offers access to format alternatives in its branch libraries across the province. This includes talking books, audio books, books in braille and large print books. Visit the NBPLS list of branches by community to find the public library closest to you.
- Easter Seals New Brunswick provides a free library and information service that offers material to health professionals and the general public. The collection includes videos, hand-outs, publications, books and special reports which are sent upon request if the individual is unable to visit the library. The focus of the collection is rehabilitation and disability related topics.
- The Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons maintains a library on subjects related to persons with disabilities and on appropriate services/programs available to them. In addition, the Premier's Council maintains a Directory of Services Offered to Persons with Disabilities in New Brunswick.
Web Accessibility
UNB Libraries endeavour to follow web accessibility standards on all the pages designed in-house. For more information, please consult our accessibility statement. Should you have any difficulty with one of our web pages, please contact our Website Administrator, Jeff Carter, at jeff.carter@unb.ca to report the problem.