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New e-resource: Ei Compendex now available via the Library website
New e-resource: Adam Mathew Digital: Sex & Sexuality
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Sage Research Methods Videos now available
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
MEF Race Studies Collection on Kanopy Streaming
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Investext Database
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Have you tried Investext yet? A great database for Business, Economics, and Entrepreneurship faculty/students conducting market intelligence research.
New E-resource: Forrester Research
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Forrester Research, a leader of emerging-technology analysis, provides objective research on technology change and its impact on business.
New E-resource: EMBASE Biomedical Answers
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Attention Nursing students and Faculty! The database EMBASE, a major biomedical and pharmaceutical database indexing international journals, is now available at UNB Libraries.
Philosophy E-Resource: Past Masters
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.