The Microforms Collection is part of UNB Archives & Special Collections. If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please email staff at
What is it?
Material reproduced in a reduced size requiring special equipment to read.




Why use it?
Libraries' collection in this format is diverse and includes a wide range of materials and subject matter, including, for example, books, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, dissertations, dramatic works, and government documents.
Where are they?
Located on and available for patrons to access on 2 floors of the Harriet Irving Library on the University of New Brunswick Fredericton campus - basement and 5th Floor. (See Floor Plan and Directions in the sidebar.)
Basement contains:
- Newspapers on microfilm, which contain the back issues of papers (location code in UNB Libraries' catalogue is HIL-MIC). These are filed by title.
- Complications can occur finding newspapers with various titles; see Newspapers FAQ for information to assist finding newspapers in the library.
- Microfilm collection shelved by call number (location code in Libraries' catalogue is HIL-MIC)
- Microprint collection shelved by call number (location code is HIL-MICP)
- Microforms finding aids such as guides to various large collections (location code is HIL-MICGD)
5th Floor, Room 520 A contains:
- The Loyalist Collection shelved by unique call number (location code is HIL-MICL)
- Microfiche collection shelved by call number (location code is HIL-MICF).
- Exceptions to call number arrangement; for example-
- UNB Theses - shelved by thesis number
- Exceptions to call number arrangement; for example-
- Microcard collection shelved by call number (location code is HIL-MICD)
- Some large collections uncatalogued.
How to search and find microforms
Libraries' catalogue contains most of the collections. Feel free to check with staff if you have any questions.
- See Library Help Videos, including how to search the catalogue efficiently.
Newspapers - in various formats
- Newspaper Guide found on the libraries' website by clicking on Journals & Newspapers tab. Includes Historical New Brunswick Newspapers Project database, which includes all UNB’s microfilm holdings and a growing number of New Brunswick titles in print and electronic.
- It tells you the date range and format for each title
- Hint: For microfilm titles, be sure to check “Filed As” to determine under which title a newspaper is shelved
- For other helpful resources, see newspaper links on the sidebar of this website.
The Loyalist Collection
- The Loyalist Collection allows searching the records for each of the titles. The finding aids within the records, such as indexes, are separately searchable. See Search Tips and About page to understand the arrangement, reading call numbers, etc.
- See Subject Guides on the website.
- This location refers to finding aids in the basement, such as listings of titles or guides for a large collection and indexes to a particular newspaper, which are used as tools to help navigate some titles we hold in microforms.
Equipment - Read and scan material
Readers - microfilm; located on 5th floor, room 520A
Gideon 900

- manual advance; zoom capability
- 2 machines available
Gideon 1000

- motorised advance; zoom capability
Scanners - located on 5th floor, room 520A
ST Viewscan

- scan, email
- microfilm, microfiche, microprint, microcard use
Scan Pro 3000

- scan, email
- microfilm, microfiche use
Scanner - located in basement to accommodate film collections, especially newspapers
ScanPro 2000

- scan, email
- microfilm, microfiche use
Equipment - Scanner bookings
Scanners may be booked, but bookings are not necessary.
UNB and STU community members can book scanners online which will be confirmed by staff.
External community may book; send email request to
Equipment - Use questions
Scanners -
- How to get started guides in print sit beside each scanner.
- ScanPro 3000 (5th floor) has a moving image indicating how to load the film once are in the software.
- ST Viewscan (5th floor) has a "How It works" icon, found once you are in the program, at the bottom of list of icons on the left.
- Troubleshooting guides sit near each scanner.
- Staff contact information sits near each scanner.
Readers -
• Diagrams showing how to put the film on the readers have been attached to the face of machines.
- It is o.k. not to shelve? We actually encourage it.
- 5th floor - trolly found near the readers
- Basement - box found under table beside scanner
Staff Assistance
Staff are available to assist with equipment, finding material, or research advice pertaining to material in our collections. Contact Staff at
- In house help - Making an appointment in advance is required if assistance may be needed. Staff are normally available Monday to Friday, daytime.
- External help via email
Types of Service
- Research advice
- Please be precise - specify the catalogue record or information for which you are interested.
- Staff will spend a maximum of one hour on your research using reference tools.
- Copying/scanning
- Staff will do limited copying for specific references or dates
- Please contact staff if you do not know exact date
- Limited to maximum of 10 pages.
- Orientation
- Provide a “lay of the land” for the Microforms Collection.
When can I use the material at Harriet Irving Library?
Microforms are available as self-serve. Material and equipment are available for patron use during normal library hours.
Borrowing our material through inter-library loan
Place the loan through your local library and the query will be sent to our inter-library loan staff at UNB Libraries (
- The Loyalist Collection
- Within Canada, may be delivered to libraries on short-term loan with some restrictions
- Outside Canada, may be delivered to researchers and faculty associated with Academic institutions with some restrictions
Staffing Hours
- Self-service use of the Microforms Collection is available when the Harriet Irving Library is open. If any assistance from staff is required, an appointment should be made via
Contact Us
- Email:
- Staff Directory
Microforms Links
- About Microforms
- Newspapers:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- New Brunswick Historical Newspapers Project (includes microfilm and a large selection of papers outside of New Brunswick)
- Print Subscriptions
- Indexes to Atlantic Canadian Newspapers
- New Brunswick Newspapers, Vital Statistics Database: 1784-1896
- Loyalist Collection
- Floor Plan - Fifth Floor
- Directions