Note: This policy governs the donation of published materials only, and applies to the Harriet Irving Library, the Head Hall Library, the I.U.C. Library, as well as to the Hans W. Klohn Commons on the Saint John campus. For the sake of brevity and clarity, these libraries will collectively be referred to here as the “Library”.
Policy Statement
The generosity of donors has helped UNB Libraries, over its long history, to build strong collections in support of the University’s teaching and research mission. The Library encourages and appreciates appropriate donations. The Library reserves the right to accept or refuse an offer of donation and to determine the retention, location and treatment of donated materials. This policy outlines the Library’s practices and procedures with respect to the receipt of gifts.
I. Gifts of Money
Gifts of money are particularly welcome as they enable the Library to update collections, strengthen subject areas, and fill gaps in Library holdings. Gifts can range from a single cash donation to various forms of planned or deferred giving (such as endowments, annuities and bequests). Financial contributions are accepted by the Library, or on behalf of UNB Libraries, by the Office of Development and Donor Relations. For planned or deferred giving, prospective donors are referred to the Director, Office of Development and Donor Relations.
II. Gifts In-Kind
While gifts in-kind are appreciated, the hidden costs of processing a “free” book often exceed the cost of adding a purchased book to the collection. For this reason, as well as for reasons of space, some offers of gifts may not be accepted. In some cases, the Library may recommend that the donation be redirected to a more appropriate location.
As of February 1, 2019, the Library no longer accepts donations of:
- textbooks (unless published in the last two years);
- working/office collections (except for items published in the last five years, or published in New Brunswick at any time, or about New Brunswick or by a New Brunswick author published elsewhere); and
- journals and magazines (unless published in New Brunswick).
The Library is actively seeking donations of the following:
- New Brunswickana, meaning anything published in New Brunswick, or about New Brunswick or by a New Brunswick author published elsewhere;
- Atlantic Canadian books for children; and
- new and unused monographs from recognized academic publishers reflecting current areas of research and teaching.
III. Conditions of Donation
Gifts are received on the understanding that upon acceptance, they become the property of the University of New Brunswick. Materials not added to the collection may be sold, offered to another institution, or discarded. Unsolicited materials will not be returned.
To prevent misunderstandings, all donors are asked to read and sign a formal Donation Agreement. Although a donor may choose not to sign an agreement and still leave a small gift of books, larger gifts (50 books or more) will not be accepted by the Library without the signing of the Donation Agreement or prior special arrangements being made with the Collections Development Office.
IV. Screening Gifts
An initial screening of the materials on offer to the Library is undertaken in situ whenever possible in order to eliminate unwanted items. The screening can also be done from a list prepared by the donor (providing author, title, publisher, date of publication and edition information) before any materials are moved to the Library.
The cost of packing and shipping the material will normally be borne by the donor.
V. Appraisals and Tax Receipts
Tax receipts will only be issued for materials added to Archives & Special Collections or to the Eileen Wallace Children’s Literature Collection, and for new monographs from recognized academic publishers reflecting current areas of research and teaching.
The value of donated items must be appraised before tax receipts can be issued for them. Appraisals are carried out in accordance with Revenue Canada guidelines. Generally appraisals are done in-house by library staff and are based on fair market value for materials added to the collection. All in-house appraisals are considered final. A donor may choose to have an external appraisal done of the gift before donating it to the Library. An external appraisal is undertaken at the expense of the donor and the Library reserves the right to reject an appraisal that it judges to be unjustifiable.
Depending on the nature and value of a donation, an external appraisal may be required. In such a case, the cost of appraisal is usually borne by the donor.
According to Revenue Canada guidelines, materials acquired using government funds (for example, university research grants, or the professional development allowance) are not personal property and are therefore not eligible for a tax receipt. Also not eligible are complimentary and review copies received from authors and publishers.
The Library cannot guarantee a tax receipt will be provided within a specific fiscal year. A donor requiring a receipt for a specific fiscal year may be required to provide the Library with a certified appraisal document.
Send comments to Joanne Smyth (Fredericton) or David Ross (Saint John).
- Approved May 31, 2002
- Revised January 2019