2025 Winter Graduate Booster 2: Tips and tricks for conference poster design and accompanying data visualizations
Step up your research. Introductory research sessions featuring UNB professors, librarians, & library professionals.
Learn our tips and tricks for conference and academic poster design and accompanying data visualizations.
- Mario Tiozzo, Data Visualization Librarian
- Jonny Wood, UNB Libraries Graphic Designer
This event took place February 19th, 3-4pm in person in the Harriet Irving Library Research Commons Innovation Hub (316) and online.
Links & Resources
Poster Design:
- Better Posters Basics With Mike Morrison
- Insights from the founder of the #betterposter movement
- Better Scientific Poster Templates
- #betterposter Powerpoint Templates
- Fixing academic posters: the #BetterPoster approach
- How to design an excellent scientific poster
- Visual and UX design principles can improve the effectiveness of poster sessions
- Towards an “#evenbetterposter”: improving the #betterposter template
Useful links:
Data Visualization: