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Join UNB Libraries On Facebook

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

UNB Libraries has a new Facebook page.  Check it out at the link below:


Already on Facebook?  Become a “fan” of our new library Facebook page and you will receive updates about library news and events as they happen.

Welcome New And Returning Students!

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

A warm welcome to our new and returning students from the entire staff of UNB Libraries.

We have made some changes to our libraries over the summer. We have also added new print and electronic resources to assist with your research and study.

Drop by to see us and get the scoop on the latest resources and services for a successful academic year.

Student Job Opportunities In Our Libraries

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

Interested in working at the Library this Fall?  Each year, UNB Libraries hires Student Assistants for part-time work during the Fall and Winter terms. Library departments are already working on the hiring process for jobs that begin in September. 

HIL Display – Canadian Award Winning Books

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.

Drop by Harriet Irving Library and take in a wonderful display of Canadian award-winning books from the Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design.

The exhibition is located in the H.R. Stewart Exhibition Room, 5th floor, Harriet Irving Library and can be viewed from Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m until August 15, 2008.