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Graduate Booster III:

Graduate Booster 3 - Recording available

Fall 2024 Graduate Booster III: Publishing Trends and Disseminating Your Research

Step up your research. Introductory research sessions featuring UNB professors, librarians, & library professionals.

Join Dr. Barry Blight, Faculty of Chemistry and Mike Nason, Open Scholarship & Publishing Librarian for a structured chat about Dr. Blight's outlook on managing a lab, publishing research, sharing potentially proprietary research data, open access, and other topics related to sharing research. Topics will include:

  • from grant to publication, considerations on the lifecycle of scholarly work;
  • putting your best foot forward with modern publishing trends and requirements;
  • practical sharing of research data in publishing;
  • and possibly any number of irreverent, potentially-professional observations 
This event took place November 21st at the Harriet Irving Library Research Commons.