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What's a literature review?

How is scholarly research different from what I've done for university papers?

  • Work you complete for university courses tend to be research essays or other course-based projects requiring a certain number of scholarly/peer-reviewed sources. You're not delving deep into all the literature on your given topic.
  • Scholarly research is typically undertaken by honours students, graduate students, and professors, who are experts (or becoming experts) in a given field of study. They do research to contribute knowledge in their field, and continue or start scholarly conversations. These typically take the form of scholarly articles, books, theses, or dissertations, and required a detailed understanding of the literature on their topic. 

What's a literature review and why do I need to do one?

  • Literature reviews provide an overview of what's already known about a given topic/area of research, and may cover what methodologies/models/theories/concepts have been used.
  • Literature reviews are a product as their own type of research and are also done when undertaking a research project to provide context or background information on what's been done and how your project fits into the wider research landscape. 
  • We also describe the process of reviewing the literature as all the parts involved in conducting a literature review. The process involves searching for published research, evaluating the results, and synthesizing the literature to write an overview of published literature. It's an ongoing, iterative process, and includes being organized and keeping track of your sources. 
  • A literature review is not the same as a systematic or scoping review; these are types of knowledge synthesis and are conducted differently. UNB Libraries' Knowledge Synthesis page has more information on this type of research, how to decide what type of review to conduct, and how to apply for librarian collaboration. 

University of Houston Libraries. What is a literature review? 


Last modified on February 20, 2025 15:08