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Mendeley Reference Manager Guide Ask Us

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There is now a new version of the reference manager known as Mendeley Reference Manager that replaces the old version known as Mendeley Desktop. Researchers' feedback has been used to improve the functionality of Mendeley Reference Manager.

You can still download and use the desktop version (Mendeley Desktop), but some limitations apply, such as that it does not support MacOS 11 Big Sur. For more information about versions, visit Mendeley Support Center.  

For help with using the Mendeley Desktop, you can follow my older tutorial (recorded in June 2020) or consult the help guides

Our focus will be on Mendeley Reference Manager. This guide provides you with basic knowledge about using reference manager and is structured so that you can watch videos and view infographics before taking a skills quiz. After passing the Skills Quiz, you are ready to begin using Mendeley Ref Manager. 

Good luck! 

Last modified on February 7, 2023 09:53