Reading By UNB Writer-in-Residence, Phil Hall
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This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Congratulations to Eileen Wallace, founder and patron of The Eileen Wallace Children’s Literature Collection, on her Investiture into the Order of New Brunswick. This well deserved honour recognizes Eileen’s profound and lifelong impact on both children’s literacy and the preservation of children’s book culture in New Brunswick.
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Please be advised that UNBF Libraries (HIL, Science & Forestry, Engineering & Computer Science, & LB Gym – Technical Services) will be closing at 2:45 pm on December 19th for a holiday staff party. The Law Library is not affected.
Regular hours will resume on Dec. 20th.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
UNB Libraries and the UNBSU are excited to share the news of an extension of library hours at the HIL until 3:00 am on Sunday-Thursday nights, from November 12th to December 17th.
During this period you will need your UCard to be allowed in the building from 10:00pm – 3:00am.
Library Services are available until 10:00 pm.
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
We are pleased to present the debut exhibit of Phil Hall’s small constructions, a selection of recent tinkerings. The exhibit will be on display in the Harriet Irving Library (1st floor) from December 1st to January 1st.
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Flu Season is here!
Get your flu vaccine at the HIL Flu Clinic:
When: Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
10:00am – 2:00pm
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
[ Wednesday, October 31, 2018, Milham Room, Harriet Irving Library ]
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
Due to recent changes to the UNB email system, UNB Libraries Document Delivery messages and article links may have been directed to patrons’ junk mail or trash. If you were expecting an article, please check your Junk mail. If you cannot locate the item, please contact the Document Delivery Unit at (Fredericton) or Acquisitions and Document
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.
As part of Open Access Week we will be screening the film Paywall: The Business of Scholarship. A documentary which focuses on the need for open access to research and science, questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flow