Jump to: UNB Fredericton Buildings UNBSJ Buildings
UNB Fredericton Buildings
- Aitken House
- Aitken University Centre
- Alden Nowlan House
- Alexander College
- Alumni Memorial Building
- Annex A
- Annex B
- Annex C
- Annex D
- Annex buildings: see Huts
- Anthropology Building (Annex C)
- Arts Building: see Carleton Hall
- Bailey Hall
- Bank/Bookstore
- Bio-Engineering Institute: see Institute of Biomedical Engineering
- Biology and Physics Building: see Bailey Hall
- BMO Centre
- Bonar Law-Bennett Library
- Bookstore: see Bank/Bookstore
- Bridges House
- Brydone Jack Observatory: see Observatory
- Burden Academy: see Burden Schoolhouse
- Burden Schoolhouse
- Campus House
- Campus Services Building: see Facilities Management
- Carleton Hall
- C.C. Jones Student Services Centre
- Centennial Schoolhouse: see Burden Schoolhouse
- Central Heating Plant
- Chemistry Building: see Toole Hall
- Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building: see Engineering Building
- College Hill DayCare Co-Operative
- College Library
- Computer Science Information Technology Centre
- Connell Memorial Herbarium
- Currie Center
- C. W. Argue Research Wing
- Dining Hall: see McConnell Hall
- Dominion Entomological Laboratory: see Institute of Bio-Engineering
- Dr. A. Foster Baird - Dr. Earle O. Turner Engineering Library: see Engineering Library
- Electrical Engineering Building
- Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Residence
- Engineering Building
- Engineering Library
- Enterprise Building #1
- Enterprise Building #2
- Ethel Singer Hall: see Singer Hall
- Facilities Management
- Family Violence Research Centre (FVRC): see Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (MMFC)
- F.J. Toole Hall: see Toole Hall
- Forestry Building (I.U.C.)
- Forestry and Geology Building
- Forest Biology Laboratory: see Enterprise Building #1
- Geology Annex: see Institute of Bio-Engineering
- Gerald V. La Forest Law Library: see Law Library
- Gillin Hall
- Grad House: see Alden Nowlan House
- Greenhouse
- Gymnasium: see Electrical Engineering Building
- Harriet Irving Library
- Harrison House
- Head Hall
- Herbarium: see Connell Memorial Herbarium
- Huts
- Ice House: see McCord Hall
- Incutech Complex: see Enterprise Building
- Information Security Centre of Excellence
- Institute of Biomedical Engineering
- Integrated University Complex
- John Burden Schoolhouse: see Burden Schoolhouse
- Jones House
- Joy Kidd House
- Katherine MacLaggan Hall: see MacLaggan Hall
- Keirstead Hall
- Kinesiology Building
- Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium
- Lady Beaverbrook Residence
- Lady Dunn Hall
- Law Library
- Law School: see Law Building
- Library: see College Library (1842-1929); Bonar Law-Bennett Library (1929-1967); and Harriet Irving Library (after 1967)
- Loring Bailey Hall: see Bailey Hall
- Law Building
- M. Patrick Gillin Hall: see Gillin Hall
- MacKenzie House
- MacKenzie Research Wing
- MacLaggan Hall
- Magee House
- Maggie Jean Chestnut House
- Marshall d'Avray Hall
- Mary K. Tibbits House
- McConnell Hall
- McCord Hall
- McLeod House
- Memorial Hall
- Memorial Student Centre: see Alumni Memorial Building
- Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (MMFC)
- Murray House
- Muskeg Research Institute: see Annex A
- Neill House
- Neville Homestead
- Neville House
- NRC Institute for Information Technology - e-Business
- Nursing School: see MacLaggan Hall
- Observatory
- Old Arts Building
- Old Math Building: see Annex D
- Old Nursing School: see Annex C
- Oxford Cottage
- Physics and Administration Building: see also Integrated University Complex
- Physical Plant: see Facilities Management
- Pre-School Centre
- President's Residence
- Provincial Archives of New Brunswick: see Bonar Law-Bennett Library
- Psychology Building: see Keirstead Hall
- Renaissance College: see Maggie Jean Chestnut House
- Residence Administration
- Richard J. Currie Center: see Currie Center
- R.N. Scott Hall
- Rosary Hall
- Science and Engineering Building: see Engineering Building
- Science and Forestry Library: see also Integrated University Complex
- Security Building: see Annex B
- Singer Hall
- Sir Edmund Head Hall: see Head Hall
- Sir Howard Douglas Hall: see Old Arts Building
- Sir Leonard Tilley Hall: see Tilley Hall
- Somerville House
- South Gym
- Student Centre: see Alumni Memorial Building pre-1968; and Student Union Building post 1968
- Student Union Building
- Teachers' College: see Marshall d'Avray Hall
- Thomas Carleton Hall: see Carleton Hall
- Tibbits Hall
- Tilley Hall
- Toole Hall
- Tweedale Centre
- Wilfred Keirstead Hall: see Keirstead Hall
- William Brydone Jack Observatory: see Observatory
- Windsor Castle: see Alden Nowlan House
- Wu Conference Centre
UNBSJ Buildings
- Barry and Flora Beckett Residence
- Beaverbrook House
- G. Forbes Elliot Athletics Centre
- Ganong Hall: see William Ganong Hall
- Grand Hall
- Hans W. Klohn Commons
- Hazen Hall: see Sir Douglas Hazen Hall
- Irving Hall: see K.C. Irving Hall
- Modern Languages Centre: see Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick
- Oland Hall: see Philip W. Oland Hall
- Saint John College: see Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick
- Sir Douglas Hazen Hall
- Sir James Dunn Residence
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