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UNB Libraries’ Research Toolkit

This news post is more than one year old. Some information may have changed.


A self-paced, interactive set of modules for learning the basics of library use and academic research. Housed in D2L Brightspace, the Toolkit introduces students to library services and the academic research process at UNB.

Find it in the ‘Free Course Registration’ section in D2L - under 'Libraries' Research Toolkit'.

•  UNB Libraries’ services, including course reserves and document delivery
•  UNB WorldCat, including finding e-books
•  Research Guides, including discipline-specific databases and other e-resources
•  Academic research vocabulary, including peer review
•  Academic publication cycle from idea to published findings
•  Research tools, including how to choose the most effective ones
•  Academic integrity, including the mechanics of citing and paraphrasing
•  Strategies for shaping research topics and evaluating sources
Searching UNB Libraries’ databases
•  Keywords, phrase searching, and synonyms
•  Boolean operators
•  Subject headings
•  Citation management via Zotero


Benefits for Instructors: Benefits for Students:
• incorporate content relevant to course requirements
• assign modules for course marks
• focus on subject specific instruction with your librarian
• learn effective use of UNB Libraries’ resources
• recognize markers of quality for academic sources
• discover library services


For more information contact us:
(506) 453-3546