Struggling to explain what you are doing in grad school? What if you could show people instead?
Visual representations of research done in the field, in labs, in clinics, and in archives offer a window into the work of university researchers. We use data visualization of all kinds to quickly convey the essence of complex ideas and we do it across disciplines in presentations, posters, professional websites, or even in pitches to donors. Images help us reach out and connect to those inside and outside the university community.
The School of Graduate Studies and the Harriet Irving Library Research Commons are launching the third annual Images of Research challenge
Students are invited to enter a single still image: perhaps a snapshot, a collage, or an art piece. It could be an image in its original form or modified in creative ways. Add a clever title and a thoughtful 200-word description. Show us what graduate research at UNB looks like!
There will be six winners chosen.
The first-place winners will receive $500, 2nd place $300, and 3rd place $200.
There will also be two honourable mentions and an audience's choice award - each receiving $150.
Challenge opens February 3rd and closes February 28th.
Submit your entry