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First Nations' Materials in Archives & Special Collections Guide Ask Us

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Introduction & Overview

Introduction to Guide to First Nations' Materials held in Archives & Special Collections:

UNB Archives & Special Collections recognizes the traditional names of New Brunswick's Indigenous Peoples, but in some cases older terms are used for research purposes, or the title of a publication uses the older term.

The current online iteration of such a guide owes a great debt to work done previously by Shauna Clark under the direction of Linda Baier.

The Guide to Micmac-Maliseet Holdings in Archives & Special Collections, Harriet Irving Library, done in 1996 noted that given "...a noticeable growth of interest in native studies in recent years, materials relevant to the study of Micmac and Maliseet cultures have been increasingly in demand." In identifying relevant books and archival materials, like its predecessor, this online guide "is designed to acquaint the researcher with the range of information available and draw attention to specific items which might otherwise remain undetected because of their location within other bodies of material." (cf: link to guide)

Overview of the UNB Archives & Special Collections Department:

  • collects, preserves and administers the records of, and papers related to, the University of New Brunswick and its predecessors and affiliates, to foster an understanding of our past, ensuring also the availability of these materials for administrative, legal and research purposes
  • acquires, preserves and makes accessible private, historical and literary papers, books, pamphlets and periodicals relating to New Brunswick in particular, and the Maritime Provinces in general

All members of the university community as well as those outside the university are welcome to use the resources and services of the department. Most material held in the UNB Archives and in Special Collections can be found via online databases such as WorldCat or The Gateway. 

Some material is accessible in digital format from these and other sources. However, given the nature of such material, an on-site visit may be required to make the best use of it as this material does not circulate. While some special collection books can be retrieved on request at the public service desk, use of all archival manuscript material is by appointment only.

During the academic year, from September to April, materials are retrieved for use, Monday to Friday 10 am until noon and 1 to 4 pm. Please consult the departmental web page for summer hours.

Appointments may be arranged by telephone at 506-453-4748 or by filling in the Appointment Request form.

Archival research takes time. To better prepare for a visit, please review departmental hours and policies and procedures covered in our FAQ.

Additional information can be found in the downloadable Introduction to Archives & Special Collections as either a pdf file or a powerpoint slide presentation.

How Archives & Special Collections differs from the rest of the library:

Where materials acquired elsewhere in the library are published and can be duplicated or replaced, all the materials held by this department are rare or unique and irreplaceable. By their very nature these materials are fragile and vulnerable to damage  simply through being handled. If these items are lost, stolen or irreparably damaged, the information contained therein is lost forever. 

Because of this, Archives & Special Collections departments have use and security procedures which differ from those of other library departments. The material can not be browsed on stacks. It must be retrieved by staff and consulted in a supervised reading room, ensuring a balance between preservation and access. 

Subject Specialties:

Last modified on February 25, 2025 09:23