Epjila’si, Kulahsihkulpa, Welcome!
We respectfully acknowledge that UNB is on the unsurrendered and unceded traditional lands of the Wolastoqiyik peoples. Beginning in 1725, the Peace and Friendship Treaties established Mi'kmaq and Wolastoqiyik title over these lands, and provided rules for ongoing relations between nations. We are all treaty people.
This subject guide is intended to be a portal into First Nations collections available onsite and online through UNB Libraries while also providing a curated list of local, regional, and national resources that contribute to the study and understanding of issues that have been identified by First Nations as important. We are grateful for the guidance of UNB's Mi'kmaq-Wolatoqey Centre in the ongoing development of services, spaces, and collections.
- UNB Libraries Guide to Indigenous Research Data Management
- Integration of Indigenous Culture, Knowledge, and Traditions — A guide for understanding New Brunswick Archives and Indigenous History in New Brunswick, Canada / Leanne Hudson (Provincial Archives of New Brunswick)
- Antistasis Vol 9, No 1 (2019): Ntokehkikem, Ntokihkims - I Teach, I Learn: Transformative Indigenous Practice in Education (UNB Faculty of Education e-journal)
- Applying indigenous research methods : storying with peoples and communities (eBook)
- Canada's residential schools : the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (5 volumes, available in print at various locations)
- Indigenous peoples atlas of Canada (4 volumes, available in print at various locations)
- Reclaiming power and place : executive summary of the final report / National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.(Privy Council Office, Government of Canada)
Notable on the Web
- Contested Terrain: Aboriginal Land Petitions in New Brunswick, 1786-1878
- Indigenous Studies Portal
- Sister Dorothy Moore L’nu Resource Centre at Cape Breton University
- Native Council of Nova Scotia
- New Brunswick Indigenous Affairs
- New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources
- Wabanaki collection
- Wolastoqey Nation in New Brunswick