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Psychology Guides

Top Article & Research Databases

Use article databases to find articles, reviews, book chapters, etc.

  • PsycINFO (American Psychological Association; APA - EBSCO)
    PsycINFO is an abstracting and indexing database of more than 2000 journals (approximately 3.3 million records) devoted to peer-reviewed literature (journals, books and dissertations) in the behavioural sciences and mental health.
    Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1887-Current
  • PsychiatryOnline
    PsychiatryOnline is a website that features DSM-V and The American Journal of Psychiatry as the cornerstones of a collection of psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools. Much more than individual titles, PsychiatryOnline features sophisticated searching and indexing tools that enable users to quickly target all the information needed.Previous editions of DSM are included here for reference and archival purposes. Each edition is provided in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF).Editions included as of January 2014:

    EMBASE is a major biomedical and pharmaceutical database indexing international journals in the following fields: drug research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, and biomedical engineering/instrumentation.

    Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1947-Current
  • Scopus
    Scopus, a multidisciplinary online resource, will be invaluable to students and faculty in various fields of study within the sciences, health sciences and the social sciences. Scopus offers full-text linking, abstracting-and-indexing information including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources.
  • Web of science core collection
    Web of Science Core Collection provides access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and conference proceedings. Includes current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.
    Subscribed multi-user unlimited access
  • Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI : EBSCO)
    Health and Psychosocial Instruments is a bibliographic database with abstracts produced by Behavioral Measurement Database Services (BMDS). It is used to find citations to and information about information-gathering tools for clinicians, such as questionnaires, interview schedules, tests, checklists, rating and other scales, coding schemes, and projective techniques. Over 2/3 of the tools are in medical and nursing areas such pain measurement, quality of life assessment, and drug efficacy evaluation.The database contains citations to actual test documents that copyright holders authorize BMDS to make available; bibliographic citations to journal articles which contain information about specific test instruments; and a catalog of commercial test publishers and their available instruments.
    Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1985-Current
  • PsycTESTS (American Psychological Association; APA - EBSCO)
    PsycTESTS®, produced by the American Psychological Association (APA), serves as a repository for a growing selection of psychological tests and measures, including thousands of actual test instruments and test items that are available for immediate download and use in research and teaching.International in scope, PsycTESTS also provides access to an increasing number of tests that are available in languages other than English. PsycTESTS is an authoritative source of structured information about tests of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work. While focused on contemporary instances of test use, coverage spans more than a century.
    Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1910-Current
  • INFORMIT Indigenous Collection
    With a broad range of international Indigenous research resources brought together, the Informit Indigenous Collection offers a variety of content on both historical and topical issues within Indigenous studies. Readily available, the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary framework encompasses anthropology, community development, cultural studies, economics, education, health, history, human geography, law and land rights, literature, politics and policymaking, (post)colonial studies, psychology, race studies, sociology and visual and performing arts.The Informit Indigenous Collection gives access to emergent and ground breaking research within the global community offering scope for critical international engagement and debate. With material from Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, North America and The Pacific which normally is not easily located in standard recourses, IIC is a platform for Indigenous worldviews.


(Showing 8 of 19 resources | View All Results)

Top Reference Materials

Find dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and other materials

  • DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a classification of mental disorders with associated criteria designed to facilitate more reliable diagnoses of these disorders. With successive editions over the past 60 years, it has become a standard reference for clinical practice in the mental health field.
  • A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)
    "Written by a leading authority, with the assistance of a distinguished team of advisory editors, this comprehensive dictionary is essential reading for professional psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, and students of psychology and related disciplines such as nursing, sociology, social work, and education. There is comprehensive coverage of phobias and phobic stimuli and mental disorders."
    Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
  • Oxford Reference
    Multi-part database of the online versions of Oxford University Press texts. Each topical division contains the searchable version of the latest edition of published dictionaries and encyclopedias. Additionally, information about Oxford University Press is provided. Online texts will be updated after new editions of the print monographs are published.Covers the humanities and social sciences.
    Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
  • International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (2nd Ed.)
    Fully revised and updated, the second edition of the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, first published in 2001, offers a source of social and behavioral sciences reference material that is broader and deeper than any other. Available in both print and online editions, it comprises over 3,900 articles, commissioned by 71 Section Editors, and includes 90,000 bibliographic references as well as comprehensive name and subject indexes.

    UNB has online access to the 2001 edition as well as owning print volumes of the earlier edition.
  • Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online
    Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online "is a vast new online library giving instant access to the most authoritative and up-to-date scholarship across the humanities and social sciences. With more than 350 reference volumes to be published in Blackwell Reference Online by the end of 2008, it is the largest academic reference collection available online and includes the critically-acclaimed Blackwell Companions and Handbooks, major reference works such as the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management and the Companion to Syntax, and a whole host of other valuable reference materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias and concise companions."
  • UpToDate
    UpToDate is a website and app-based tool that provides quick access to information about diagnosis, clinical practice, and point of care information. UpToDate draws reliable information from many clinical sources and presents it in an easy to read format that supports learning and practice in medical fields.


(Showing 6 of 14 resources | View All Results)

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