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Films in UNB WorldCat

  • Go to
  • Search UNB WorldCat for films by title, author (i.e., director), or subject/keyword(s).
  • Limit "Format" in the left hand column of search results to available "Video" options (eVideo, DVD, VHS, etc.).

Streaming film databases

Films on Demand: Includes 5,500+ educational titles and over 60,000 video segments licensed for use in Canada, covering a broad range of subjects including business, social sciences, education, health and medicine, humanities, sciences, and guidance and including archival films and newsreels.

Kanopy: Provides access to over 7,000 films covering a broad range of subjects courtesy of distributors such as the Criterion Collection, First Run Features, Green Planet Films, BBCActive, and many others.
Note: Starting June 1, 2019, UNB Libraries’ access to Kanopy online streaming will be shifted from automatic purchase of titles (receiving four plays or more) to mediated purchases requiring a prior patron request.

Theatre in Video: Contains more than 250 definitive performances of the world's leading plays, together with more than 100 film documentaries, online in streaming video - more than 500 hours in all.

NFB Campus: Provides streaming video access to considerable current and archival content from the National Film Board of Canada.

Last modified on September 13, 2022 10:56