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Button Maker Guide Ask Us

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Button Design

Welcome to the Button Maker Guide!

The Button Maker is a quick and easy machine that lets you create your own circular, 2 inch button with any image. 

Button Design

You can download our Fabrication Lab Button Template.pdf to ensure your design is the correct size. You can then design your button using various images and overlay them on the template (this can be done in Canva, PowerPoint, Photoshop, and more). Once your design is laid out correctly, you can print your buttons and bring them to the Fabrication Lab. 

Another option is to print the template directly and then write or draw on the template. 

Visit our next section on "Button Assembly" to see what to do next. 

An image of the Fabrication Lab Button Maker, with example buttons for reference.


Last modified on August 3, 2023 10:30