Key Resources
Saint John Human Development Council See both the Research and Information tabs
Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative Poverty Studies and other Reports
New Brunswick Health Council 2022 Population Health Profiles | Infographics | All Reports
Living SJ: A synthesized report on community issues in Greater Saint John, New Brunswick (2014)
Living SJ: Report to our Community, Spring 2018
Living SJ: Poverty 101 (2018)
Horizon Health Network Community Health Needs Assessment Reports, varying dates
211 New Brunswick Find Community, Government, and Social Services in your area
New Brunswick Government
[Tip: Look for "Publications" and "Resources" links on NB Government pages]
Government Departments, including Social Development; Health; Women's Equality; etc.
Legislature, including Child and Youth Advocate; etc.
Corporations, Agencies, Boards and Commissions, including Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation; New Brunswick Human Rights Commission; etc.
Statistics Canada
- Census Profile, 2021: Saint John [Census Metropolitan Area] | Saint John [City]
- Subjects
- Data (tables) [Help video]
- Analysis (reports about the data)
- The Daily (press releases)
Statista is a database that presents statistics from a variety of sources. Statista includes data visualizations for many topics.
Other Useful Resources
The Homeless Hub Community profiles for New Brunswick cities, including Saint John (with additional links to other reports/data)