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Article Databases

  • Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCO)
    Criminal Justice Abstracts is a comprehensive database which indexes and provides summaries of international journal articles, as well as books, dissertations, and reports on virtually any topic in criminal justice.
    Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1968-present
  • Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest)
    Sociological Abstracts "covers the world's literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behaviorial sciences."
  • SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO)
    SocINDEX with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive and highest-quality sociology research database. Its extensive scope and content provide users with a wealth of extremely useful information encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study. The database features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. SocINDEX with Full Text contains full text for 890 journals dating back to 1908. This database also includes full text for more than 850 books and monographs, and full text for over 16,800 conference papers.
    Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1908-Current
  • PsycINFO (American Psychological Association; APA - EBSCO)
    PsycINFO is an abstracting and indexing database of more than 2000 journals (approximately 3.3 million records) devoted to peer-reviewed literature (journals, books and dissertations) in the behavioural sciences and mental health.
    Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1887-Current
  • LegalTrac
    Provides references to articles in major law reviews, legal newspapers, bar association journals, and international (including English-language and French-language Canadian) legal journals. Also includes references to selected law-related articles from business and general interest publications.
    LegalTrac also provides access to over 100 full-text journals covering the aforementioned fields of study.
  • Violence & Abuse Abstracts (EBSCO)
    Violence & Abuse Abstracts publishes 1,200 abstracts annually plus and extended bibliography of recent literature on all types of interpersonal violence, including sexual, physical and psychological child abuse, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and harassment, hate crimes, workplace violence, gang violence, elder abuse and neglect. Each abstract is categorized into one of four distinct sections: medical, legal, psychological and social.
  • Bepress legal repository
    A growing collection of working papers and presentations emanating mainly from American law school faculty and graduate students. The papers cover all areas of the law, but the emphasis is on law and economics, legal theory, and public law and policy.
  • Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
    Academic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary resource that "provides journal coverage for most academic areas of studies."
    Permitted Use | eResources record | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | Full text: 1990 - present. I
  • HeinOnline
    HeinOnline is a comprehensive database of U.S. and international law journals, treatises, yearbooks, reports, cases, treaties, and other legal information resources. Organized into collections called “libraries,” all documents are image-based, full-text searchable PDFs. Most of HeinOnline’s libraries are searchable by citation.
  • Wiley Online Library
    Wiley Online Library hosts the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to over 4 million articles from 1500 journals. UNB also subscribes to select eBook titles.
  • ProQuest political science
    ProQuest Political Science gives users access to hundreds of leading political science and international relations journals, providing full-text of many core titles indexed in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. In addition, over a thousand recent full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics are included, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country profiles, political news and other sources.

    ProQuest Political Science covers the literature of political science and international relations, including such topics as comparative politics, political economy, international development, environmental policy, and hundreds of related topics.
  • Google scholar
    Google Scholar searches a subset of the Web that Google has classified as "scholarly literature". They do not publish a list of chosen sites, and they do not state how often sites are checked. Some important sources are not covered at all. Thus, Google Scholar alone should not be relied on for comprehensive research.
  • Women's Studies International (EBSCO)
    Covers the core disciplines in Women's/Gender Studies, including history, sociology, political science, public policy, international relations, humanities, business and education. ALso relevant to family violence research,nursing and other disciplines. Contains Women's Studies Abstracts, Women's Studies Bibliography Database and Women's Studies Librarian.
    Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1972-Current
  • Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA) Complete (ProQuest)
    Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA) Complete is the nation's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic full-text reference and current events database. Available through the ProQuest Web interface, CBCA Complete combines full text and indexed content from all four CBCA database subsets (Business, Current Events, Education, and Reference). Subject coverage is comprehensive and information is available from the broadest range of Canadian sources anywhere.
    Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access


Last modified on February 15, 2022 11:25