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Open Resources for Entrepreneurship

The open resources included in this guide are either freely available or open access. There are some resources that have free information with additional information behind a paywall. Other resources are open access which refers to free, unrestricted online access to research outputs such as journals, books or databases.

Open resources can be helpful to entrepreneurs that may not have access to expensive market research databases or for entrepreneurs that struggle to find information using library resources. They can help you learn about competitors, understand your market, and keeping on top of emerging trends.

The open resources listed in this guide are considered secondary research which is a compilation of existing data that has been collected and analyzed. This information is communicated in a variety of formats including government statistics, newspaper articles, an industry report, and a wide variety of additional sources. Staying up to date on this information will keep you informed of new trends in the market, disruptive technologies, and help you stay aware of what your competitors are working on.

Secondary research can help you find answers to just some of the following questions:

  • What is the size of my market?
  • Who are my competitors?
  • Which market is best suited for my product or service?
  • What are the emerging trends in an industry?

Use the tabs above to find Canadian, United States, and Global open access resources. 

Last modified on July 11, 2024 11:01