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HIST:4013: The Holocaust: Victims, Perpetrators, Bystanders (FR) Guide Ask Us

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When researching a new topic it is often necessary to get an overview, explanations of unfamiliar terms, or brief factual information. The print and electronic resources listed below include dictionaries, encyclopaedias, handbooks, and bibliographies for the field of Holocaust history.

  • Antisemitism : a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution [HIL-REF DS146 .E8 A58 2005 ]

    The word "antisemite" was first used to describe a politically motivated enemy of the Jews in 1879. The subject of antisemitism has often been focused on the Holocaust; however, current events and history have much to add to this discussion. For example, in 1995 a Japanese pseudo-Buddhist religious cult, imagining itself to be under attack by Jews, released sarin gas on the Tokyo subway, killing 12. From 1881 to 1900 there were 128 public accusations of Jewish "ritual murder" allegedly involving the killing of Christian children to use their blood for religious purposes. Entries in this encyclopedia span the period from ancient Egypt to the modern era. Key theoreticians of Jew-hatred and their written works, its permeation of Christianity and modern Islam, and its political, artistic, and economic manifestations are covered. This is the first comprehensive work that deals with the entire history of ideas and practices that engendered the Holocaust. 

  • Behind Barbed Wire : An Encyclopedia of Concentration and Prisoner-Of-War Camps [HIL-REF UB800 .B45 2019]

    Preface -- A-Z Entries -- Abu Ghraib -- Afghanistan -- American Civil War (1861-1865) -- American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) -- Andersonville Prison -- Apache Wars (1861-1886) -- Arbeitslager -- Argentina -- Armenian Genocide -- Auschwitz -- Australia -- Babdaber Revold (1985) -- Bagram Air Base -- Banjica Concentration Camp -- Bataan Death March (1942) -- Batu Lintang Camp -- Belene Camp -- Belomorkanal -- Belzec -- Bergen-Belsen -- Berger, Gottlob (1896-1975) -- Beria, Lavrenty (1899-1953) -- Berman, Matvei (1898-1939) -- Bicycle Camp -- Birkenau -- Bloemfontein Concentration Camp -- Boer War (1899-1902) -- Bosnian War -- Brandstrom, Elsa (1888-1948) -- Britain -- British Army Aid Group -- Brussels, Declaration of (1874) -- Buchenwald -- Bulgaria, Internment and Laboar Camps -- Bullet Decree (1944) -- Burma-Thailand Railway -- Bushell, roger Joyce (1910-1944) -- Butovo Firing Range -- Bykivnia Mass Grave Site -- Cabanatuan -- Cabrera -- Cambodian Killing Fields -- Camp Bucca -- Camp Chase -- Camp Douglas -- Camp Ford -- Camp O'Donnell -- Camp -- Canada -- Cavell, Edith Louisa (1865-1915) -- Celebici Camp -- Central Agency for Prisoners of War -- Changi -- Chelmno -- Chieti -- Chili -- China -- Choeung Ek -- Colditz -- Concentration Camps -- Confederate States of America -- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment -- Cowra Incident -- Dachau -- Dartmoor Massacre (1815) -- Davao Prison and Penal Farm -- Death Camps -- Defence Regulation 18B -- Deir ez Zor -- Denmark -- Dmitrovlag/Dmitlag -- Dora-Mittelbau -- Drancy -- Dulag Luft -- Eichmann, Adolf (1906-1962) -- Eichmans, Fyodor (1897-1938) -- Elmira Prison (New York) -- Engerau Trials (1945-1954) -- Extermination Centers -- Far East, British Military Trials -- Featherston Camp (New Zealand) -- Filtration Camps in Chechnya -- Finland -- Flick Case (1947) -- Flossenburg -- Foca Camp -- Fort Cass -- Fossoli di Carpi -- France -- Franz, Kurt (1914-1998) -- French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era -- Gas Chambers -- Geneva Convention Protocol I (1977) -- Geneva Convention Relating to Prisoners of War (1929) -- Germany -- Gestapo -- Gospic -- Great Escape -- Gross-Rosen -- Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp -- Gulag -- Heim, Aribert (1914-1992) -- Herero Genocide, Concentration Camps and -- Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) -- Hoa Lo Prison (Hanoi Hilton) -- Hoess, Rudolf (1900-1947) -- Holocaust, The -- Holzminden -- HOMECOMING, Operation (1973) -- I.G. Farben Case (1947) -- Indian Removal Act (1830) -- Internment of Japanese Americans -- J.A. Topf & Sohne -- Jadovno Concentration Camp -- Japan -- Jasenovac -- Kang Kek Iew (1942-) -- Kapos -- Katyn Forest Massacre (1943) -- Kim II Sung (1912-1994) -- Kinderblock 66 -- Koch Trial (1951) -- Kogan, Lazar (1889-1939) -- Koje-Do Incident (1952) -- Korean War -- Krakow-Plaszow -- Kramer, Josef (1906-1945) -- Krupp Case (1948) -- Lamsdorf -- Libby Prison -- Lieber Code -- Los Banos -- Majdanek -- Manjaca -- Mao Zedong (1893-1976) -- Maschke Commission -- Mauthausen-gusen -- Medical Experimentation during World War II -- Mengele, Josef (1911-1979) -- Monowitz -- Natzweiler-Struthof -- Neuengamme -- Niederhagen -- NKVD -- Norman Cross -- North Korea -- Nuremberg Trials (1945-1946) -- Oberheuser, Herta (1911-1978) -- Okahandja -- Omarska -- Palawan Massacre (1944) -- Persian Gulf War (1991) -- Pliner, Izrail -- Pohl, Oswald (1892-1951) -- Pul-i Charkhi (Pul-E-Charkhi) -- Qala-i-Jangi Revolt (2001) -- Rab -- Rape Camps, Former Yugoslavia -- Ravensbruck -- Rheinwiesenlager (1945) -- Ruhleben -- Sachsenhausen -- Sajmiste -- Salaspils -- Salisbury Prison (North Carolina) -- Sandakan Death Marches -- Sandarmokh -- Sarposa -- Selarang Barracks Incident (1942) -- Seminole Wars -- Serpantinka -- Sevvostlog -- Shark Island -- Sisak -- Slave Labor (World War II) -- Sobibor -- Solovki Special Camp -- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr (1918-2008) -- Sonderaktion 1005 -- Sonderkommando -- Soviet Union, POW Camps (1941-1956) -- Spanish-American War (1898) -- Srebrenica Massacre -- Sremska Mitrovica -- Sri Lanka -- SS-Totenkopfverbande -- Stajicevo -- Stalag -- Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953) -- Stangl, Franz (1908 -- 1971) -- Stutthof -- Swakopmund -- Sweden -- Switzerlant -- Theresienstadt -- Torrens Island -- Trail of Tears (1838) -- Trawniki Men -- Treblinka -- Trostinets -- Tuchola Camp -- Tuol Sleng Prison -- Unit 731 -- U.S. POW Camps (1861-1865) -- U.S. POW Camps (1941-1948) -- Ustase -- Vaivara -- Vietnam War (1964-1973) -- Vorkuta Camps -- Vught -- Westerbork -- windhoek -- Wirth, Chrisitan (1885-1944) -- World War I Prisoners of War -- World War II Prisoners of War -- Yokohama Trials (1946-1951) -- Yugoslavia -- Zamperini, Louis (1917-2014) -- Zyklon B Case (1946) -- Primary Documents

  • Columbia Guide to the Holocaust [HIL-REF D804.3 .N54 2000 ]

    Offers a general history of the Holocaust and addresses many of the core issues and debates surrounding it. Part 1. Historical overview -- Part 2. Problems and interpretations. Defining the Holocaust -- Roots of the Holocaust -- How the "Final Solution" came about -- The perpetrators and their motivations -- The victims' reactions to persecution -- The behavior of bystanders -- The question of rescue -- The lasting effect of the Holocaust -- Part 3. Chronology -- Part 4. Encyclopedia -- Part 5. Resources.

  • A Companion to Europe 1900–1945
    see also [HIL-STACKS D424 .C66 2006]

    This Companion to Europe 1900-1945 brings together a distinguished group of international scholars to discuss the major debates in the study of early twentieth-century Europe. The volume outlines the great political and social upheavals of the period and great changes in culture and the economy. Topics include imperial rivalries, the devastation of the First World War, the challenges of recovery, the rise of fascism and communism, and the horrors of World War II and the Holocaust. It offers helpful introductions to these tumultuous developments, provides an overview of current scholarly thinking, and illuminates perennial themes as well as new areas of inquiry.

  • Companion to the Holocaust

    How we label things determines in part how we understand them. There is no name for the mass murder of European Jews in the 1940s that is not also simultaneously an interpretation. Final Solution, Holocaust, Shoah, Genocide: each of these implies a certain analysis of what happened and why. Thus the changing (and contested) names attached to the mass murder of European Jewry over the past seventy years also suggest shifts over time in how the event has been interpreted. Similarly, these names reflect a series of debates among historians about how best to analyze the destruction of Europe's Jews. Some of these debates have been more or less resolved, but many persist and seem likely to continue for the foreseeable future. It can thus hardly be the goal of this chapter to resolve these debates or to offer a definitive interpretation of the mass murder. Rather, I want to trace, in broad terms, the trajectory of Holocaust historiography from the first Jewish histories of the Holocaust to today in order to give a sense of where the historiography stands now and how it got here.

  • Dictionary of genocide [HIL-REF HV6322.7 .T68 2008 ]

    Presents two volumes on human genocide in alphabetical sequence focusing on named individuals and groups such as "Babi Yar," Rwanda, the Holocaust in Europe, and in the killing fields of Cambodia. Discusses genocidal rape such as in Darfur, Africa. and attempts by the United Nations to solve the problem which has not been effective.

  • Encyclopedia of genocide and crimes against humanity
    This encyclopedia contains approximately 350 articles that explain the issues behind crimes against humanity as they relate to individual countries and the world at large. It traces the history of events that qualify as genocide and crimes against humanity, profiles perpetrators and heroes, and explains international laws and legal proceedings aimed at ending genocide and crimes against humanity. Electronic version of the three-volume Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity edited by Dinah Shelton and first published in print by Macmillan Reference in 2005.
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  • Dictionary of the Holocaust : Biography, Geography, and Terminology
    see also [HIL-REF D804.25 .E67 1997]

    The nearly 2,000 alphabetically arranged entries cover people, places and events related to the Holocaust. 'Among the personalities profiled here are Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Anne Frank, Primo Levi, Oskar Schindler, Harry S. Truman, and Elie Wiesel. Place entries include references to well-known locations, the number of prewar Jewish inhabitants, the date of liberation, and the number of Jews left after liberation. Entries dealing with concentration camps are generally the longest and identify camps by location, type, when opened and liberated, nationalities incarcerated, numbers murdered, other victimization, and camp commandants. Among the terms that are defined are many foreign expressions.

  • Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and during the Holocaust [HIL-REF: DS135 .E8 E45 2001 (v. 1 - 3)]

    This three-volume encyclopedia, abridged from a 30-volume set in Hebrew and with a foreword by Elie Wiesel, chronicles Jewish life before and during the Holocaust. Arranged alphabetically by town, thousands of entries explore centuries of Jewish life. Some entries, particularly for large cities, provide information on Jewish residents as early as the Middle Ages and discuss the fate of Jews during the Black Death persecutions (1348-1349) and various pogroms from the 17th to 20th centuries. Each entry provides information on the town's Jewish inhabitants on the eve of German occupation, gives the dates of Jewish roundups and mass executions and estimates how many Jews from that community survived the war. Includes more than 600 black-and-white photographs.

  • Genocide, a critical bibliographic review [HIL-REF HV6322.7 .G45 1988]

    [v. 1]-v. 2. edited by Israel W. Charny -- v. 3. The widening circle of genocide / edited by Israel W. Charny -- v. 4. Medical and psychological effects of concentration camps on Holocaust survivors / edited by Robert Krell and Marc I. Sherman -- v. 5. Genocide at the millennium : a critical bibliographic review / edited by Samuel Totten -- v. 6. Prevention and intervention of genocide / edited by Samuel Totten -- v. 7. Plight and fate of women during and following genocide / Samuel Totten -- v. 8. Genocide of indigenous peoples / Samuel Totten and Robert K. Hitchcock, editors -- v. 9. Impediments to the prevention and intervention of genocide / Samuel Totten, editor -- v. 10. Plight and fate of children during and following genocide / Samuel Totten, editor -- v. 11. Controversies in the field of genocide studies / Samuel Totten, Henry Theriault, and Elisa von Joeden-Forgey, editors.

  • The Historiography of the Holocaust
    see also [HWK-STACKS D804.348 .H57 2004]

    German or Nazi antisemitism? / Oded Heilbronner -- Hitler and the Third Reich / Jeremy Noakes -- Expropriation and expulsion / Frank Bajohr -- Ghettoization / Tim Cole -- War, occupation, and the Holocaust in Poland / Dieter Pohl -- Local collaboration in the Holocaust in Eastern Europe / Martin Dean -- Big business and the Third Reich : an appraisal of the historical arguments / Christopher Kobrak and Andrea H. Schneider -- The decision-making process / Christopher R. Browning -- Historiography and the perpetrators of the Holocaust / Jürgen Matthäus -- The topography of genocide / Andrew Charlesworth -- Britain, the United States, and the Holocaust : in search of a historiography / Tony Kushner -- The Holocaust and the Soviet Union / John Klier -- The German churches and the Holocaust / Robert P. Erickson and Susannah Heschel -- Jewish leadership in extremis / Dan Michman -- Jewish resistance / Robert Rozett -- Gender and the family / Lisa Pine -- Romanies and the Holocaust : a re-evaluation and overview / Ian Hancock -- From Streicher to Sawoniuk : the Holocaust in the courtroom / Donald Bloxham -- The Holocaust under Communism / Thomas C. Fox -- Antisemitism and Holocaust denial in post-Communist Eastern Europe / Florin Lobont -- Post-Holocaust philosophy / Josh Cohen -- Testimony and representation / Zoë Waxman -- Memory, memorials, and museums / Dan Stone -- The Holocaust and genocide / A. Dirk Moses.

  • Holocaust Encyclopedia [HIL-REF D804.25 .H66 2001 ]

    Alphabetically arranged entries in 'Laqueur's encyclopedia provides fresh and lengthy articles on such topics as antisemitism, historiography, Jewish women, memorials, and resistance, just to brush the surface.

  • Oxford bibliographies. Jewish studies

    Oxford Bibliographies Jewish Studies offers carefully selected articles that break down subject areas into their component parts and pithy annotations that summarize the main contribution of each citation. The field of Jewish studies is broad and interdisciplinary, encompassing history, religion, philosophy, literature, sociology and political science. Its chronological and geographical range is immense, stretching from the Bible to the present and including communities from the Americas to Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, South and East Asia, and Africa.

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  • Oxford bibliographies. Military history
    Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on military history. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. Contains a "My OBO" function that allows users to create personalized bibliographies of individual citations from different bibliographies.
    Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
  • Remembering for the future : the Holocaust in an age of genocide [HIL-REF D804.18 .R46 2001 ]

    Focused on 'The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide', Remembering for the Future brings together the work of nearly 200 scholars from more than 30 countries and features cutting-edge scholarship across a range of disciplines, amounting to the most extensive and powerful reassessment of the Holocaust ever undertaken.

To find additional background materials, check UNB WorldCat (the library catalogue) or our Reference Materials database. 

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Last modified on May 10, 2024 10:20