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HIST2453 / 4453: Cold War [Hi]Stories (FR) Guide Ask Us

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Reference and Historiographic Sources

(organized chronologically)

Hogan, Michael J., ed. 1995. America in the World: The Historiography of US Foreign Relations Since 1941. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
White, J. Timothy. 2000. "Cold War Historiography: New Evidence Behind Traditional Typographies." International Social Science Review 75, (3/4): 35-46. Academic Search Premier.
Garthoff, Raymond, L. 2004. "Foreign Intelligence and the Historiography of the Cold War." Journal of Cold War Studies 6, no. 2 (Spring): 21–56.
Dockrill, Saki, and Gerald Hughes. 2006. Palgrave Advances in Cold War History. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Leffler, Melvyn P., and Odd Arne Westad, eds. 2010. The Cambridge History of the Cold War. Volume I, Origins, 1945-1962. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leffler, Melvyn P., and Odd Arne Westad, eds. 2010. The Cambridge History of the Cold War. Volume II, Crises and Détente. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leffler, Melvyn P., and Odd Arne Westad, eds. 2010. The Cambridge History of the Cold War. Volume III, Endings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Costigliola, Frank, and Michael J. Hogan, eds. 2014. America in the World: The Historiography of American Foreign Relations Since 1941. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Federico, Romero. 2014. "Cold War historiography at the crossroads." Cold War History 14, (4): 685-703.
Goedde, Petra, and Richard H. Immerman, eds. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kalinovsky, Artemy M., and Craig Daigle, eds. 2016. The Routledge Handbook of the Cold War. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

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Last modified on August 25, 2023 14:36