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e-Reference Materials

Engineering students should actively utilize reference sources to ground their academic and project work in authoritative, accurate information. Textbooks, handbooks, and databases provide essential knowledge on engineering principles and methodologies, ensuring that students' designs and analyses comply with current standards and best practices. Additionally, engaging with peer-reviewed journals and standards fosters professional and ethical engineering practices, equipping students with the skills to solve problems effectively and innovate within their field. This exposure not only enhances academic success but also prepares them for professional responsibilities after graduation, making reference materials indispensable in engineering education. UNB Libraries provide subscriptions to a variety of essential electronic reference databases and resources. For more details, please see the list below:

Key Resources

  • AccessEngineering

    A full text collection from McGraw-Hill providing access to hundreds of engineering book titles, covering 12 major areas of engineering, and more than 200 topics.

    Collection record | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access
  • CRCnetBASE - incorporated into Taylor and Francis Group eBooks
    CRCnetBASE eBooks have been incorporated into Taylor and Francis Group eBooks -- please visit the record for access and further information. Individual titles can still be found in our eBook search or UNBWorldCat, with access redirecting to the new site.
  • Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook

    The gold standard for chemical engineering information—from the fundamentals to the state of the art. This industry-standard resource, first published in 1934, has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with vital information, data, and insights. Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest technological advances and processes, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Ninth Edition, is indispensable for unsurpassed coverage of every aspect of chemical engineering.

  • CRC handbook of chemistry and physics
    CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data. The print copy of CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is the premier source not only of physical properties data but also of mathematical tables, sources of critical data, chemical nomenclature, symbols, and terminology. It has been published since 1913; and is updated and enhanced annually.
    84th edition-Current
  • OnePetro is a multi-society library that provides a simple way to search for and access a broad range of technical literature related to the oil and gas exploration and production industry. From one place, you can search and buy documents from many different professional societies, or similar organizations, that serve the oil and gas industry.
    Subscribed multi-user unlimited access
  • An Applied Guide to Process and Plant Design

    An Applied Guide to Process and Plant Design" is a guide to process plant design for both students and professional engineers. The book covers plant layout and the use of spreadsheet programmes and key drawings produced by professional engineers as aids to design; subjects which are usually learned on the job rather than in education. You will learn how to produce smarter plant design through the use of computer tools, including Excel and AutoCAD, "What If Analysis," statistical tools, and Visual Basic for more complex problems. The book also includes a wealth of selection tables, covering the key aspects of professional plant design which engineering students and early-career engineers tend to find most challenging. Professor Moran draws on over 20 years' experience in process design to create an essential foundational book ideal for those who are new to process design, compliant with both professional practice and the IChemE degree accreditation guidelines. Explains how to deliver a process design that meets both business and safety criteria. Covers plant layout and the use of spreadsheet programmes and key drawings as aids to design. Includes a comprehensive set of selection tables, covering those aspects of professional plant design which early-career designers find most challenging

  • Chemical Engineering Design : Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design

    Chemical Engineering Design, Second Edition, deals with the application of chemical engineering principles to the design of chemical processes and equipment. Revised throughout, this edition has been specifically developed for the U.S. market. It provides the latest US codes and standards, including API, ASME and ISA design codes and ANSI standards. It contains new discussions of conceptual plant design, flowsheet development, and revamp design; extended coverage of capital cost estimation, process costing, and economics; and new chapters on equipment selection, reactor design, and solids handling processes....

  • Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants : Distillation, packed towers, petroleum fractionation, gas processing and dehydration

    The Fourth Edition of Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants Volume 2 builds upon the late Ernest E. Ludwig’s classic chemical engineering process design manual. Volume Two focuses on distillation and packed towers, and presents the methods and fundamentals of plant design along with supplemental mechanical and related data, nomographs, data charts and heuristics. The Fourth Edition is significantly expanded and updated, with new topics that ensure readers can analyze problems and find practical design methods and solutions to accomplish their process design objectives. A true application-driven book, providing clarity and easy access to essential process plant data and design information Covers a complete range of basic day-to-day petrochemical operation topics Extensively revised with new material on distillation process performance; complex-mixture fractionating, gas processing, dehydration, hydrocarbon absorption and stripping; enhanced distillation types

  • Handbook of petrochemicals and processes

    Provides information on petrochemical processes and reflects important changes in the industry over the last decade. The entries for each petrochemical detail chemical reactions, competing processes, physical characteristics and properties, and transportation regulations.

  • Handbook of petrochemicals production processes

    Get all the information you need on petrochemical processes for major organic chemicals inside this industry-standard one-stop reference. Prepared by leading petrochemicals licensing firms, Handbook of Petrochemicals Production Processes, Second Edition, clearly explains the powerful techniques used to create the most economically important chemicals in the world. The book offers cutting-edge production methods along with detailed product properties. You will discover how to effectively evaluate licensable processes for new production through the comparison of technologies, environmental factors, and economics.

  • Petroleum engineering handbook

    This 2006 version of SPE's Petroleum Engineering Handbook is the result of several years of effort by technical editors, copy editors, and authors. It is designed as a handbook rather than a basic text. As such, it will be of most benefit to those with some experience in the industry who require additional information and guidance in areas outside their areas of expertise.

  • Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes

    This authoritative resource will prove essential for anyone who needs current, expertly written coverage of the latest developments in the petroleum refining process industry. This fully revised Fourth Edition is a complete compendium of licensable technologies for the refining of petroleum and production of environmentally acceptable fuels and petrochemical intermediates. It delivers in-depth coverage of today's petroleum refining technologies, methods, and best practices.

  • ASTM compass : your portal for standards, testing, learning, & more

    ASTM Compass - International Standards & Digital Library includes all 13,000 active ASTM standards (equivalent to the printed 82 volumes), the historical standards back to 1998, as well as the withdrawn and redlined version comparisons. In addition, it includes full-text access to Manuals, Monographs, Data Series, STPs (Special Technical Publications) and almost a dozen Journals dating back to the 1930s.

    Subscribed multi-user unlimited access
  • CSA Standards and Codes Online (Canadian Standards Association)
    The Canadian Standards Association is a not-for-profit standards development, membership-based association, in business, industry, government and consumers. CSA is the largest standards development organization (SDO) in Canada and is accredited in Canada and the U.S. to develop standards in a wide range of subject areas.

    UNB Libraries’ subscribes to the Complete CSA Collection package which includes over 3,000 current and historical (including IT and Telecommunications standards) and standard related documents such as handbooks, guidelines and commentaries.
  • Merck Index
    "The Merck Index is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals that contains more than 10,000 monographs. Each monograph in this authoritative reference source is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds." 15th ed.
  • McGraw-Hill dictionary of engineering

    Derived from the content of the respected McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition, each title provides thousands of definitions of words and phrases encountered in a specific discipline.

  • Rules of thumb for chemical engineers

    Explores the trends in gas treating and fractionator computer solutions analysis. This book provides engineers with hundreds of common sense techniques, shortcuts, and calculations to quickly and accurately solve day-to-day design, operations, and equipment problems. It includes practical tips, formulas, correlations, curves, charts and tables.

Product and Supplier Directories

Subject Specialties:
Engineering, Computer Science

Last modified on January 27, 2025 09:35