U.K. Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest)
- WorldCat: 60577793
U.K. Parliamentary Papers via ProQuest offers a comprehensive collection of primary sources for the 18th, 19th and 20th century, for Britain, its colonies and the wider world. Included are the following Paper Series:
- Bills and Acts 1695-2018
- Command Papers 1802-2018
- House of Commons Papers 1715-2018
- House of Lords Papers 1714-1909
- Hansard 1803-2005
- Journals 1688-1834
- Debates 1774-1805
- Histories and Proceedings 1660-1743
- Access Information:
- No specific access instructions.
- Coverage/Publication Date:
- 1801-2003/2004
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- Copyright Restrictions
- Resources are licensed to the University of New Brunswick for academic purposes ONLY. The content may not be reproduced, retransmitted, disseminated, sold, distributed, published, broadcast or circulated. Remote access restricted to members of the University of New Brunswick/St. Thomas University community.