Archives Unbound
- WorldCat: 724616888
UNB has access to 14 archives:
- 19th Century English-Language Journals of the Far East | UNBWorldCat: 794778563
- American Indian Movement and Native American Radicalism | UNBWorldCat: 551797520
- Civil War Service Reports of Union Army Generals | UNBWorldCat: 750590961
- Feminism in Cuba: Nineteenth through Twentieth Century Archival Documents | UNBWorldCat: 551797483
- German Anti-Semitic Propaganda, 1909-1941 | UNBWorldCat: 860713307
- German Folklore and Popular Culture: Das Kloster (Scheible) | UNBWorldCat: 707935863
- German Foreign Relations and Military Activities in China, 1919-1935 | UNBWorldCat: 849493401
- Homophile Movement: Papers of Donald Stewart Lucas, 1941-1976 | UNBWorldCat: 803998549
- Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council | UNBWorldCat: 822057416
- Russian Civil War and American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, 1918-20 | UNBWorldCat: 881829856
- SAFEHAVEN Reports on Nazi Looting of Occupied Countries and Assets in Neutral Countries | UNBWorldCat: 773624052
- Tiananmen Square and U.S.-China relations, 1989-1993 | UNBWorldCat: 611152344
- War of 1812: Diplomacy on the High Seas | UNBWorldCat: 793100869
- "We Were Prepared for the Possibility of Death": Freedom Riders in the South, 1961 | UNBWorldCat: 704290642
- Collection:
- UNB Libraries - eResources
- Access Information:
- No specific access instructions.
- Coverage/Publication Date:
- 2010
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- Copyright Restrictions
- Resources are licensed to the University of New Brunswick for academic purposes ONLY. The content may not be reproduced, retransmitted, disseminated, sold, distributed, published, broadcast or circulated. Remote access restricted to members of the University of New Brunswick/St. Thomas University community.