Books at JSTOR Open Access
“At This Defining Moment: Barack Obama’s Presidential Candidacy and the New Politics of Race
ISBN: 9780814752975
“At This Defining Moment: Barack Obama’s Presidential Candidacy and the New Politics of Race in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Enid Logan; NYU Press; 2011-10-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 756626520
“Frozen conflicts in Europe
ISBN: 9783847401339
“Frozen conflicts in Europe in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Verlag Barbara Budrich; 2015-11-16)
Open Access
WorldCat: 935250011
»Liquide« Urbanität und Selbstbestimmung: Stadt und Identität in der deutschsprachigen und brasilianischen Gegenwartsliteratur
»Liquide« Urbanität und Selbstbestimmung: Stadt und Identität in der deutschsprachigen und brasilianischen Gegenwartsliteratur in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Fernando Toledo; transcript Verlag; 2022-05-27)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1322125726
“MY DEAR, CLOSE AND DISTANT FRIEND: Nina Berberova’s Letters to Sergej Rittenberg : Edited and with an introduction by Magnus Ljunggren
ISBN: 9789179630584
“MY DEAR, CLOSE AND DISTANT FRIEND: Nina Berberova’s Letters to Sergej Rittenberg : Edited and with an introduction by Magnus Ljunggren in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Ljunggren, Magnus; Kriterium; 2021-03-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1258402780
“Proletarian Hegemony in the Chinese Revolution and the Canton Commune of 1927
ISBN: 9780892640232
“Proletarian Hegemony in the Chinese Revolution and the Canton Commune of 1927 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (S. Bernard Thomas; University of Michigan Press; 2020-09-23)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1237662359
»Schrift [...] fällt beim Lesen nicht ab wie Schlacke«: Die buchmediale Visualität von Walter Benjamins Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels
»Schrift [...] fällt beim Lesen nicht ab wie Schlacke«: Die buchmediale Visualität von Walter Benjamins Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Sven Schöpf; transcript Verlag; 2022-01-27)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1293248813
“Slava Ukraini!: Strategy and the Spirit of Ukrainian Resistance 2014–2023
ISBN: 9789523690943
“Slava Ukraini!: Strategy and the Spirit of Ukrainian Resistance 2014–2023 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Ilmari Käihkö; Helsinki University Press; 2023-12-06)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1412751102
“The Sting of Death and Other Stories
ISBN: 9780939512188
“The Sting of Death and Other Stories in Books at JSTOR Open Access (SHIMAO TOSHIO; University of Michigan Press; 2020-06-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1184509402
“The Turk in the Czech Imagination
ISBN: 9789004440777
“The Turk in the Czech Imagination in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Jitka Malečková; Brill; 2020-09-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1191455857
#identity: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation
ISBN: 9780472074150
#identity: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation in Books at JSTOR Open Access (De Kosnik, Abigail;Feldman, Keith; University of Michigan Press; 2019-04-23)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1077773750
‘A Mersshy Contree Called Holdernesse’: Excavations on the Route of a National Grid Pipeline in Holderness, East Yorkshire: Rural Life in the Claylands to the East of the Yorkshire Wolds, from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age and Roman Periods, and beyond
Open Access
WorldCat: 976026934
‘A world-proof life’: Eleanor Dark, a writer in her times, 1901-1985
‘A world-proof life’: Eleanor Dark, a writer in her times, 1901-1985 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Marivic Wyndham; UTS ePRESS; 2007-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1141030658
‘Am I Less British?’: Racism, belonging, and the children of refugees and immigrants in North London
ISBN: 9781787351783
‘Am I Less British?’: Racism, belonging, and the children of refugees and immigrants in North London in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Doguş Şimşek; UCL Press; 2024-02-08)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1416766526
’En Esur I: excavations at a protohistoric site in the coastal plain of Israel, vol. 31
’En Esur I: excavations at a protohistoric site in the coastal plain of Israel, vol. 31 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Eli Yannai; Israel Antiquities Authority / רשות העתיקות; 2006-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 895961662
›Fake News‹ in Literatur und Medien: Fakten und Fiktionen im interdisziplinären Diskurs
›Fake News‹ in Literatur und Medien: Fakten und Fiktionen im interdisziplinären Diskurs in Books at JSTOR Open Access (transcript Verlag; 2022-10-27)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1348483047
'Fit machen‘ für die Ausbildung: Eine Ethnografie zu Unterricht in der Berufsvorbereitung
ISBN: 9783847425014
'Fit machen‘ für die Ausbildung: Eine Ethnografie zu Unterricht in der Berufsvorbereitung in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Marc Thielen; Verlag Barbara Budrich; 2021-07-12)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1260343951
'I Succeeded Once': The Aboriginal Protectorate on the Mornington Peninsula, 1839-1840, vol. 22
ISBN: 9781921862120
'I Succeeded Once': The Aboriginal Protectorate on the Mornington Peninsula, 1839-1840, vol. 22 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Marie Hansen Fels; ANU Press; 2011-05-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 701300521
'Incidental' Ethnographers: French Catholic Missions on the Tonkin-Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930
ISBN: 9789004139961
'Incidental' Ethnographers: French Catholic Missions on the Tonkin-Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Jean Michaud; Brill; 2013-09-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 719383452
›Kleine Bischöfe‹ im Alten Reich.: Strukturelle Zwänge, Handlungsspielräume und soziale Praktiken im Wandel, vol. 58
ISBN: 9783428183265
›Kleine Bischöfe‹ im Alten Reich.: Strukturelle Zwänge, Handlungsspielräume und soziale Praktiken im Wandel, vol. 58 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Duncker and Humblot GmbH; 2021-10-13)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1311319259
›Kleine Fürsten‹ im Alten Reich.: Strukturelle Zwänge und soziale Praktiken im Wandel, vol. 59
ISBN: 9783428184279
›Kleine Fürsten‹ im Alten Reich.: Strukturelle Zwänge und soziale Praktiken im Wandel, vol. 59 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Duncker and Humblot GmbH; 2022-09-07)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1372395469
'My own sort of heaven': A life of Rosalie Gascoigne
ISBN: 9781760466558
'My own sort of heaven': A life of Rosalie Gascoigne in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Nicola Francis; ANU Press; 2024-10-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1463663424
'Now is the Psychological Moment': Earle Page and the Imagining of Australia
'Now is the Psychological Moment': Earle Page and the Imagining of Australia in Books at JSTOR Open Access (STEPHEN WILKS; ANU Press; 2020-10-12)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1198529152
'Order, Order!': A Biographical Dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives
ISBN: 9781760465759
'Order, Order!': A Biographical Dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2023-05-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1372585873
'Pataphilology: An Irreader
ISBN: 9781947447813
'Pataphilology: An Irreader in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Punctum Books; 2018-11-19)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1100490229
'The Axe Had Never Sounded': Place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania, vol. 14
ISBN: 9781921313202
'The Axe Had Never Sounded': Place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania, vol. 14 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (John Mulvaney; ANU Press; 2007-08-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 225732271
'We Are All Here to Stay': Citizenship, Sovereignty and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
'We Are All Here to Stay': Citizenship, Sovereignty and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Books at JSTOR Open Access (DOMINIC O’SULLIVAN; ANU Press; 2020-09-21)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1192995059
'We Need Two Worlds': Chinese Immigrant Associations in a Western Society
ISBN: 9789053564028
'We Need Two Worlds': Chinese Immigrant Associations in a Western Society in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Li Minghuan; Amsterdam University Press; 2014-12-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 302054373
ISBN: 9781953035707
((( in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ALESSANDRO DE FRANCESCO; Punctum Books; 2021-09-02)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1334101121
(De-)Thematisierung von Geschlecht: Rekonstruktionen bei Studierenden der Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften
ISBN: 9783863880576
(De-)Thematisierung von Geschlecht: Rekonstruktionen bei Studierenden der Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Sabine Klinger; Verlag Barbara Budrich; 2014-04-24)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1084975636
(Des)iguales y conectados: políticas, actores y dilemas info-comunicacionales en América Latina
(Des)iguales y conectados: políticas, actores y dilemas info-comunicacionales en América Latina in Books at JSTOR Open Access (CLACSO; 2021-07-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1334845179
(Post-)colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
ISBN: 9780472133161
(Post-)colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Leinius, Johanna;Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen; University of Michigan Press; 2022-02-22)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1288149265
(Re)pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis: perspectivas desde América Latina y Europa
ISBN: 9789878130125
(Re)pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis: perspectivas desde América Latina y Europa in Books at JSTOR Open Access (CLACSO; 2021-07-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1333449685
(Re-)Framing the Arab/Muslim: Mediating Orientalism in Contemporary Arab American Life Writing
ISBN: 9783837629156
(Re-)Framing the Arab/Muslim: Mediating Orientalism in Contemporary Arab American Life Writing in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Silke Schmidt; transcript Verlag; 2014-10-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 900344276
(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers
(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Brenišínová, Monika; Archaeopress; 2022-09-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1349351516
(u)Mzantsi Classics: Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa
ISBN: 9781802077469
(u)Mzantsi Classics: Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Liverpool University Press; 2022-10-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1348634519
(Un)Settling Place: Diverse and Divergent Place-Making of People on the Move, vol. 14
ISBN: 9781805398103
(Un)Settling Place: Diverse and Divergent Place-Making of People on the Move, vol. 14 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Berghahn Books; 2024-12-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1465270891
. . . A Right Good People
. . . A Right Good People in Books at JSTOR Open Access (HAROLD F. WARREN; Appalachian State University; 2017-10-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1015680021
100 voces para Paulo Freire
100 voces para Paulo Freire in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Arata, Nicolás; CLACSO; 2021-07-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1334068102
100 Years of African Missions: Essays in Honor of Wendell Broom
ISBN: 9780915547685
100 Years of African Missions: Essays in Honor of Wendell Broom in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Granberg, Stanley E.; ACU Press; 2001-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 847008903
1001 Beds: Performances, Essays, and Travels
1001 Beds: Performances, Essays, and Travels in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Tim Miller; University of Wisconsin Press; 2006-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 298789237
10necessárias falas: cidade, arquitetura e urbanismo
ISBN: 9788523207236
10necessárias falas: cidade, arquitetura e urbanismo in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Antonio Heliodorio Lima Sampaio; SciELO – EDUFBA; 2010-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 966392917
13 conclusiones fundamentales sobre la guerra libertadora cubana de 1895, vol. 34
13 conclusiones fundamentales sobre la guerra libertadora cubana de 1895, vol. 34 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (EMILIO ROIG DE LEUCHSENRING; El Colegio de Mexico; 1945-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 988188289
1914: Austria-Hungary, the Origins, and the First Year of World War I, vol. 23
ISBN: 9781608010264
1914: Austria-Hungary, the Origins, and the First Year of World War I, vol. 23 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Bischof, Günter;Karlhofer, Ferdinand;Wailliamson, Samuel R. Jr.; University of New Orleans Press; 2014-07-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 981805545
1928: Wien und das zeitgenössische österreichische Konzertlied, vol. 18
1928: Wien und das zeitgenössische österreichische Konzertlied, vol. 18 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Judith Kopecky; Hollitzer Verlag; 2023-04-11)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1378466411
1964 - das Jahr, mit dem 68 begann
ISBN: 9783837625806
1964 - das Jahr, mit dem 68 begann in Books at JSTOR Open Access (transcript Verlag; 2014-03-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 889814062
1982 Uncovered: The Falklands War Mapping Project
1982 Uncovered: The Falklands War Mapping Project in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Archaeopress; 2022-11-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1351695419
20 Jahre Asylkompromiss: Bilanz und Perspektiven
ISBN: 9783837624878
20 Jahre Asylkompromiss: Bilanz und Perspektiven in Books at JSTOR Open Access (transcript Verlag; 2014-10-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1334654533
20 More: Selected Stories from Drue Heinz Literature Prize Winners, 2001-2021
ISBN: 9780822966791
20 More: Selected Stories from Drue Heinz Literature Prize Winners, 2001-2021 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Various Authors; University of Pittsburgh Press; 2021-10-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1286073152
200 Jahre Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, vol. 13
ISBN: 9783428183029
200 Jahre Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, vol. 13 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Duncker and Humblot GmbH; 2022-08-25)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1343119855
2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups?, The, vol. 4
ISBN: 9781921536502
2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups?, The, vol. 4 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2009-04-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 383830971