Books at JSTOR Open Access
A Thematic Commentary on the Qur’an
A Thematic Commentary on the Qur’an in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali; International Institute of Islamic Thought; 2000-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1103002540
A Theology of Health: Wholeness and Human Flourishing
ISBN: 9780268208332
A Theology of Health: Wholeness and Human Flourishing in Books at JSTOR Open Access (TYLER J. VANDERWEELE; University of Notre Dame Press; 2024-09-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1452130181
A Theory of ISIS: Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order
ISBN: 9780745399096
A Theory of ISIS: Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou; Pluto Press; 2017-11-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1014425166
A Time Bomb Lies Buried: Fiji's Road to Independence, 1960-1970, vol. 1
ISBN: 9781921313608
A Time Bomb Lies Buried: Fiji's Road to Independence, 1960-1970, vol. 1 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Brij V. Lal; ANU Press; 2008-03-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 234317687
A Time Travel Dialogue
ISBN: 9781783740383
A Time Travel Dialogue in Books at JSTOR Open Access (John W. Carroll; Open Book Publishers; 2014-08-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 900889225
A Toolkit for Implementing Parental Depression Screening, Referral, and Treatment Across Systems
ISBN: 9780833078575
A Toolkit for Implementing Parental Depression Screening, Referral, and Treatment Across Systems in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Dana Schultz; RAND Corporation; 2012-12-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 823719320
A trajetória da democracia socialista: da fundação ao PT
ISBN: 9788576001201
A trajetória da democracia socialista: da fundação ao PT in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Vitor Amorim de Angelo; SciELO – EdUFSCar; 2008-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1375652024
A Translation of Lao-tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Wang Pi’s Commentary
ISBN: 9780892640300
A Translation of Lao-tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Wang Pi’s Commentary in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Paul J. Lin; University of Michigan Press; 2020-08-06)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1269424576
A Trial Separation: Australia and the Decolonisation of Papua New Guinea
ISBN: 9781921862915
A Trial Separation: Australia and the Decolonisation of Papua New Guinea in Books at JSTOR Open Access (DONALD DENOON; ANU Press; 2012-05-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 804970458
a tumblr book: platform and cultures
ISBN: 9780472074563
a tumblr book: platform and cultures in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Stein, Louisa;Cho, Alexander;McCracken, Allison;Hoch, Indira Neill; University of Michigan Press; 2020-10-26)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1159603568
A Two-Step Procedure to Estimate Participation and Premiums in Multistate Health Plans
A Two-Step Procedure to Estimate Participation and Premiums in Multistate Health Plans in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Amado Cordova; RAND Corporation; 2013-03-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 867480951
A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be
ISBN: 9783847407119
A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be in Books at JSTOR Open Access (John Trent; Verlag Barbara Budrich; 2017-12-04)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1023861196
A Vehicle for Change: Popular Representations of the Automobile in 20th-Century France
ISBN: 9781802070118
A Vehicle for Change: Popular Representations of the Automobile in 20th-Century France in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ÉAMON Ó COFAIGH; Liverpool University Press; 2022-05-13)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1318990463
A Vision for Change: AD Patel and the Politics of Fiji
ISBN: 9781921666582
A Vision for Change: AD Patel and the Politics of Fiji in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Brij V Lal; ANU Press; 2011-11-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 725827647
A Vision for Change: Speeches and Writings of AD Patel, 1929-1969
ISBN: 9781921862328
A Vision for Change: Speeches and Writings of AD Patel, 1929-1969 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2011-11-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 730043281
A Vital Frontier: Water Insurgencies in Europe
ISBN: 9781478017134
A Vital Frontier: Water Insurgencies in Europe in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANDREA MUEHLEBACH; Duke University Press; 2023-05-19)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1356894324
A Wise and Discerning Mind: Essays in Honor of Burke O. Long
ISBN: 9781946527905
A Wise and Discerning Mind: Essays in Honor of Burke O. Long in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Robert Culley;Olyan, Saul; Brown Judaic Studies; 2020-04-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1151404780
A World of Fiction: Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History
ISBN: 9780472130856
A World of Fiction: Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History in Books at JSTOR Open Access (KATHERINE BODE; University of Michigan Press; 2019-04-02)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1036777096
A World of Water: Rain, Rivers and Seas in Southeast Asian Histories
A World of Water: Rain, Rivers and Seas in Southeast Asian Histories in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Brill; 2007-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 751149597
A World Without Hunger: Josué de Castro and the History of Geography
ISBN: 9781802077209
A World Without Hunger: Josué de Castro and the History of Geography in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Archie Davies; Liverpool University Press; 2022-11-17)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1351637899
A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong: The Diaries of Chaloner Alabaster, 1855–1856
ISBN: 9781760465919
A Young Englishman in Victorian Hong Kong: The Diaries of Chaloner Alabaster, 1855–1856 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (BENJAMIN PENNY; ANU Press; 2023-10-06)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1406147765
A. Philip Randolph: The Religious Journey of an African American Labor Leader
ISBN: 9780814782873
A. Philip Randolph: The Religious Journey of an African American Labor Leader in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Cynthia Taylor; NYU Press; 2005-12-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 957700641
Aachens Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit: 100 Jahre Tradition – Reflexion – Innovation
ISBN: 9783847421719
Aachens Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit: 100 Jahre Tradition – Reflexion – Innovation in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Verlag Barbara Budrich; 2018-05-14)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1111943095
Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de Lakon Kurupati Rabi, vol. 29
Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de Lakon Kurupati Rabi, vol. 29 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (E. M. UHLENBECK; Brill; 2015-11-10)
Open Access
WorldCat: 609465930
Aaron Copland in Latin America: Music and Cultural Politics
ISBN: 9780252044854
Aaron Copland in Latin America: Music and Cultural Politics in Books at JSTOR Open Access (CAROL A. HESS; University of Illinois Press; 2024-09-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1337409524
Ab Initio Language Teaching in British Higher Education: The Case of German
ISBN: 9781787359277
Ab Initio Language Teaching in British Higher Education: The Case of German in Books at JSTOR Open Access (UCL Press; 2022-12-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1352624670
Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election
ISBN: 9781925022100
Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2015-01-21)
Open Access
WorldCat: 894114348
ABCs of Political Economy: A Modern Approach, The
ISBN: 9780745334981
ABCs of Political Economy: A Modern Approach, The in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Robin Hahnel; Pluto Press; 2014-11-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 899008761
Abduction, Marriage, and Consent in the Late Medieval Low Countries
ISBN: 9789463724074
Abduction, Marriage, and Consent in the Late Medieval Low Countries in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Chanelle Delameillieure; Amsterdam University Press; 2024-05-22)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1435946952
Abe Kobo y la narrativa japonesa de posguerra, vol. 98
ISBN: 9789681201944
Abe Kobo y la narrativa japonesa de posguerra, vol. 98 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (GUILLERMO QUARTUCCI; El Colegio de Mexico; 1982-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1053888939
Aberrant Nuptials: Deleuze and Artistic Research 2
ISBN: 9789462702028
Aberrant Nuptials: Deleuze and Artistic Research 2 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Leuven University Press; 2025-02-14)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1129195989
Aberration of Mind: Suicide and Suffering in the Civil War–Era South
ISBN: 9781469643304
Aberration of Mind: Suicide and Suffering in the Civil War–Era South in Books at JSTOR Open Access (DIANE MILLER SOMMERVILLE; University of North Carolina Press; 2018-10-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1054245896
Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies
ISBN: 9781943208746
Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Chacón, Gloria; Amherst College Press; 2024-01-23)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1417393475
Ableism in Academia: Theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education
ISBN: 9781787354982
Ableism in Academia: Theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education in Books at JSTOR Open Access (UCL Press; 2020-10-05)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1198373760
Aboriginal Placenames: Naming and re-naming the Australian landscape, vol. 19
ISBN: 9781921666087
Aboriginal Placenames: Naming and re-naming the Australian landscape, vol. 19 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2009-10-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 436100287
Aboriginal Population Profiles for Development Planning in the Northern East Kimberley, vol. 23
ISBN: 9781920942083
Aboriginal Population Profiles for Development Planning in the Northern East Kimberley, vol. 23 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (J. Taylor; ANU Press; 2004-03-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 224222034
Abortion Pills: US History and Politics
ISBN: 9781943208876
Abortion Pills: US History and Politics in Books at JSTOR Open Access (CARRIE N. BAKER; Amherst College Press; 2024-12-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1461922467
About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present
ISBN: 9783631671368
About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Michael Reiman; Peter Lang AG; 2016-07-29)
Open Access
WorldCat: 959274427
About That Life: Barry Lopez and the Art of Community
ISBN: 9781685710729
About That Life: Barry Lopez and the Art of Community in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Matthew Cheney; Punctum Books; 2023-04-06)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1377802828
Abruptly Dogen
ISBN: 9781685710446
Abruptly Dogen in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Smith; Punctum Books; 2022-01-13)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1334010097
Absent Presence of the State in Large-Scale Resource Extraction Projects, The
Absent Presence of the State in Large-Scale Resource Extraction Projects, The in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2021-08-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1263850480
Absent Presences in the Colonial Archive: Dealing with the Berlin Sound Archive's Acoustic Legacies
ISBN: 9789462703407
Absent Presences in the Colonial Archive: Dealing with the Berlin Sound Archive's Acoustic Legacies in Books at JSTOR Open Access (IRENE HILDEN; Leuven University Press; 2022-10-05)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1346385575
Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator
ISBN: 9780833041548
Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Richard S. Marken; RAND Corporation; 2007-10-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 234316712
Abstractions Based on Circles: Papers on prehistoric rock art presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday
Abstractions Based on Circles: Papers on prehistoric rock art presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Archaeopress; 2022-09-22)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1349351471
Abu Zayd AlBalkhi’s Sustenance of the Soul: The Cognitive Behavior Therapy of A Ninth Century Physican
Abu Zayd AlBalkhi’s Sustenance of the Soul: The Cognitive Behavior Therapy of A Ninth Century Physican in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Abū Zayd al-Balkhī; International Institute of Islamic Thought; 2013-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1103094271
Academia in Crisis: The Rise and Risk of Neoliberal Education in Europe
ISBN: 9789004401587
Academia in Crisis: The Rise and Risk of Neoliberal Education in Europe in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Brill; 2020-03-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1096222872
Academias asediadas: convicciones y conveniencias ante la precarización
Academias asediadas: convicciones y conveniencias ante la precarización in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Sara Victoria Alvarado; CLACSO; 2020-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1194878674
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education
ISBN: 9780472073719
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education in Books at JSTOR Open Access (JAY TIMOTHY DOLMAGE; University of Michigan Press; 2017-12-05)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1013183253
Academic E-Books: Publishers, Librarians, and Users
Academic E-Books: Publishers, Librarians, and Users in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Suzanne M. Ward;Robert S. Freeman;Judith M. Nixon; Purdue University Press; 2015-12-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 930488977
Academic Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives
ISBN: 9789633866535
Academic Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Central European University Press; 2024-11-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1451800721