Books at JSTOR Open Access
A Comparison of the Health Systems in China and India
ISBN: 9780833044839
A Comparison of the Health Systems in China and India in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Sai Ma; RAND Corporation; 2008-06-18)
Open Access
WorldCat: 341144668
A compilation of illicit enrichment legislation and other relevant legislation: Annex I of Illicit enrichment: A guide to laws targeting unexplained wealth
A compilation of illicit enrichment legislation and other relevant legislation: Annex I of Illicit enrichment: A guide to laws targeting unexplained wealth in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Andrew Dornbierer; Basel Institute on Governance; 2021-06-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1303566734
A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume I: Eastern Byang thang
A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume I: Eastern Byang thang in Books at JSTOR Open Access (John Vincent Bellezza; Archaeopress; 2023-08-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1399424902
A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume II: Central and Western Byang thang
A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume II: Central and Western Byang thang in Books at JSTOR Open Access (John Vincent Bellezza; Archaeopress; 2023-11-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1416138260
A Computational Model of Public Support for Insurgency and Terrorism: A Prototype for More-General Social-Science Modeling
ISBN: 9780833079190
A Computational Model of Public Support for Insurgency and Terrorism: A Prototype for More-General Social-Science Modeling in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Paul K. Davis; RAND Corporation; 2013-05-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 857922926
A Conceptual Commentary on Midrash Leviticus Rabbah: Value Concepts in Rabbinic Thought
ISBN: 9781946527240
A Conceptual Commentary on Midrash Leviticus Rabbah: Value Concepts in Rabbinic Thought in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Max Kadushin; Brown Judaic Studies; 2020-04-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1150225944
A Constellation of Courts: The Courts and Households of Habsburg Europe, 1555–1665, vol. 15
ISBN: 9789058679901
A Constellation of Courts: The Courts and Households of Habsburg Europe, 1555–1665, vol. 15 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Leuven University Press; 2021-10-21)
Open Access
WorldCat: 905527727
A construção da notícia: interseções entre jornalismo e comunicação estratégica
ISBN: 9788523219246
A construção da notícia: interseções entre jornalismo e comunicação estratégica in Books at JSTOR Open Access (CLAUDIANE CARVALHO; SciELO – EDUFBA; 2019-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1269201987
A Contemporary Archaeology of London’s Mega Events: From the Great Exhibition to London 2012
ISBN: 9781787358454
A Contemporary Archaeology of London’s Mega Events: From the Great Exhibition to London 2012 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Jonathan Gardner; UCL Press; 2022-05-16)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1317834017
A Contemporary History of Exclusion: The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015
ISBN: 9789633861226
A Contemporary History of Exclusion: The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Balázs Majtényi; Central European University Press; 2016-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 951712829
A Continent Moving West?: EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe
ISBN: 9789089641564
A Continent Moving West?: EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Amsterdam University Press; 2012-07-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 705370677
A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic and Human Development
ISBN: 9783631587935
A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic and Human Development in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Sebastian Vollmer; Peter Lang AG; 2018-09-28)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1080477142
A Corpus of Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Pottery from Lincoln
ISBN: 9781842170830
A Corpus of Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Pottery from Lincoln in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Jane Young; Oxbow Books; 2006-02-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1006881569
A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln
ISBN: 9781842174876
A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Margaret Darling; Oxbow Books; 2014-01-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 889306229
A Cost Analysis of the U.S. Air Force Overseas Posture: Informing Strategic Choices
ISBN: 9780833080370
A Cost Analysis of the U.S. Air Force Overseas Posture: Informing Strategic Choices in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Patrick Mills; RAND Corporation; 2013-09-05)
Open Access
WorldCat: 862351372
A Cost-Benefit Framework for Analyzing the Economic and Fiscal Impacts of State-Level Immigration Policies
A Cost-Benefit Framework for Analyzing the Economic and Fiscal Impacts of State-Level Immigration Policies in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Lynn A. Karoly; RAND Corporation; 2016-03-16)
Open Access
WorldCat: 944174771
A Credible Utopia: Essays on Selected Films of Werner Schroeter
ISBN: 9781685710569
A Credible Utopia: Essays on Selected Films of Werner Schroeter in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Peter Valente; Punctum Books; 2022-09-08)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1344187375
A criança com asma e sua família: avaliação psicossomática e sistêmica
ISBN: 9788576004028
A criança com asma e sua família: avaliação psicossomática e sistêmica in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Dóris Lieth Nunes Peçanha; SciELO – EdUFSCar; 2015-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 966392611
A Critical History of Poverty Finance: Colonial Roots and Neoliberal Failures
ISBN: 9780745344829
A Critical History of Poverty Finance: Colonial Roots and Neoliberal Failures in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Nick Bernards; Pluto Press; 2022-08-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1340739795
A Cyberworm that Knows No Boundaries
A Cyberworm that Knows No Boundaries in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Isaac R. Porche III; RAND Corporation; 2011-12-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 779827926
A Dark Trace: Sigmund Freud on the Sense of Guilt
ISBN: 9789058677549
A Dark Trace: Sigmund Freud on the Sense of Guilt in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Herman Westerink; Leuven University Press; 2021-06-21)
Open Access
WorldCat: 715172152
A Delicate Balance: Portfolio Analysis and Management for Intelligence Information Dissemination Programs
ISBN: 9780833049094
A Delicate Balance: Portfolio Analysis and Management for Intelligence Information Dissemination Programs in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Eric Landree; RAND Corporation; 2009-12-24)
Open Access
WorldCat: 593354959
A democracia inconclusa: um estudo da reforma sanitária brasileira
ISBN: 9788585676209
A democracia inconclusa: um estudo da reforma sanitária brasileira in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Silvia Gerschman; SciELO – Editora FIOCRUZ; 2004-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1021215757
A democracia reduz a desigualdade econômica? Um estudo sobre as possibilidades de construção de uma sociedade mais igual por meio da democracia
ISBN: 9788568576618
A democracia reduz a desigualdade econômica? Um estudo sobre as possibilidades de construção de uma sociedade mais igual por meio da democracia in Books at JSTOR Open Access (IVAN FILIPE DE ALMEIDA LOPES FERNANDES; SciELO – Editora UFABC; 2017-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1352870235
A Dictionary of Vurës, Vanuatu
A Dictionary of Vurës, Vanuatu in Books at JSTOR Open Access (CATRIONA MALAU; ANU Press; 2021-09-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1375664656
A Difficult Neighbourhood: Essays on Russia and East-Central Europe since World War II
ISBN: 9781760460600
A Difficult Neighbourhood: Essays on Russia and East-Central Europe since World War II in Books at JSTOR Open Access (JOHN BESEMERES; ANU Press; 2016-10-14)
Open Access
WorldCat: 967110210
A Dissident Liberal: The Political Writings of Peter Baume
ISBN: 9781925022544
A Dissident Liberal: The Political Writings of Peter Baume in Books at JSTOR Open Access (PETER BAUME; ANU Press; 2015-09-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 908389822
A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Wild
ISBN: 9781760461119
A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Wild in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2017-07-17)
Open Access
WorldCat: 974889872
A Doctor Across Borders: Raphael Cilento and public health from empire to the United Nations
ISBN: 9781760462642
A Doctor Across Borders: Raphael Cilento and public health from empire to the United Nations in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ALEXANDER CAMERON-SMITH; ANU Press; 2019-02-28)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1090799145
A Domestic Cook Book: Containing a Careful Selection of Useful Receipts for the Kitchen
ISBN: 9780472039647
A Domestic Cook Book: Containing a Careful Selection of Useful Receipts for the Kitchen in Books at JSTOR Open Access (MALINDA RUSSELL; University of Michigan Press; 2025-02-18)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1464298868
A Dutch Republican Baroque: Theatricality, Dramatization, Moment, and Event
ISBN: 9789462982123
A Dutch Republican Baroque: Theatricality, Dramatization, Moment, and Event in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Frans-Willem Korsten; Amsterdam University Press; 2017-12-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1020788602
A Family Occupation: Children of the War and the Memory of World War II in Dutch Literature of the 1980s
ISBN: 9789053562369
A Family Occupation: Children of the War and the Memory of World War II in Dutch Literature of the 1980s in Books at JSTOR Open Access (JOLANDA VANDERWAL TAYLOR; Amsterdam University Press; 2009-12-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 593356116
A Federal Role in Freight Planning and Finance
ISBN: 9780833060358
A Federal Role in Freight Planning and Finance in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Sandra Rosenbloom; RAND Corporation; 2012-03-21)
Open Access
WorldCat: 781773148
A Feeling of Belonging: Asian American Women's Public Culture, 1930-1960, vol. 3
ISBN: 9780814751930
A Feeling of Belonging: Asian American Women's Public Culture, 1930-1960, vol. 3 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Shirley Jennifer Lim; NYU Press; 2005-12-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 780425926
A Few Acres of Ice: Environment, Sovereignty, and Grandeur in the French Antarctic
ISBN: 9781501772092
A Few Acres of Ice: Environment, Sovereignty, and Grandeur in the French Antarctic in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Janet Martin-Nielsen; Cornell University Press; 2023-10-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1381473658
A Fire of Lilies: Perspectives on Literature and Politics in Modern Iran
ISBN: 9789087283292
A Fire of Lilies: Perspectives on Literature and Politics in Modern Iran in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak; Leiden University Press; 2019-03-09)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1163823855
A Force for Change: The Class of 1950
ISBN: 9781557539663
A Force for Change: The Class of 1950 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (John Norberg; Purdue University Press; 2019-08-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1294299816
A Foreign Affair: Billy Wilder's American Films
ISBN: 9781845454180
A Foreign Affair: Billy Wilder's American Films in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Gerd Gemünden; Berghahn Books; 2008-04-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 855503951
A formação ética dos médicos: saindo da adolescência com a vida nas mãos
A formação ética dos médicos: saindo da adolescência com a vida nas mãos in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Sérgio Rego; SciELO – Editora FIOCRUZ; 2005-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 966365361
A Gazetteer of Buildings in Muslim Palestine: Part 1
ISBN: 9780197270110
A Gazetteer of Buildings in Muslim Palestine: Part 1 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Andrew Petersen; Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL); 2022-04-11)
Open Access
WorldCat: 606611628
A Genealogy of Bamboo Diplomacy: The Politics of Thai Détente with Russia and China
ISBN: 9781760464981
A Genealogy of Bamboo Diplomacy: The Politics of Thai Détente with Russia and China in Books at JSTOR Open Access (JITTIPAT POONKHAM; ANU Press; 2022-01-11)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1285606289
A Global History of Ideas in the Language of Law, vol. 16
ISBN: 9783944773308
A Global History of Ideas in the Language of Law, vol. 16 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (GUNNAR FOLKE SCHUPPERT; Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory; 2021-01-14)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1241243496
A Global Radical Waterfront: The International Propaganda Committee of Transport Workers and the International of Seamen and Harbour Workers, 1921–1937
ISBN: 9789004462915
A Global Radical Waterfront: The International Propaganda Committee of Transport Workers and the International of Seamen and Harbour Workers, 1921–1937 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Holger Weiss; Brill; 2021-07-05)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1245250371
A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming
ISBN: 9780892641383
A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming in Books at JSTOR Open Access (DALE R. JOHNSON; University of Michigan Press; 2020-08-06)
Open Access
WorldCat: 658237852
A Golden Opportunity: Advancing California’s Early Care and Education Workforce Professional Development System
ISBN: 9780833060112
A Golden Opportunity: Advancing California’s Early Care and Education Workforce Professional Development System in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Lynn A. Karoly; RAND Corporation; 2012-02-24)
Open Access
WorldCat: 773534866
A Good Example of Peaceful Coexistence?: The Soviet Union, Austria, and Neutrality, 1955-1991
ISBN: 9783700168980
A Good Example of Peaceful Coexistence?: The Soviet Union, Austria, and Neutrality, 1955-1991 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (WOLFGANG MUELLER; Austrian Academy of Sciences Press; 2011-02-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1024100733
A Good Life: Human rights and encounters with modernity
ISBN: 9781922144669
A Good Life: Human rights and encounters with modernity in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Mary Edmunds; ANU Press; 2013-05-03)
Open Access
WorldCat: 863065521
A Grammar of Akajeru: Fragments of a traditional North Andamanese dialect
ISBN: 9781800080942
A Grammar of Akajeru: Fragments of a traditional North Andamanese dialect in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Raoul Zamponi; UCL Press; 2021-11-11)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1285508122
A Grammar of Elfdalian
ISBN: 9781787355408
A Grammar of Elfdalian in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Yair Sapir; UCL Press; 2024-09-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1455631331
A Grammar of Nese
ISBN: 9781760465551
A Grammar of Nese in Books at JSTOR Open Access (LANA GRELYN TAKAU; ANU Press; 2023-08-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1354992454