Books at JSTOR Open Access
2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups?, The, vol. 4
ISBN: 9781921536502
2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups?, The, vol. 4 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2009-04-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 383830971
2008 Battle of Sadr City, The
ISBN: 9780833053015
2008 Battle of Sadr City, The in Books at JSTOR Open Access (David E. Johnson; RAND Corporation; 2011-08-08)
Open Access
WorldCat: 832603599
2008 Battle of Sadr City: Reimagining Urban Combat, The
ISBN: 9780833080288
2008 Battle of Sadr City: Reimagining Urban Combat, The in Books at JSTOR Open Access (David E. Johnson; RAND Corporation; 2013-12-18)
Open Access
WorldCat: 864753077
2018 Archaeological Survey at Tawi Said, Sultanate of Oman, The
2018 Archaeological Survey at Tawi Said, Sultanate of Oman, The in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Stephanie Döpper; Archaeopress; 2024-03-07)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1432159968
21st Century at Work: Forces Shaping the Future Workforce and Workplace in the United States, The
ISBN: 9780833034922
21st Century at Work: Forces Shaping the Future Workforce and Workplace in the United States, The in Books at JSTOR Open Access (LYNN A. KAROLY; RAND Corporation; 2004-03-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 55203529
320 Rue St Jacques: The Diary of Madeleine Blaess
ISBN: 9781912482122
320 Rue St Jacques: The Diary of Madeleine Blaess in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Michallat, Wendy;Madeleine Blaess; White Rose University Press; 2018-08-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1081042631
4000 Years of Migration and Cultural Exchange: The Archaeology of the Batanes Islands, Northern Philippines, vol. 40
ISBN: 9781925021271
4000 Years of Migration and Cultural Exchange: The Archaeology of the Batanes Islands, Northern Philippines, vol. 40 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ANU Press; 2013-12-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 858801942
5 Grams: Crack Cocaine, Rap Music, and the War on Drugs, vol. 15
ISBN: 9780814787007
5 Grams: Crack Cocaine, Rap Music, and the War on Drugs, vol. 15 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Dimitri A. Bogazianos; NYU Press; 2011-12-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 880877489
50 Jahre EU - 50 Jahre Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zum Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
ISBN: 9783832937713
50 Jahre EU - 50 Jahre Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zum Arbeits- und Sozialrecht in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH; 2008-08-07)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1081040835
50 Jahre Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft : Kontinuität, Wandel und Perspektiven
ISBN: 9783847427209
50 Jahre Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft : Kontinuität, Wandel und Perspektiven in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Wuttke, Eveline;Büchter, Karin;Porcher, Cristoph;Herkner, Volkmar;Heisler, Dietmar;Söll, Matthias;Ostendorf, Annette;Obe; Verlag Barbara Budrich; 2024-09-23)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1456647185
50 Jahre Sektion Erwachsenenbildung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft: Konstituierendes – Errungenes – Umbrüchiges aus einem halben Jahrhundert Sektionsgeschichte
ISBN: 9783847426172
50 Jahre Sektion Erwachsenenbildung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft: Konstituierendes – Errungenes – Umbrüchiges aus einem halben Jahrhundert Sektionsgeschichte in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Ebner von Eschenbach, Malte;Bolten, Ricarda;Rohs, Matthias;Diederichs, Tamara; Verlag Barbara Budrich; 2022-09-12)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1343709390
500 años de la conquista de México: resistencias y apropiaciones
500 años de la conquista de México: resistencias y apropiaciones in Books at JSTOR Open Access (CLACSO; 2022-07-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1333204701
9 to 5: Do You Know If Your Boss Knows Where You Are? Case Studies of Radio Frequency Identification Usage in the Workplace
ISBN: 9780833037190
9 to 5: Do You Know If Your Boss Knows Where You Are? Case Studies of Radio Frequency Identification Usage in the Workplace in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Edward Balkovich; RAND Corporation; 2005-02-28)
Open Access
WorldCat: 560213873
<em>Essai d'histoire locale</em> by Djiguiba Camara: L’œuvre d’un historien guinéen à l’époque coloniale / The Work of a Guinean Historian during the Colonial Period
ISBN: 9789004423275
<em>Essai d'histoire locale</em> by Djiguiba Camara: L’œuvre d’un historien guinéen à l’époque coloniale / The Work of a Guinean Historian during the Colonial Period in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Marie Rodet;Elara Bertho; Brill; 2020-05-12)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1155485922
@ is for Activism: Dissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital Culture
ISBN: 9780745327006
@ is for Activism: Dissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital Culture in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Joss Hands; Pluto Press; 2010-12-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 730515019
[Given, If, Then]: A Reading in Three Parts
[Given, If, Then]: A Reading in Three Parts in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Jeremy Fernando; Punctum Books; 2015-02-08)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1162988195
`En Esur II: excavations at the cemeteries
ISBN: 9789659253401
`En Esur II: excavations at the cemeteries in Books at JSTOR Open Access (ELI YANNAI; Israel Antiquities Authority / רשות העתיקות; 2016-11-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1016946384
A ação mímica: princípios e poéticas da mímica corporal dramática de Étienne Decroux
ISBN: 9786556302225
A ação mímica: princípios e poéticas da mímica corporal dramática de Étienne Decroux in Books at JSTOR Open Access (George Mascarenhas; SciELO – EDUFBA; 2020-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1359336272
A Bark But No Bite: Inequality and the 2014 New Zealand General Election
ISBN: 9781760461355
A Bark But No Bite: Inequality and the 2014 New Zealand General Election in Books at JSTOR Open Access (JACK VOWLES; ANU Press; 2017-08-21)
Open Access
WorldCat: 990329642
A Bibliography for After Jews and Arabs
ISBN: 9781953035349
A Bibliography for After Jews and Arabs in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Ammiel Alcalay; Punctum Books; 2021-02-04)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1378264492
A Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the People's Communes
ISBN: 9780892640447
A Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the People's Communes in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Wei-yi Ma; University of Michigan Press; 2020-08-06)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1269422800
A Bibliography of Sign Languages, 2008-2017: With an Introduction by Myriam Vermeerbergen and Anna-Lena Nilsson
ISBN: 9789004376618
A Bibliography of Sign Languages, 2008-2017: With an Introduction by Myriam Vermeerbergen and Anna-Lena Nilsson in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Brill; 2018-07-19)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1083532225
A Bibliography of South African Languages, 2008-2017: With an Introduction by Menán du Plessis
ISBN: 9789004376601
A Bibliography of South African Languages, 2008-2017: With an Introduction by Menán du Plessis in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Brill; 2018-07-19)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1081305966
A Big Apple for Educators: New York City's Experiment with Schoolwide Performance Bonuses: Final Evaluation Report
ISBN: 9780833052513
A Big Apple for Educators: New York City's Experiment with Schoolwide Performance Bonuses: Final Evaluation Report in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Julie A. Marsh; RAND Corporation; 2011-07-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1229784877
A Biography of Power: Research and Excavations at the Iron Age 'oppidum' of Bagendon, Gloucestershire
A Biography of Power: Research and Excavations at the Iron Age 'oppidum' of Bagendon, Gloucestershire in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Tom Moore; Archaeopress; 2020-07-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1201200125
A Bird That Flies With Two Wings: Kastom and state justice systems in Vanuatu
ISBN: 9781921536786
A Bird That Flies With Two Wings: Kastom and state justice systems in Vanuatu in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Miranda Forsyth; ANU Press; 2009-09-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 426138721
A Black Odyssey: John Lewis Waller and the Promise of American Life, 18781900
ISBN: 9780700602070
A Black Odyssey: John Lewis Waller and the Promise of American Life, 18781900 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Randall Bennett Woods; University Press of Kansas; 1981-02-16)
Open Access
WorldCat: 557637609
A Blueprint for Improving the Promotion and Delivery of Adult Vaccination in the United States
A Blueprint for Improving the Promotion and Delivery of Adult Vaccination in the United States in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Katherine M. Harris; RAND Corporation; 2012-01-11)
Open Access
WorldCat: 769289643
A Bowl for a Coin: A Commodity History of Japanese Tea
ISBN: 9780824889913
A Bowl for a Coin: A Commodity History of Japanese Tea in Books at JSTOR Open Access (William Wayne Farris; University of Hawai'i Press; 2019-04-30)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1129597293
A Boy Asleep under the Sun: Versions of Sandro Penna
A Boy Asleep under the Sun: Versions of Sandro Penna in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Peter Valente; Punctum Books; 2014-11-11)
Open Access
WorldCat: 945783318
A Bridge Between: Spanish Benedictine Missionary Women in Australia
A Bridge Between: Spanish Benedictine Missionary Women in Australia in Books at JSTOR Open Access (KATHARINE MASSAM; ANU Press; 2020-10-29)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1239981811
A Brief Genealogy of Jewish Republicanism: Parting Ways with Judith Butler
A Brief Genealogy of Jewish Republicanism: Parting Ways with Judith Butler in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Irene Tucker; Punctum Books; 2016-12-16)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1147261462
A Buddha Land in This World: Philosophy, Utopia, and Radical Buddhism
ISBN: 9781685710347
A Buddha Land in This World: Philosophy, Utopia, and Radical Buddhism in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Lajos Brons; Punctum Books; 2022-04-14)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1334009952
A Building Partner Capacity Assessment Framework: Tracking Inputs, Outputs, Outcomes, Disrupters, and Workarounds
ISBN: 9780833088673
A Building Partner Capacity Assessment Framework: Tracking Inputs, Outputs, Outcomes, Disrupters, and Workarounds in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Christopher Paul; RAND Corporation; 2015-08-18)
Open Access
WorldCat: 919323558
A Burdensome Experiment: Race, Labor, and Schools in New Orleans after Katrina, vol. 18
ISBN: 9780520400948
A Burdensome Experiment: Race, Labor, and Schools in New Orleans after Katrina, vol. 18 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Christien Philmarc Tompkins; University of California Press; 2024-10-22)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1440773097
A Byzantine Book on Dream Interpretation: The Oneirocriticon of Achmet and Its Arabic Sources
ISBN: 9789004120792
A Byzantine Book on Dream Interpretation: The Oneirocriticon of Achmet and Its Arabic Sources in Books at JSTOR Open Access (MARIA MAVROUDI; Brill; 2002-02-28)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1294388491
A Case Study Evaluating the Fidelity of Suicide Prevention Workshops in California
A Case Study Evaluating the Fidelity of Suicide Prevention Workshops in California in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Karen Chan Osilla; RAND Corporation; 2014-08-12)
Open Access
WorldCat: 910253723
A Cautious New Approach: China's Growing Trilateral Aid Cooperation
ISBN: 9781760463472
A Cautious New Approach: China's Growing Trilateral Aid Cooperation in Books at JSTOR Open Access (DENGHUA ZHANG; ANU Press; 2020-03-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1145170978
A Chain of Kings: The Makassarese Chronicles of Gowa and Talloq
A Chain of Kings: The Makassarese Chronicles of Gowa and Talloq in Books at JSTOR Open Access (William P. Cummings; Brill; 2007-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 652578033
A ciência como profissão: médicos, bacharéis e cientistas no Brasil
A ciência como profissão: médicos, bacharéis e cientistas no Brasil in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Dominichi Miranda de Sá; SciELO – Editora FIOCRUZ; 2006-01-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 966564504
A City Against Empire: Transnational Anti-Imperialism in Mexico City, 1920-30
ISBN: 9781802078008
A City Against Empire: Transnational Anti-Imperialism in Mexico City, 1920-30 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Thomas K. Lindner; Liverpool University Press; 2023-06-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1380469774
A Civil Society: The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744-1944
ISBN: 9781496227782
A Civil Society: The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744-1944 in Books at JSTOR Open Access (James Smith Allen; University of Nebraska Press; 2021-04-01)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1250598597
A Coat of Many Colors: Dress Culture in the Young State of Israel
ISBN: 9781934843888
A Coat of Many Colors: Dress Culture in the Young State of Israel in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Anat Helman; Academic Studies Press; 2020-03-20)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1158110383
A Colonial Affair: Commerce, Conversion, and Scandal in French India
ISBN: 9781501713064
A Colonial Affair: Commerce, Conversion, and Scandal in French India in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Danna Agmon; Cornell University Press; 2017-09-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 974796316
A Colonial Southern Bookshelf: Reading in the Eighteenth Century
ISBN: 9780820359762
A Colonial Southern Bookshelf: Reading in the Eighteenth Century in Books at JSTOR Open Access (RICHARD BEALE DAVIS; University of Georgia Press; 2021-10-15)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1267411152
A Common Operating Picture for Air Force Materiel Sustainment: First Steps
ISBN: 9780833041289
A Common Operating Picture for Air Force Materiel Sustainment: First Steps in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Raymond A. Pyles; RAND Corporation; 2008-08-18)
Open Access
WorldCat: 234316870
A Community-Based, Focused-Deterrence Approach to Closing Overt Drug Markets: A Process and Fidelity Evaluation of Seven Sites
A Community-Based, Focused-Deterrence Approach to Closing Overt Drug Markets: A Process and Fidelity Evaluation of Seven Sites in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Jessica Saunders; RAND Corporation; 2016-02-02)
Open Access
WorldCat: 940922645
A Companion to Andrei Platonov's The Foundation Pit
ISBN: 9781934843086
A Companion to Andrei Platonov's The Foundation Pit in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Thomas Seifrid; Academic Studies Press; 2017-12-17)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1256593497
A Companion to Geoffrey of Monmouth
ISBN: 9789004405288
A Companion to Geoffrey of Monmouth in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Georgia Henley; Brill; 2020-08-11)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1229818410
A Companion to the Cavendishes
ISBN: 9781641891776
A Companion to the Cavendishes in Books at JSTOR Open Access (Arc Humanities Press; 2020-12-31)
Open Access
WorldCat: 1202889766