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Residence Administration

Building Name: Residence Administration Building

The back of the Residence Administration building, [197-?]. PR; Series 1; Sub-series 7; Item 7844.
The back of the Residence Administration building, [197-?]. PR; Series 1; Sub-series 7; Item 7844.

Other Names: Unknown

Civic Address: 20 Bailey Dr.

Sod Turning: Unknown

Cornerstone Laying: Unknown

Opened for Use: 1965

Official Opening: Unknown

Architect: Unknown

Named for: It's function as the offices of Residence Administration

Renovations/changes/additions: Unknown

Notes: According to legend, the Residence Administration Building's clock tower was built accidentally; at the design stage, someone allegedly went into the architect's room to use the telephone, and while there sketched a clock onto the plans for the building and thus the clock tower was built.

The plans for the Residence Administration Building required that the Neville Homestead, a nineteenth century farmhouse which had existed beside the UNB campus since 1876, be moved from its original spot and re-situated further east on the campus.


  • UA Case 123; Section 1.
  • Montague, Susan. A Pictorial History of the University of New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick, 1992, p. 166.
  • Leroux, John. Building A University: The Architecture of UNB.Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 2010, p. 83.
  • The Brunswickan, 1965, vol. 98, no. 2, p. 5.