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Marshall D'Avray

Nicknames/Other names: Joseph Marshall de Brett Maréchal; "The Baron"

Education: Bachelor of Arts (1886) -

Dates Employed: 1848 - 1871 (died)

Faculty: Arts

Department: Modern Languages

Position(s) held:

  • Professor of Modern Languages (part-time: 1948 - 1852)
  • Professor of Modern Languages (full-time: 1852 - 1871)


Notes: Played a very active role in the defence of King's College from critics of the school in the 1850s.


  • Montague, Susan. A Pictoral History of the University of New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick, 1992, p. 32-33.
  • MacNutt, W. Stewart. "The University in the Twentieth Century." The University of New Brunswick Memorial Volume. Ed. Alfred G. Bailey. Fredericton: University of New Brunswick, 1950, pp. 27 - 40.