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Margaret (Baird) Jones

Margaret (Baird) Jones being presented with flowers at Encaenia by J. Richard Petrie and Jack Murray, (1941?). UA PC 4; no. 16 (14). Photo credit: The Standard.
Margaret (Baird) Jones being presented with flowers at Encaenia by J. Richard Petrie and Jack Murray, (1941?). UA PC 4; no. 16 (14). Photo credit: The Standard.

Margaret (Baird) Jones was the wife of UNB President C.C. Jones and was a campus legend during her time at UNB. At the 1941 Encaenia ceremony, Mrs. Jones received an honorary Doctor of Laws in recognition of her unique contribution to the University. The citation read in her honour noted that her "sympathetic interest in undergraduate doings has endeared her to all who have ever gone 'up the hill.' Mrs Jones has always been willing and able to help students in their endeavors both of an academic and social nature and her kindness is well-known to all... ." On the same occasion, the valedictorian stated that out-going President C.C. Jones has been "rivaled in his position as our friend and counsellor only by his esteemed wife. Mrs. Jones has always displayed the keenest interest in every branch of college activity."

Note(s): Names in parenthese indicate maiden names.
