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Founders' Day Addresses

The Founders' Day Address was given annually on Founders' Day and was usually of a historical nature.

Date Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture Held at UNB Archives
17 February 1942 J. Clarence Webster "William Francis Ganong; An Appreciation" Yes
22 January 1943 D. C. Harvey "Archives and Historical Research in the Maritime Provinces" Yes
15 February 1944 John B. Brebner "Uses and Abuses of History" Yes
19 February 1945 D. G. Creighton "The Writing of History in Canada" Yes
19 February 1946 A. J. M. Smith "Fredericton School of Poets" Yes
19 February 1947 Arthur L. Phelps "Community and Culture" Yes
17 February 1948 John Bassett "The Function of the University in the Modern World" Yes
14 February 1949 Burton S. Keirstead "Innovations and Maritime Economy" Yes
13 February 1950 Robert C. Wallace "Then and Now" Yes
19 February 1951 T. F. Mcilwraith "On Race and Culture" Yes
18 February 1952 Hugh MacLennan "The Present World as Seen in Its Literature" Yes
16 February 1953 Norman A. M. Mackenzie "The Freedom of the University in a Free Society" Yes
15 February 1954 John B. Stirling "The First Hundred Years" Yes
14 February 1955 C. W. Crawley "Unity and Diversity in the Life of a University" Yes
23 February 1956 Blair Fraser "The Challenge of the Humanities Yes
28 February 1957 A. Davidson Dunton "Freedom for Minds - 1957" Yes
6 March 1958 W. Stewart MacNutt "The Founders and their Times" Yes
5 March 1959 David McCord "On the Frontiers of Understanding" Yes
3 March 1960 Grattan O'Leary [Basic Education in Canada] No
2 March 1961 Roy Daniells "The University and the Impending Crisis" Yes
8 March 1962 Frank H. Underhill "The Image of Canada" Yes
19 February 1963 No speaker; Musician-in-Residence Paul Helmer performed a piano recital    
27 February 1964 Clifford K. Shipton "Harvard Loyalists of New Brunswick" Yes
4 March 1965 John Francis Leddy "The Future of the Canadian University" Yes
3 March 1966 T. C. (Tommy) Douglas "The Challenge of the Scientific Revolution" Yes
2 March 1967 Gerald S. Graham "In Defense of the Ivory Tower" Yes
7 March 1968 Gordon Fairweather "New Brunswick--Prelude to the Great Canadian Experiment" Yes
20 March 1969 Cancelled due to CAUT censure; planned speaker: Claude Bissell Planned lecture: "The Authority of the University" Yes
18 October 1979 Murray Young "Lord Beaverbrook: Benefactor, Friend and University Chancellor" Yes
16 October 1980 Presented by Stuart Pierson; written by David Alexander (see also: W. Stewart MacNutt Memorial Lectures) "Literacy and Economic Development in Nineteenth Century Newfoundland"  


  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), [1936] - 1943
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), 1944-1945
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - November 1946
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), December 1946 - August 1947
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1947 - May 1948
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), June 1948 - August 1949
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1949 - August 1950
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1950 - August 1951
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1951 - August 1952
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1952 - August 1953
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1953 - February 1954
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1954 - February 1955
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), September 1955 - February 1956
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), February - August 1957
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - June 1958
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - June 1959
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - June 1960
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - June 1961
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - June 1962
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - June 1963
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - March 1964
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - March 1965
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - March 1966
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - March 1967
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - March 1968
  • UNB Scrapbook (UA RG 100), January - March 1969
  • UNB Scrapbook,(UA RG 100), September - October 1979
  • UNB Scrapbook, (UA RG 100), October 1980
  • Montague, Susan. A Pictorial History of the University of New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick, 1992, pp. 159.
  • UA Case 71; Section 2.
  • UA Case 219.