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Date(s) of occurrence: 1882-present

Previous/other names: Foot Ball, Foot-ball, Canadian Football, Red Bombers

History: In 1882, "football" was described as one of the students' primary activities. E.H. Wilmot paid to build a proper field for playing football and cricket the following year. Up until 1891, Gaelic Football rules had being used for play at UNB when it was replaced by rugby, but it was referred to as "football". In 1946, Canadian Football was introduced to the UNB campus as part of the physical fitness program. Interest quickly developed and hopes grew of forming a league. The first official team was formed in 1950 and by 1951, UNB was entered in it’s first year of intercollegiate play. The team soon became known as the Red Bombers.



  • University Monthly, vol 1, no. 1
  • University Monthly, vol 2, no. 7
  • University Monthly, vol 7, no. 2
  • University Monthly, vol 11, no. 2
  • The Brunswickan, vol 66, no. 2
  • Up the Hill, 1950
  • Up the Hill, 1951
  • Up the Hill, 1953