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Computer Science Association

Previous/other names: N/A

Prominent date(s) of activity: 1972 - present

History: The Computer Science Association was formed by Computer Science students in the mid 1970s. The group enjoyed a quiet presence for the first number of years, but in 1978 a variety of activities were planned to draw a greater interest and membership in the association.

Activities: The Computer Science Association sponsored guest lectures, meet-the-prof nights, monthly parties, movie and pizza nights, a Christmas Ball, sleigh rides, Winter Carnival floats, a grad dinner, and an annual roadtrip.

Note(s): Computer Science became an official faculty at UNB in 1989.

In 1983 the Computer Science Association's hockey team won the intramural hockey championships.

In 1996 two members competed in the Atlantic Computer Programmer Competition.


  • University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science, Computer Science Association
  • The Brunswickan, vol. 113, no. 7, October 1978, p. 10.
  • Up the Hill, 1983, p. 86.
  • The Brunswickan, vol. 124, no. 12, 1989, p. 1.
  • Up the Hill, 1996, p. 120.
  • Computer Science Association [Facebook Info Page] (accessed 31 July 2013)
