Sage research methods video
"SAGE Research Methods Video has over 480 videos, including hours of tutorials, interviews, video case studies and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process. Find videos made with expert researchers from leading research institutions, your favorite SAGE authors, great teachers and more."
eCollection title lists:
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Oxford Reference
Multi-part database of the online versions of Oxford University Press texts. Each topical division contains the searchable version of the latest edition of published dictionaries and encyclopedias. Additionally, information about Oxford University Press is provided. Online texts will be updated after new editions of the print monographs are published.Covers the humanities and social sciences.
Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
Oxford companion to the body
"he Oxford Companion to the Body is a fascinating and authoritative guide to every aspect of the body. It provides concise and readable accounts of the structure and function of all the major systems of the body and the causes of disorders that affect them. Interwoven with this coverage of the science of the body, are entertaining and informative articles on social and religious attitudes to the body, and its significance for artists, philosophers and writers." [from the website]
Oxford dictionary of sports science and medicine
see also
[HIL-REF RC1206 .O94 1994]
This dictionary covers all the major areas of sports science and medicine including: anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, nutrition, sports psychology, sports sociology, sports injuries, and training principles. It was compiled with the help of a team of eminent contributors and advisers; the third edition has been updated to incorporate recent advances, for example in the areas of gene technology and drug and doping regulations.
Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise (1 ed.)
"This dictionary enables users to evaluate the claims made about different diets and types of exercise. It covers all matters relating to diet and exercise including diet methods, food supplements, sex and exercise, sports injuries, anatomy, energy-related terms, exercises for improving strength, flexibility, stamina, weight control, training methods and principles, calorie requirements of different activities, and much more."
Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
Encyclopedia of Human Rights
The five-volume Encyclopedia of Human Rights, edited by David Forsythe, offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law, and history in over 300 entries signed by leading scholars and human rights experts. The coverage includes major figures, organizations and institutions, human rights events and crises, and human rights norms.
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Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing
WARNING: This resource loads slowly and may need a page reload. Contents: v. 1. Marketing strategy / edited by Robert A. Peterson and Roger A. Kerin -- v. 2. Marketing research / edited by Wagner A. Kamakura -- v. 3. Consumer behavior / edited by Richard P. Bagozzi and Ayalla A. Ruvio -- v. 4. Advertising and integrated communication / edited by Michael A. Belch and George E. Belch -- v. 5. Product innovation and management / edited by Barry L. Bayus -- v. 6. International marketing / edited by Daniel C. Bello and David A. Griffith -- v. 7. Cumulative index.
A Dictionary of Biology (6 ed.)
This dictionary "provides comprehensive coverage of biology, biophysics, and biochemistry, as well as key terms from medicine and palaeontology. There are also feature articles on important topics, such as genetically modified organisms."
Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
"Compiled by an expert team of sociologists under the editorship of Gordon Marshall, this dictionary has international coverage of terms, methods, and concepts; related terms from psychology, economics, anthropology, philosophy, and political science; and material on topics such as cultural studies and identity, mass media, and the Internet, nationalism and McDonaldization."
Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
Dictionary of the Social Sciences
"Oxford's unprecedented Dictionary of the Social Sciences is designed to break down the barriers between social science disciplines, as well as to make social scientific language comprehensible to general readers. Collecting anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, human geography, cultural studies, and Marxism in one volume, the Dictionary presents concise, clearly written definitions of more than 1,500 important terms. Entries are true definitions, not extended essays or summaries. Ranging from 50 to 500 words, they succinctly define terms within each specific discipline and acquaint readers with the intellectual issues at stake when the terms are used. The entries draw on classic and contemporary scholarship, and include basic terms, concepts, theories, schools of thought, methodologies, techniques, topics, issues, and controversies. In addition to terminology, the Dictionary includes nearly 275 biographies of major figures—from Franz Boas to John Maynard Keynes to Max Weber, whose work has had a profound impact on the various fields."
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The Canadian encyclopedia
Free online encyclopedia, containing the full text of the print Canadian Encyclopedia, "the most comprehensive source of information on all things Canadian." Includes the full text of the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada.
Open Access