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English 1103 (MWC) Guide Ask Us

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Harriet Irving Library:

Front entrance (first floor)
Image 1
Image 2

Hallway past the main stairwell (first floor)
Image 1
Image 2

Hallway toward women's washroom (first floor)
Image 1

Pizza and display wall by the coffee shop (first floor)
Image 1

Reading Room (first floor, to the far right of this map)
Image 1

Milham Room (first floor, Room 100 on this map)
Image 1
Image 2

Group study room(s) (first and second floors - choose among those shaded in light red on the first floor map or the second floor map
Image 1

Learning Commons (to the left past the service desks as you enter the building, first floor)
Image 1

Third floor study space (outside the Accessibility Centre to the bottom right of this map
Image 1
Image 2

Fourth floor seminar room (shaded blue to the far right of this map
Image 1
Image 2

Last modified on February 14, 2018 10:39