Philosophy Guides
Top Article & Research Databases
Use article databases to find articles, reviews, book chapters, etc.
Philosopher's index (EBSCO)
The Philosopher's Index "is a bibliographic database with informative author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy, published in journals and books since 1940."
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Academic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary resource that "provides journal coverage for most academic areas of studies."
Permitted Use | eResources record | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | Full text: 1990 - present. I -
JSTOR Archival Collections
JSTOR provides access to back issues of a variety of scholarly journals. UNB Libraries currently subscribes to the Arts & Sciences (I through X) collections, along with the Life Sciences and Ireland collections.
Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access -
Année philologique
L'Année philologique (APh) is the most comprehensive international index to scholarly research in Classical Studies from prehistory to 800 A.D. The web version covers a wide variety of subjects including archaeology, ancient history, language, literature, law, philosophy, religion, science, and technology. APh currently indexes over 400,000 bibliographic records to journal articles, books, conference papers and book reviews from 1949 onward.
Subscribed multi-user unlimited access -
Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest PQDT)
"Searchable and browsable database of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day. It also offers full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997. It contains a significant amount of new international dissertations and theses both in citations and in full text. Includes citations for dissertations and theses from around the world, ranging from 1861 to those accepted last semester. Dissertations published from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts; master's theses from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts. Digital dissertations and theses are archived as submitted by the degree-granting institution. Designated as an official offsite repository for the U.S. Library of Congress, PQDT Global offers comprehensive historic and ongoing coverage for North American works and significant and growing international coverage from a multiyear program of expanding partnerships with international universities and national associations."
All PhD dissertations and Master's theses from depositing universities are available from 1997 onwards, unless the document's author has requested a temporary delay.
It is also possible to search within an interface exclusive to Dissertations & Theses @ University of New Brunswick.
For UNB theses submitted after 2012, please consult UNB’s institutional repository, UNB Scholar, or the library catalogue, UNBWorldCat.
Permitted Use | Subscribed multi-user unlimited access | 1743-Current -
Literature online : the home of literature and criticism
Literature Online offers full text access to rare and inacessible works, up-to-date, reference resources, in addition to the full text of poetry, drama, and prose fiction from the seventh century to the present day. Materials are included from almost every period and genre of English literature as well as many works by 20th century authors. Contemporary criticism is available through the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL).
(Showing 6 of 37 resources | View All Results)
Top Reference Materials
Find dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and other materials
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)
An authoritative online encyclopedia of philosophy. SEP is a dynamic reference work with in-depth articles written (and kept up-to-date) by experts in the field. All entries are peer-reviewed by a distinguished editorial board.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online (REP)
"Features over 2000 original articles from over 1300 leading international experts across the discipline of philosophy. The articles cover an unparalleled breadth of subject matter, including Anglo-American, ethical and political, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, continental and contemporary philosophy. With a summary providing a rapid orientation at the beginning of every in-depth article."
The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy, Second Edition
This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access -
The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy
This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access -
The Blackwell Guide to the Modern Philosophers: From Descartes to Nietzsche
This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access -
Oxford Reference
Multi-part database of the online versions of Oxford University Press texts. Each topical division contains the searchable version of the latest edition of published dictionaries and encyclopedias. Additionally, information about Oxford University Press is provided. Online texts will be updated after new editions of the print monographs are published.Covers the humanities and social sciences.
Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
(Showing 6 of 60 resources | View All Results)
More Information
- Phil Taber (he/him)
- I am on parental leave until July 2025, please contact David Ross for assistance and referral while I am on leave.
- Business/Hum. and Lang. Librarian
- UNB Saint John
- Barry Cull
- UNB Fredericton
- Fiacre O'Duinn (he/him)
- Teaching & Learning Librarian
- UNB Saint John
- (506)-648-5912