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Books & Edited Collections


UNB WorldCat identifies ebooks and print books, as well as a selection of the millions of articles available at UNB. Items not at UNB may be ordered through our document delivery service.

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To find a chapter in a scholarly edited collection (which is a book, not a journal), check off the “book” box in UNB WorldCat.


You will have to browse and dig through, until you find an item that has an overall “editor” listed (not an author), and then click through until you see the contents listed.


If each chapter is written by different individual authors, you have likely found an edited collection. Choose one of the individual chapters to cite.


Depending upon the topic, it may be easier to find an edited collection by browsing physical shelves in the library, instead of browsing UNB WorldCat.



Sapere Aude | Veritas | Barry helps people understand, access, and use research and scholarship. He encourages deep reading and critical thinking skills, along with the speed reading that is routine in the digital world.

Last modified on October 17, 2023 09:42