EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased)
Angry weather : heat waves, floods, storms, and the new science of climate change
ISBN: 9781771646147
Angry weather : heat waves, floods, storms, and the new science of climate change in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Otto, Friederike; Greystone Books; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1194543348
Animal behavior desk reference : a dictionary of animal behavior, ecology, and evolution (3rd edition)
ISBN: 9781439836514
Animal behavior desk reference : a dictionary of animal behavior, ecology, and evolution (3rd edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Barrows, Edward M.; CRC Press; 2011)
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WorldCat: 721195019
Animals and the economy (Palgrave Macmillan animal ethics series)
ISBN: 9781137434746
Animals and the economy (Palgrave Macmillan animal ethics series) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (McMullen, Steven; Palgrave Macmillan; 2016)
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WorldCat: 956731025
Animism in Southeast Asia (Routledge contemporary Southeast Asia series ; 7)
ISBN: 9781317336617
Animism in Southeast Asia (Routledge contemporary Southeast Asia series ; 7) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Århem, Kaj; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; 2016)
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WorldCat: 930083195
Anne clifford's autobiographical writing, 1590-1676
ISBN: 9781526117892
Anne clifford's autobiographical writing, 1590-1676 in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Pembroke, Anne Clifford Herbert, Countess of, 1590-1676; Manchester University Press; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1021147786
Anthropocene fictions : the novel in a time of climate change (Under the sign of nature)
ISBN: 9780813936925
Anthropocene fictions : the novel in a time of climate change (Under the sign of nature) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Trexler, Adam; Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press; 2015)
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WorldCat: 904339093
Anthropological data in the digital age : new possibilities - new challenges
ISBN: 9783030249250
Anthropological data in the digital age : new possibilities - new challenges in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Palgrave Macmillan; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1126278737
Anthropology of childhood and youth : international and historical perspectives
ISBN: 9780739192160
Anthropology of childhood and youth : international and historical perspectives in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Vitale, Geoffrey; Lexington Books; 2014)
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WorldCat: 875644640
Anti/vax : reframing the vaccination controversy (The culture and politics of health care work)
ISBN: 9781501735622
Anti/vax : reframing the vaccination controversy (The culture and politics of health care work) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Hausman, Bernice L.; ILR Press, an imprint of Cornell University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1061863449
Antioxidants in food, vitamins and supplements : prevention and treatment of disease
ISBN: 9780124058729
Antioxidants in food, vitamins and supplements : prevention and treatment of disease in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Dasgupta, Amitava, 1958-; Elsevier Science; 2014)
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WorldCat: 870950375
Antiquity : greeks and romans in context
ISBN: 9781444351385
Antiquity : greeks and romans in context in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Naerebout, F. G.; Wiley Blackwell; 2014)
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WorldCat: 858778365
Antisocial media : how Facebook disconnects us and undermines democracy
ISBN: 9780190841164
Antisocial media : how Facebook disconnects us and undermines democracy in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Vaidhyanathan, Siva; Oxford University Press; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1033549342
Anxious geographies : worlds of social anxiety (Geographies of health (Routledge))
ISBN: 9781040032992
Anxious geographies : worlds of social anxiety (Geographies of health (Routledge)) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Boyle, Louise E.; Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1418847885
APA dictionary of psychology (A.P.A. ; Second Edition)
ISBN: 9781433819445
APA dictionary of psychology (A.P.A. ; Second Edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (American Psychological Association; 2015)
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WorldCat: 905735818
Apocalyptic California : gender in climate fiction
ISBN: 9783031299209
Apocalyptic California : gender in climate fiction in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Messimer, MaryKate ; Cham : Palgrave Macmillan; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1378223812
Application of Wavelets in Speech Processing (SpringerBriefs in electrical and computer engineering. Speech technology)
ISBN: 9783319027319
Application of Wavelets in Speech Processing (SpringerBriefs in electrical and computer engineering. Speech technology) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Farouk, Mohamed Hesham; Springer; 2014)
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WorldCat: 868924703
Applications of artificial intelligence in process systems engineering
ISBN: 9780128217436
Applications of artificial intelligence in process systems engineering in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Elsevier; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1255597062
Applications of behavior analysis in healthcare and beyond
ISBN: 9783030579692
Applications of behavior analysis in healthcare and beyond in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Springer; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1243538493
Applied Engineering Mechanics : Statics and Dynamics (Mechanical Engineering ; v. 5)
ISBN: 9781351466134
Applied Engineering Mechanics : Statics and Dynamics (Mechanical Engineering ; v. 5) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Boothroyd; Routledge; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1041903443
Applied health economics for public health practice and research (Handbooks in health economic evaluation series)
ISBN: 9780198737483
Applied health economics for public health practice and research (Handbooks in health economic evaluation series) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Oxford University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1099277046
Applied psychology for project managers : a practitioner's guide to successful project management (Management for professionals)
ISBN: 9783662442135
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WorldCat: 904046371
Applied single subjects research for school psychologists and educators
ISBN: 9781648024962
Applied single subjects research for school psychologists and educators in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Finch, W. Holmes (William Holmes); Information Age Publishing, Inc.; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1249707219
Applying quantitative bias analysis to epidemiologic data (Second edition ; Statistics for biology and health)
ISBN: 9783030826734
Applying quantitative bias analysis to epidemiologic data (Second edition ; Statistics for biology and health) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Lash, Timothy L.; Springer; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1306025073
Approaches to videogame discourse : lexis, interaction, textuality
ISBN: 9781501338458
Approaches to videogame discourse : lexis, interaction, textuality in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Bloomsbury Academic; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1088529949
Aquatic sciences in the tropics : plankton, animal community and productivity (First edition)
ISBN: 9781003501688
Aquatic sciences in the tropics : plankton, animal community and productivity (First edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Jana, B.B.; Boca Raton : CRC Press; 2025)
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WorldCat: 1457983637
Arbitrary rule : slavery, tyranny, and the power of life and death
ISBN: 9780226015538
Arbitrary rule : slavery, tyranny, and the power of life and death in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Nyquist, Mary; The University of Chicago Press; 2013)
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WorldCat: 843532241
Archaeological thinking : how to make sense of the past
ISBN: 9781442226975
Archaeological thinking : how to make sense of the past in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Orser, Charles E.; Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; 2014)
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WorldCat: 896793835
Archaeology and bioarchaeology of population movement among the Prehispanic Maya (Springerbriefs in archaeology)
ISBN: 9783319108575
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WorldCat: 896116844
Archaeology in environment and technology : intersections and transformations (Routledge studies in archaeology ; v. 8)
ISBN: 9780415832014
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WorldCat: 841912492
Archetypal and cultural perspectives on the foreigner : minorities and monsters
ISBN: 9781138345805
Archetypal and cultural perspectives on the foreigner : minorities and monsters in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Wieland-Burston, Joanne; Routledge; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1129166403
Architecture and interaction : human computer interaction in space and place (Human-computer interaction series, 1571-5035)
ISBN: 9783319300269
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WorldCat: 951623772
Aristotle: His Life and School
ISBN: 9780691096537
Aristotle: His Life and School in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Natali, Carlo, 1948-; Princeton University Press; 2013)
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WorldCat: 857064324
Armies of the Vikings, AD 793 1066 : history, organization and equipment
ISBN: 9781399008402
Armies of the Vikings, AD 793 1066 : history, organization and equipment in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Esposito, Gabriele; Pen & Sword Military; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1263743297
ARMY AND REVOLUTION france 1815-1848 (Routledge library editions. Revolution ; 2)
ISBN: 9781000534344
ARMY AND REVOLUTION france 1815-1848 (Routledge library editions. Revolution ; 2) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Porch, Douglas; Routledge; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1289443529
Art as politics : re-crafting identities, tourism, and power in Tana Toraja, Indonesia (Southeast Asia--politics, meaning, memory)
ISBN: 9781435666009
Art as politics : re-crafting identities, tourism, and power in Tana Toraja, Indonesia (Southeast Asia--politics, meaning, memory) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Adams, Kathleen M.; Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press; 2006)
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WorldCat: 631445114
Artificial culture : identity, technology and bodies (Routledge research in cultural and media studies ; v. 37)
ISBN: 9780415899161
Artificial culture : identity, technology and bodies (Routledge research in cultural and media studies ; v. 37) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Leaver, Tama; Routledge; 2012)
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WorldCat: 782918170
Artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in engineering systems : Proceedings of ICAEES 2014. Volume 1 (Advances in intelligent systems and computing ; volume 324)
ISBN: 9788132221258
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WorldCat: 894509921
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for business for non-engineers (Technology for Non-Engineers Ser.)
ISBN: 9781000733655
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for business for non-engineers (Technology for Non-Engineers Ser.) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (CRC Press LLC; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1129197781
Artificial intelligence for bone disorder : diagnosis and treatment
ISBN: 9781394230914
Artificial intelligence for bone disorder : diagnosis and treatment in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Malviya, Rishabha ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley ; Beverly, MA : Scrivener Publishing; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1419992099
Artificial intelligence for healthcare applications and management
ISBN: 9780128245224
Artificial intelligence for healthcare applications and management in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Galitsky, Boris; Academic Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1292524040
Artificial intelligence in the food industry : enhancing quality and safety (First edition)
ISBN: 9781032633602
Artificial intelligence in the food industry : enhancing quality and safety (First edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press; 2025)
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WorldCat: 1481475977
Ashgate research companion to popular culture in early modern England (Ashgate research companion)
ISBN: 9781409436843
Ashgate research companion to popular culture in early modern England (Ashgate research companion) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Ashgate Publishing Limited; 2014)
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WorldCat: 863695576
Asia-Pacific perspectives on intercultural psychology
ISBN: 9781138068025
Asia-Pacific perspectives on intercultural psychology in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Routledge; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1056741342
Asian security and the rise of China : international relations in an age of volatility
ISBN: 9781781004616
Asian security and the rise of China : international relations in an age of volatility in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Jones, David Martin, 1950-; Edward Elgar; 2013)
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WorldCat: 844356665
Aspiring adults adrift : tentative transitions of college graduates
ISBN: 9780226191157
Aspiring adults adrift : tentative transitions of college graduates in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Arum, Richard; The University of Chicago Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 883632138
Assessing the accuracy of remotely sensed data : principles and practices (2nd ed.)
ISBN: 9781420055122
Assessing the accuracy of remotely sensed data : principles and practices (2nd ed.) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Congalton, Russell G., 1957-; CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2009)
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WorldCat: 335031603
Assessing the current state of education in the Caribbean
ISBN: 9781522517009
Assessing the current state of education in the Caribbean in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (IGI Global; 2017)
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WorldCat: 960848490
Assessment of disorders in childhood and adolescence (Fifth edition)
ISBN: 9781462543632
Assessment of disorders in childhood and adolescence (Fifth edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (The Guilford Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1160972551
Associations Canada = Associations du Canada, 2014 (35th ed.)
ISBN: 9781619251953
Associations Canada = Associations du Canada, 2014 (35th ed.) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Coleman, Daniel, 1961- (editor); Grey House Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 876861003
Asthma (4th ed. ; Fast facts)
ISBN: 9781908541130
Asthma (4th ed. ; Fast facts) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Holgate, S. T.; Health Press Limited; 2013)
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WorldCat: 853495639