EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased)
Advocacy groups (The Canadian democratic audit)
ISBN: 9780774851176
Advocacy groups (The Canadian democratic audit) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Young, Lisa; UBC Press; 2004)
Permitted Use | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 123429827
Affect theory reader. worldings, tensions, futures (ANIMA: critical race studies otherwise), The
ISBN: 9781478027201
Affect theory reader. worldings, tensions, futures (ANIMA: critical race studies otherwise), The in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Durham ; London : Duke University Press; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1390746826
African genesis : perspectives on hominid evolution (Cambridge studies in biological and evolutionary anthropology ; v. 62)
ISBN: 9781107019959
African genesis : perspectives on hominid evolution (Cambridge studies in biological and evolutionary anthropology ; v. 62) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cambridge University Press; 2012)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 792684332
After anarchy : legitimacy and power in the United Nations Security Council
ISBN: 9780691128665
After anarchy : legitimacy and power in the United Nations Security Council in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Hurd, Ian; Princeton University Press; 2007)
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WorldCat: 438653541
After the beautiful : Hegel and the philosophy of pictorial modernism
ISBN: 9780226079523
After the beautiful : Hegel and the philosophy of pictorial modernism in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Pippin, Robert B., 1948-; Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press; 2014)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 862077351
Ageing and digital technology : designing and evaluating emerging technologies for older adults
ISBN: 9789811336928
Ageing and digital technology : designing and evaluating emerging technologies for older adults in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Springer; 2019)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1081304218
Ageing, physical activity and health : international perspectives (ICSSPE perspectives)
ISBN: 9781138052130
Ageing, physical activity and health : international perspectives (ICSSPE perspectives) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Routledge; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1027301590
Agent of change : my life fighting terrorists, spies, and institutional racism
ISBN: 9780228016564
Agent of change : my life fighting terrorists, spies, and institutional racism in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Mukbil, Huda; McGill-Queen's University Press; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1346417811
Ages of globalization : geography, technology, and institutions, The
ISBN: 9780231550482
Ages of globalization : geography, technology, and institutions, The in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (New York : Columbia University Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1119060719
Agewise : fighting the new ageism in America (Heritage, tourism & community)
ISBN: 9780226310732
Agewise : fighting the new ageism in America (Heritage, tourism & community) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Gullette, Margaret Morganroth; University of Chicago Press; 2011)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 713026669
Aging and Popular Music in Europe (Routledge Studies in Popular Music)
ISBN: 9781138121478
Aging and Popular Music in Europe (Routledge Studies in Popular Music) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Gardner, Abigail; Routledge; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1111457885
Aging In and Out of Place : Lived Experiences of Forced Migration Across the Life Course
ISBN: 9781915734617
Aging In and Out of Place : Lived Experiences of Forced Migration Across the Life Course in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Newgen Publishing Uk Ltd; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1462239032
Aging People, Aging Places: Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada
ISBN: 9781447352570
Aging People, Aging Places: Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Policy Press; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1239981874
Aging research : methodological issues (Second edition)
ISBN: 9783319953878
Aging research : methodological issues (Second edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Springer; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1055160185
Aging, media, and culture
ISBN: 9780739183632
Aging, media, and culture in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (2014)
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WorldCat: 881607988
Agonistic democracy
ISBN: 9781107003729
Agonistic democracy in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Wenman, Mark; Cambridge University Press; 2013)
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WorldCat: 862114139
AI and emotional intelligence for modern business management (Advances in logistics, operations, and management science (ALOMS) book series)
ISBN: 9798369304204
AI and emotional intelligence for modern business management (Advances in logistics, operations, and management science (ALOMS) book series) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Hershey, PA : IGI Global, Business Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1395549640
AI strategies for social entrepreneurship and sustainable economic development
ISBN: 9798369363942
AI strategies for social entrepreneurship and sustainable economic development in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Hershey, PA : IGI Global Scientific Publishing; 2025)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1467696926
Aid on the edge of chaos : rethinking international cooperation in a complex world
ISBN: 9780199578023
Aid on the edge of chaos : rethinking international cooperation in a complex world in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Ramalingam, Ben; Oxford University Press; 2013)
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WorldCat: 861529036
Aimer la terre
ISBN: 9782897129897
Aimer la terre in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Désy, Jean ; Montréal, Québec : Mēmoire D'Encrier; 2024)
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1445895527
Algae : anatomy, biochemistry, and biotechnology (2nd ed. )
ISBN: 9781439867327
Algae : anatomy, biochemistry, and biotechnology (2nd ed. ) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Barsanti, L.; CRC Press; 2014)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 874152836
All health politics is local : community battles for medical care and environmental health (Studies in social medicine)
ISBN: 9781469667690
All health politics is local : community battles for medical care and environmental health (Studies in social medicine) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Chowkwanyun, Merlin; The University of North Carolina Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1316696987
All in startup : launching a new idea when everything is on the line / Diana Kander
ISBN: 9781118857663
All in startup : launching a new idea when everything is on the line / Diana Kander in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Kander, Diana; Wiley; 2014)
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WorldCat: 868150770
Alpha masculinity : hegemony in language and discourse (Palgrave studies in language, gender and sexuality)
ISBN: 9783030704704
Alpha masculinity : hegemony in language and discourse (Palgrave studies in language, gender and sexuality) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Russell, Eric Louis, 1973-; Palgrave Macmillan; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1246672630
Alternate Reality Games : Promotion and Participatory Culture (Routledge Critical Advertising Studies)
ISBN: 9780815386803
Alternate Reality Games : Promotion and Participatory Culture (Routledge Critical Advertising Studies) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Janes, Stephanie; Routledge; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1111940991
Alternative energy resources : the way to a sustainable modern society (The handbook of environmental chemistry, 1867-979X ; v. 99)
ISBN: 9783030579227
Alternative energy resources : the way to a sustainable modern society (The handbook of environmental chemistry, 1867-979X ; v. 99) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Pathak, Pankaj; Springer International Publishing AG; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1229931815
Ambient Sufism : ritual niches and the social work of musical form (Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology)
ISBN: 9780226723501
Ambient Sufism : ritual niches and the social work of musical form (Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Jankowsky, Richard C.; Chicago : The University of Chicago Press; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1229932636
Ambulance mental health response : a compassion-focused workbook to mental health, alongside autism, dementia, and learning disabilities
ISBN: 9781859599815
Ambulance mental health response : a compassion-focused workbook to mental health, alongside autism, dementia, and learning disabilities in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Simpson, Terry; Class Professional Publishing; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1345273590
America in Italy : the United States in the political thought and imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865
ISBN: 9781400887811
America in Italy : the United States in the political thought and imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865 in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Körner, Axel, 1967-; Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press; 2017)
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WorldCat: 986999316
America's war in Vietnam : a short narrative history
ISBN: 9780253336910
America's war in Vietnam : a short narrative history in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Addington, Larry H.; Indiana University Press; 2000)
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WorldCat: 607470038
American Holistic Nurses' Association guide to common chronic conditions : self-care options to complement your doctor's advice
ISBN: 9780471212966
American Holistic Nurses' Association guide to common chronic conditions : self-care options to complement your doctor's advice in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Clark, Carolyn Chambers; J. Wiley; 2003)
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WorldCat: 52323511
American remakes of British television : transformations and mistranslations
ISBN: 9780739146729
American Remakes of British Television : Transformations and Mistranslations in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Lavigne, Carlen; Lexington Books; 2011)
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WorldCat: 855502130
American remakes of British television : transformations and mistranslations in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Lexington Books; 2011)
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WorldCat: 670479207
ISBN: 9781913437893
Amuk in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Barokka, Khairani, 1985-; Rugby : Nine Arches Press; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1455328180
Am�lie : Le Fabuleux destin d' Am�lie Poulain : (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001)
ISBN: 9781845113759
Am�lie : Le Fabuleux destin d' Am�lie Poulain : (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Vanderschelden, Isabelle; I.B. Tauris; 2010)
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WorldCat: 673716036
An anatomy of pain : how the body and the mind experience and endure physical suffering
ISBN: 9781982160999
An anatomy of pain : how the body and the mind experience and endure physical suffering in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Lalkhen, Abdul-Ghaaliq; Scribner; 2021)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1231608773
An Historical Introduction To Modern Psychology
ISBN: 9780415210348
An Historical Introduction To Modern Psychology in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Murphy, Gardner; Taylor and Francis; 2013)
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WorldCat: 852758804
An introduction to global health delivery (Second edition)
ISBN: 9780197607282
An introduction to global health delivery (Second edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Mukherjee, Joia; Oxford University Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1260166082
An introduction to indigenous health and healthcare in Canada : bridging health and healing (Second edition)
ISBN: 9780826164124
An introduction to indigenous health and healthcare in Canada : bridging health and healing (Second edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Douglas, Vasiliki Kravariotis; Springer Publishing Company, LLC; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1162374671
An introduction to the analysis of algorithms (3rd edition)
ISBN: 9789813235908
An introduction to the analysis of algorithms (3rd edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Soltys, Michael, 1971- ; World Scientific; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1027161198
An introduction to wavelet modulated inverters (IEEE Press series on power engineering)
ISBN: 9780470610480
An introduction to wavelet modulated inverters (IEEE Press series on power engineering) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Saleh, S. A.; IEEE Press; Wiley.; 2011)
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WorldCat: 705354450
An underground history of early Victorian fiction : Chartism, radical print culture and the social problem novel (Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture)
ISBN: 9781107197855
An underground history of early Victorian fiction : Chartism, radical print culture and the social problem novel (Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Vargo, Greg; Cambridge University Press; 2017)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1012838326
An Unkindness of Ghosts
ISBN: 9781617755880
An Unkindness of Ghosts in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Solomon, Rivers; Akashic Books; 2017)
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WorldCat: 1004272363
Analysis and design of control laws for advanced driver-assistance systems : theory and applications (Advanced textbooks in control and signal processing)
ISBN: 9783031225208
Analysis and design of control laws for advanced driver-assistance systems : theory and applications (Advanced textbooks in control and signal processing) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Mimmo, Nicola; Cham : Springer; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 1416695603
Analysis of turbulent flows with computer programs
ISBN: 9780080983356
Analysis of turbulent flows with computer programs in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cebeci, Tuncer; Butterworth-Heinemann; 2013)
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WorldCat: 830838634
Analyzing neural time series data : theory and practice (Issues in clinical and cognitive neuropsychology)
Analyzing neural time series data : theory and practice (Issues in clinical and cognitive neuropsychology) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cohen, Mike X., 1979-; MIT Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 869520413
Ancestors in our genome : the new science of human evolution
ISBN: 9780199978038
Ancestors in our genome : the new science of human evolution in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Harris, Eugene E. (Professor); Oxford University Press; 2015)
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WorldCat: 892848344
Ancient and medieval concepts of friendship (SUNY series in ancient Greek philosophy)
ISBN: 9781438453651
Ancient and medieval concepts of friendship (SUNY series in ancient Greek philosophy) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (State University of New York Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 895772758
Ancient Egypt investigated : 101 important questions and intriguing answers
ISBN: 9781780762302
Ancient Egypt investigated : 101 important questions and intriguing answers in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Schneider, Thomas, 1964-; I.B. Tauris; 2013)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 861692702
Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia
ISBN: 9781783600083
Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Bangstad, Sindre, 1973-; Zed Books; 2014)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 881366672