EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased)
Canadian perspectives on immigration in small cities (International perspectives on migration ; volume 12)
ISBN: 9783319404233
Canadian perspectives on immigration in small cities (International perspectives on migration ; volume 12) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Springer; 2017)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 961910127
Canadian spy story : Irish revolutionaries and the secret police
ISBN: 9780228013600
Canadian spy story : Irish revolutionaries and the secret police in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Wilson, David A., 1950-; McGill-Queen's University Press; 2022)
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1289320226
Cancer health disparities : from determinants of disparities to solutions for equity
ISBN: 9783031376382
Cancer health disparities : from determinants of disparities to solutions for equity in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cham : Springer; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1409028776
Capital and ideology
ISBN: 9780674980822
Capital and ideology in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Piketty, Thomas, 1971-; Harvard University Press; 2020)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1119745744
Capital in the Twenty-first Century
ISBN: 9780674430006
Capital in the Twenty-first Century in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Piketty, Thomas, 1971-; The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; 2014)
Permitted Use | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 871257203
Capitalism and the limits of desire
ISBN: 9781350214989
Capitalism and the limits of desire in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Roberts, John; Bloomsbury Academic; 2021)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1244800210
Capitalism, alone : the future of the system that rules the world
ISBN: 9780674987593
Capitalism, alone : the future of the system that rules the world in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Milanovic?, Branko; The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; 2019)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1119636109
Capitalizing on creativity at work : fostering the implementation of creative ideas in organizations
ISBN: 9781783476497
Capitalizing on creativity at work : fostering the implementation of creative ideas in organizations in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Edward Elgar Publishing; 2016)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 945975441
Capstone coach for nursing excellence (2nd ed.)
ISBN: 9780803639072
Capstone coach for nursing excellence (2nd ed.) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Campbell, Linda; F.A. Davis Company; 2014)
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WorldCat: 869095238
Captain John Smith : a select edition of his writings (Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia)
ISBN: 9780807817780
Captain John Smith : a select edition of his writings (Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Smith, John, 1580-1631.; Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture by the University of North Carolina Press; 1988)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 568757351
Captivating technology : race, carceral technoscience, and liberatory imagination in everyday life
ISBN: 9781478003236
Captivating technology : race, carceral technoscience, and liberatory imagination in everyday life in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Duke University Press; 2019)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1077483243
Captive sea : slavery, communication, and commerce in early modern Spain and the Mediterranean (1st edition), The
ISBN: 9780812295368
Captive sea : slavery, communication, and commerce in early modern Spain and the Mediterranean (1st edition), The in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Hershenzon, Daniel; Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press; 2018)
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1046990217
Carbon change : Canada on the brink of decarbonization
ISBN: 9781459750524
Carbon change : Canada on the brink of decarbonization in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (McConaghy, Dennis, 1952-; Dundurn Press; 2022)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1322024527
Care of people with diabetes : a manual of nursing practice (4th ed.)
ISBN: 9780470659199
Care of people with diabetes : a manual of nursing practice (4th ed.) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Dunning, Trisha; John Wiley & Sons; 2014)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 841039605
Care planning in mental health : promoting recovery
ISBN: 9780470671863
Care planning in mental health : promoting recovery in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Hall, Angela; Wiley; 2013)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 862821792
Care skills for nurses (Student survival skills)
ISBN: 9781118657386
Care skills for nurses (Student survival skills) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Boyd, Claire; John Wiley & Sons; 2014)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 868967263
Care work : dreaming disability justice
ISBN: 9781551527390
Care work : dreaming disability justice in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi, 1975- ; Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press; 2018)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1066114954
Careers in nursing (2nd ed. ; VGM professional careers)
ISBN: 9780071405805
Careers in nursing (2nd ed. ; VGM professional careers) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Sacks, Terence J.; VGM Career Books; 2003)
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WorldCat: 52993409
Caregiving on the periphery : historical perspectives on nursing and midwifery in Canada (McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 36)
ISBN: 9780773536753
Caregiving on the periphery : historical perspectives on nursing and midwifery in Canada (McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 36) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (McGill-Queen's University Press; 2010)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 995009064
Caribbean childhoods : from research to action (Contemporary issues in early childhood ; v. 1)
ISBN: 9789766371289
Caribbean childhoods : from research to action (Contemporary issues in early childhood ; v. 1) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Ian Randle Publishers; 2003)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 878683513
Caring for patients from different cultures : case studies from American hospitals (2nd ed.)
ISBN: 9780812216080
Caring for patients from different cultures : case studies from American hospitals (2nd ed.) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Galanti, Geri-Ann; University of Pennsylvania Press; 1997)
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WorldCat: 44963276
Caring for people in pain (Routledge essentials for nurses)
ISBN: 9780415188913
Caring for people in pain (Routledge essentials for nurses) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Davis, Bryn D.; Routledge; 2000)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 48138253
Caring in nursing classics : an essential resource
ISBN: 9780826171115
Caring in nursing classics : an essential resource in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Springer Pub.; 2013)
Permitted Use | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 828150229
Caring science, mindful practice : implementing watson's human caring theory
ISBN: 9780826171535
Caring science, mindful practice : implementing watson's human caring theory in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Sitzman, Kathleen; Springer Publishing Company, LLC; 2014)
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WorldCat: 855022845
Carnivalizing reconciliation : contemporary Australian and Canadian literature and film beyond the victim paradigm (Worlds of Memory ; volume 8)
ISBN: 9781800731738
Carnivalizing reconciliation : contemporary Australian and Canadian literature and film beyond the victim paradigm (Worlds of Memory ; volume 8) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Teichler, Hanna; Berghahn Books; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1269094102
Cartographies of disease : maps, mapping, and medicine (New expanded edition)
ISBN: 9781589484672
Cartographies of disease : maps, mapping, and medicine (New expanded edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Koch, Tom, 1949-; Esri Press; 2017)
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WorldCat: 974508959
Case studies in cultural diversity : a workbook
ISBN: 9780763709211
Case studies in cultural diversity : a workbook in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Ferguson, Vernice D.; Jones and Bartlett; 1998)
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WorldCat: 44955810
Case studies on diversity and social justice education
ISBN: 9780415658249
Case studies on diversity and social justice education in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Gorski, Paul C.; Routledge; 2013)
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WorldCat: 863157563
Cases in clinical forensic psychology
ISBN: 9781487542795
Cases in clinical forensic psychology in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Watt, Margo C.; Toronto : University of Toronto Press; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1384457919
Cases on Audio-Visual Media in Language Education (Advances in educational technologies and instructional design (AETID) book series)
ISBN: 9781522527251
Cases on Audio-Visual Media in Language Education (Advances in educational technologies and instructional design (AETID) book series) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Xiang, Catherine; IGI Global; 2018)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 988729222
Cases on digital entrepreneurship : how digital technologies are transforming the entrepreneurial process in existing businesses and start-ups (Elgar cases in entrepreneurship)
ISBN: 9781802203868
Cases on digital entrepreneurship : how digital technologies are transforming the entrepreneurial process in existing businesses and start-ups (Elgar cases in entrepreneurship) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 1371035115
Catalytic process development for renewable materials
ISBN: 9783527331697
Catalytic process development for renewable materials in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Wiley-VCH; 2013)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 830161005
Catholic pirates and Greek merchants : a maritime history of the Mediterranean (Princeton modern Greek studies)
ISBN: 9781400834945
Catholic pirates and Greek merchants : a maritime history of the Mediterranean (Princeton modern Greek studies) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Greene, Molly, 1959-; Princeton, New Jersey. : Princeton University Press; 2010)
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1049974791
Centers of the cancer universe : a half-century of progress against cancer
ISBN: 9781538144909
Centers of the cancer universe : a half-century of progress against cancer in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Trump, Donald L. (Donald Lynn), 1945-; Rowman & Littlefield; 2021)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1273499009
Centring human connections in the education of health professionals
ISBN: 9781771992855
Centring human connections in the education of health professionals in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Melrose, Sherri, 1951-; AU Press; 2020)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1183419907
Chained to the Desk in a Hybrid World : A Guide to Work-Life Balance
ISBN: 9781479818877
Chained to the Desk in a Hybrid World : A Guide to Work-Life Balance in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Robinson, Bryan E.; New York, NY : New York University Press; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1380731295
Changemakers : the industrious future of the digital economy
ISBN: 9781509538898
Changemakers : the industrious future of the digital economy in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Arvidsson, Adam; Polity; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1111657433
Changing neighbourhoods : social and spatial polarization in Canadian cities
ISBN: 9780774862028
Changing neighbourhoods : social and spatial polarization in Canadian cities in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (UBC Press; 2020)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1129583745
Chaucer : a European life
ISBN: 9780691160092
Chaucer : a European life in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Turner, Marion, 1976-; Princeton University Press; 2019)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1089126311
Cheffes de cuisine : women and work in the professional French kitchen
ISBN: 9780252052934
Cheffes de cuisine : women and work in the professional French kitchen in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Black, Rachel, 1975-; University of Illinois Press; 2021)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1245248542
Chemical engineering in the pharmaceutical industry : active pharmaceutical ingredients (Second edition)
ISBN: 9781119285861
Chemical engineering in the pharmaceutical industry : active pharmaceutical ingredients (Second edition) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (John Wiley & Sons; 2019)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1091029114
Chemistry of new materials (the new chemistry)
ISBN: 9780816052783
Chemistry of new materials (the new chemistry) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Newton, David E.; Facts on File; 2007)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 234237036
Chemistry of plant phosphorus compounds
ISBN: 9780124071940
Chemistry of plant phosphorus compounds in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Frank, Arlen W.; Elsevier; 2013)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 849928770
Childhood headache (Clinics in developmental medicine)
ISBN: 9781908316752
Childhood headache (Clinics in developmental medicine) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Mac Keith; 2013)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 852800594
Childhood victimization: violence, crime, and abuse in the lives of young people (Interpersonal violence series)
ISBN: 9780195342857
Childhood victimization: violence, crime, and abuse in the lives of young people (Interpersonal violence series) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Finkelhor, David; Oxford University Press; 2008)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 213387271
Children and gender : ethical issues in clinical management of transgender and gender diverse youth, from early years to late adolescence (Issues in biomedical ethics)
ISBN: 9780192648693
Children and gender : ethical issues in clinical management of transgender and gender diverse youth, from early years to late adolescence (Issues in biomedical ethics) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Giordano, Simona; Oxford : Oxford University Press; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1385354587
Children of the northern forest wild New England 's history from glaciers to global warming (Yale Agrarian Studies Series)
ISBN: 9780300274806
Children of the northern forest wild New England 's history from glaciers to global warming (Yale Agrarian Studies Series) in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Sayen, Jamie ; New Haven, London : Yale University Press; 2023)
Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1405412766
Children with Multiple Mental Health Challenges : an Integrated Approach to Intervention
ISBN: 9780826199591
Children with Multiple Mental Health Challenges : an Integrated Approach to Intervention in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Landy, Sarah; Springer Publishing Company; 2014)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 860626186
Children's exodus : a history of the Kindertransport
ISBN: 9781848855373
Children's exodus : a history of the Kindertransport in EBSCO eBooks - Selected Titles (purchased) (Fast, Vera K., 1929-; Distributed in the United States and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan; 2011)
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 709606205
Children's play and development : cultural-historical perspectives (International perspectives on early childhood education and development ; v. 8)
ISBN: 9789400765788
Permitted Use | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 851443711