ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased)
Canadian performance documents and debates : a sourcebook
ISBN: 9781772126204
Canadian performance documents and debates : a sourcebook in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : University of Alberta Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1295613651
Canadian perspectives on advanced practice nursing (Second edition)
ISBN: 9781773382180
Canadian perspectives on advanced practice nursing (Second edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Canadian Scholars; 2020)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1193997765
Canadian politics (Seventh edition)
ISBN: 9781487588113
Canadian politics (Seventh edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (University of Toronto Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1155055546
Cancer : principles & practice of oncology. Primer of the molecular biology of cancer (3rd ed.)
ISBN: 9781975149130
Cancer : principles & practice of oncology. Primer of the molecular biology of cancer (3rd ed.) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Wolters Kluwer; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1245784103
Canine reproduction and neonatology : a practical guide for veterinarians, veterinary staff, and breeders
ISBN: 9781591610410
Canine reproduction and neonatology : a practical guide for veterinarians, veterinary staff, and breeders in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Greer, Marthina L.; Teton NewMedia; 2014)
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WorldCat: 898079493
Capital : a critique of political economy. Vol. I, Book one, The process of production of capital
Capital : a critique of political economy. Vol. I, Book one, The process of production of capital in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Marx, Karl, 1818-1883; Electric Book Co.; 2001)
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WorldCat: 70758736
Capital and the Common Good : How Innovative Finance Is Tackling the World's Most Urgent Problems (Columbia Business School Publishing)
ISBN: 9780231178020
Capital and the Common Good : How Innovative Finance Is Tackling the World's Most Urgent Problems (Columbia Business School Publishing) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Keohane, Georgia L.; Columbia University Press; 2016)
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WorldCat: 958547521
Capitalism : An Ethnographic Approach
ISBN: 9781859731239
Capitalism : An Ethnographic Approach in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Miller, Daniel; Bloomsbury Publishing UK; 1997)
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WorldCat: 70765629
Capitalism : the basics (The basics)
ISBN: 9780415870917
Capitalism : the basics (The basics) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Coates, David, 1946-; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; 2016)
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WorldCat: 923848411
Capitalism's sexual history (Oxford studies in gender and international relations)
ISBN: 9780197530276
Capitalism's sexual history (Oxford studies in gender and international relations) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Smith, Nicola Jo-Anne; Oxford University Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1155485196
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies : towards more sustainable cities (Green energy and technology)
ISBN: 9783031465901
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies : towards more sustainable cities (Green energy and technology) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cham : Springer; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1436906534
Carbon democracy : political power in the age of oil
ISBN: 9781844678969
Carbon democracy : political power in the age of oil in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Mitchell, Timothy, 1955-; London ; New York : Verso; 2011)
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WorldCat: 882609648
Carbon fibre from lignin (SpringerBriefs in materials)
ISBN: 9789811042287
Carbon fibre from lignin (SpringerBriefs in materials) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Bajpai, P. (Pratima); Springer; 2017)
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WorldCat: 978274456
Carbon markets in a climate-changing capitalism
ISBN: 9781108421737
Carbon markets in a climate-changing capitalism in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Bryant, Gareth; Cambridge University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1089757888
Carbon province, hydro province : the challenge of Canadian energy and climate federalism
ISBN: 9781487507213
Carbon province, hydro province : the challenge of Canadian energy and climate federalism in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Macdonald, Douglas, 1947-; University of Toronto Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1128278440
Carbon-based nanomaterials and hybrids : synthesis, properties, and commercial applications
ISBN: 9789814316859
Carbon-based nanomaterials and hybrids : synthesis, properties, and commercial applications in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Pan Stanford Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 878981485
Cardiovascular signaling in health and disease
ISBN: 9783031083099
Cardiovascular signaling in health and disease in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cham : Springer; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1345580469
Care and capitalism : why affective equality matters for social justice
ISBN: 9781509550401
Care and capitalism : why affective equality matters for social justice in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Lynch, Kathleen, 1951-; Polity; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1288274203
Care at home for people living with dementia : delaying institutionalization, sustaining families
ISBN: 9781447359319
Care at home for people living with dementia : delaying institutionalization, sustaining families in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Ceci, Christine; Policy Press; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1263028043
Career counseling interventions : practice with diverse clients
ISBN: 9780826132178
Career counseling interventions : practice with diverse clients in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Springer Publishing Company, LLC; 2016)
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WorldCat: 936462536
Career pathways : from school to retirement
ISBN: 9780190907785
Career pathways : from school to retirement in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Oxford University Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1119079262
Caribbean discourse in enclusive education : historical and contemporary issues (Caribbean discourse in inclusive education)
ISBN: 9781681237978
Caribbean discourse in enclusive education : historical and contemporary issues (Caribbean discourse in inclusive education) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Blackman, Stacey; Information Age Publishing; 2017)
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WorldCat: 985342110
Caring for the people of the clouds : aging and dementia in Oaxaca
ISBN: 9780806162683
Caring for the people of the clouds : aging and dementia in Oaxaca in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Yahalom, Jonathan, 1985-; University of Oklahoma Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1090240466
Case studies in entrepreneurship
ISBN: 9781839101427
Case studies in entrepreneurship in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Reed, Marlene M.; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1262044493
Case studies in work, employment and human resource management
ISBN: 9781788975582
Case studies in work, employment and human resource management in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Edward Elgar Publishing; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1149941330
Case study methodology in business research
ISBN: 9780750681964
Case study methodology in business research in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Dul, Jan, 1954-; Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier; 2008)
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WorldCat: 179643196
Castles of steel : Britain, Germany, and the winning of the Great War at sea
ISBN: 9781588363206
Castles of steel : Britain, Germany, and the winning of the Great War at sea in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Massie, Robert K., 1929-2019; Random House; 2003)
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WorldCat: 430738881
Categories we live by : how we classify everyone and everything
ISBN: 9780262377119
Categories we live by : how we classify everyone and everything in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Murphy, Gregory L. (Gregory Leo); Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1381312663
Cathars in Question (Heresy and inquisition in the Middle Ages, 2046-8938 ; volume 4)
ISBN: 9781903153680
Cathars in Question (Heresy and inquisition in the Middle Ages, 2046-8938 ; volume 4) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Boydell & Brewer; 2016)
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WorldCat: 957700837
Cave biodiversity : speciation and diversity of subterranean fauna
ISBN: 9781421444581
Cave biodiversity : speciation and diversity of subterranean fauna in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Baltimore, Maryland : Johns Hopkins University Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1348374745
Cellulases in the Biofuel Industry
ISBN: 9780323994972
Cellulases in the Biofuel Industry in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Bajpai, P. (Pratima); Elsevier; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1348492967
Censorship and propaganda in World War I : a comprehensive history (International library of twentieth century history)
ISBN: 9781350118591
Censorship and propaganda in World War I : a comprehensive history (International library of twentieth century history) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Demm, Eberhard; London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1102593132
Central banks at a crossroads : what can we learn from history? (Studies in macroeconomic history)
ISBN: 9781107149663
Central banks at a crossroads : what can we learn from history? (Studies in macroeconomic history) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Cambridge University Press; 2016)
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WorldCat: 951625638
Centuries of Childhood (The Macat Library)
ISBN: 9780429939617
Centuries of Childhood (The Macat Library) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Prag, Eva-Marie; Macat Library; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1028156606
Centuries of genocide : critical essays and eyewitness accounts (Fifth edition)
ISBN: 9781487526887
Centuries of genocide : critical essays and eyewitness accounts (Fifth edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (University of Toronto Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1285958127
Ceramic matrix composites : materials, modeling and technology
ISBN: 9781118832899
Ceramic matrix composites : materials, modeling and technology in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2015)
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WorldCat: 894139856
Chance, logic and intuition : an introduction to the counter-intuitive logic of chance
ISBN: 9789811229206
Chance, logic and intuition : an introduction to the counter-intuitive logic of chance in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Tijms, Steven; World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1237652962
Characterisation of ferroelectric bulk materials and thin films (Springer Series in Measurement Science and Technology,2198-7807 ; volume 2)
ISBN: 9781402093104
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WorldCat: 881428468
Chemical engineering computation with MATLAB (Second edition)
ISBN: 9781003090601
Chemical engineering computation with MATLAB (Second edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Yeo, Yeong-Koo; CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1198988014
Chemical process equipment : selection and design (2nd edition)
ISBN: 9780750675109
Chemical process equipment : selection and design (2nd edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Elsevier; 2005)
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WorldCat: 162129807
Chemistry entrepreneurship
ISBN: 9783527819850
Chemistry entrepreneurship in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Wiley-VCH; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1284980646
Cherished Fortune : Make Your Wealth Your Business
ISBN: 9781459742406
Cherished Fortune : Make Your Wealth Your Business in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Allentuck, Andrew; Dundurn; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1076805431
Chicago on the make : power and inequality in a modern city
ISBN: 9780520286481
Chicago on the make : power and inequality in a modern city in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Diamond, Andrew J.; University of California Press; 2017)
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WorldCat: 1004378140
Chief customer officer 2.0 : how to build your customer-driven growth engine
ISBN: 9781119047605
Chief customer officer 2.0 : how to build your customer-driven growth engine in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Bliss, Jeanne; Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Imprint; 2015)
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WorldCat: 905970336
Child and youth mental health in Canada : cases from front-line settings (Second edition)
ISBN: 9781773384009
Child and youth mental health in Canada : cases from front-line settings (Second edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Toronto ; Vancouver : Canadian Scholars; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1413226401
Child labour in a globalized world : a legal analysis of ILO action
ISBN: 9780754672227
Child labour in a globalized world : a legal analysis of ILO action in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Ashgate; 2008)
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WorldCat: 567983781
Child safety, welfare and well-being : issues and challenges
ISBN: 9789811698200
Child safety, welfare and well-being : issues and challenges in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Singapore : Springer; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1305169218
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings. Volume I (Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 1876-1100 ; volume 650)
ISBN: 9789811537066
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WorldCat: 1159227867
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings. Volume II (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1876-1100 ; volume 651)
ISBN: 9789811537103
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WorldCat: 1159228047
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 proceedings. Volume III (Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 1876-1100 ; volume 652)
ISBN: 9789811537141
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1159228157