ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased)
Communication for nursing and health care professionals : a Canadian perspective
ISBN: 9781773383675
Communication for nursing and health care professionals : a Canadian perspective in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Meadus, Robert J.; Toronto : Canadian Scholars; 2023)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1374119809
Communication for successful aging : empowering individuals across the lifespan
ISBN: 9780429330681
Communication for successful aging : empowering individuals across the lifespan in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Giles, Howard, 1946-; Routledge; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1253439348
Communication systems (Third edition)
ISBN: 9783031120671
Communication systems (Third edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Alencar, Marcelo S., 1957-; Springer; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1350918266
Community as leadership (New horizons in leadership studies)
ISBN: 9781781009215
Community as leadership (New horizons in leadership studies) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Edwards, Gareth; Edward Elgar; 2015)
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WorldCat: 897883589
Compact extended linear programming models (EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research)
ISBN: 9783319639765
Compact extended linear programming models (EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Lancia, Giuseppe; Springer; 2018)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1006495776
Compact, contract, covenant : Aboriginal treaty-making in Canada
ISBN: 9781442687691
Compact, contract, covenant : Aboriginal treaty-making in Canada in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Miller, J. R. (James Rodger), 1943- ; Toronto : University of Toronto Press; 2009)
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WorldCat: 647920938
Comparative education research : approaches and methods (Second edition ; CERC studies in comparative education)
ISBN: 9783319055947
Comparative education research : approaches and methods (Second edition ; CERC studies in comparative education) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cham : Springer; 2014)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 881476332
Comparing Canada : methods and perspectives on Canadian politics
ISBN: 9780774827843
Comparing Canada : methods and perspectives on Canadian politics in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (UBC Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 890934641
Competitive advantage through corporate social responsibility : how corporate social responsibility can give the professional service provider a competitive edge : Baldrige self-assessment work book : 21 probing questions and contrasting pairs of examples (Entrepreneurship - Baldrige)
ISBN: 9789522280473
Competitive advantage through corporate social responsibility : how corporate social responsibility can give the professional service provider a competitive edge : Baldrige self-assessment work book : 21 probing questions and contrasting pairs of examples (Entrepreneurship - Baldrige) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Tuominen, Kari; Benchmarking Ltd.; 2013)
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WorldCat: 861525836
Competitive strategies for academic entrepreneurship : commercialization of research-based products (Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage)
ISBN: 9781466684874
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WorldCat: 923132411
Complementary Bonding Analysis (De Gruyter STEM)
ISBN: 9783110660074
Complementary Bonding Analysis (De Gruyter STEM) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (De Gruyter; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1248759131
Computational electromagnetics with MATLAB (Fourth edition)
ISBN: 9781351365093
Computational electromagnetics with MATLAB (Fourth edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Sadiku, Matthew N.O.; CRC Press, an imprint of Taylor and Francis; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1078495718
Computational intelligence : theory and applications
ISBN: 9781394214259
Computational intelligence : theory and applications in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ; Beverly, MA : Scrivener Publishing LLC; 2024)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1461739749
Computational intelligence for COVID-19 and future pandemics : emerging applications and strategies (Disruptive technologies and digital transformations for society 5.0)
ISBN: 9789811637834
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WorldCat: 1291315218
Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models : Proceedings of ICC3 2015 (1st ed. 2016 ; Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2194-5357 ; v. 412)
ISBN: 9789811002502
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 936353042
Computational models for CO₂ geo-sequestration & compressed air energy storage (Sustainable energy developments ; volume 10)
ISBN: 9781138015203
Computational models for CO₂ geo-sequestration & compressed air energy storage (Sustainable energy developments ; volume 10) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (CRC Press/Balkema; 2014)
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WorldCat: 878262873
Computational transport phenomena of fluid-particle systems (Mechanical engineering series)
ISBN: 9783319454887
Computational transport phenomena of fluid-particle systems (Mechanical engineering series) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Arastoopour, Hamid; Springer; 2017)
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WorldCat: 967282212
Computer and information security handbook ( 2nd ed.)
ISBN: 9780123943972
Computer and information security handbook ( 2nd ed.) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers is an imprint of Elsevier; 2013)
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WorldCat: 846496151
Computer Science Illuminated (Seventh edition)
ISBN: 9781284155617
Computer Science Illuminated (Seventh edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Dale, Nell (Nell B.); Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1079363309
Computer vision : principles, algorithms, applications, learning (Fifth edition)
ISBN: 9780128095751
Computer vision : principles, algorithms, applications, learning (Fifth edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Davies, E. R.; London : Academic Press; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1012344100
Computerized adaptive and multistage testing with R : using packages catR and mstR (Use R!, 2197-5736)
ISBN: 9783319692173
Computerized adaptive and multistage testing with R : using packages catR and mstR (Use R!, 2197-5736) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Magis, David; Springer; 2017)
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WorldCat: 1017969326
Computing handbook : information systems and information technology (Third edition)
ISBN: 9781439898567
Computing handbook : information systems and information technology (Third edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (CRC Press/Taylor and Francis; 2014)
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WorldCat: 875096026
Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy Fundamentals and Applications
ISBN: 9781394169689
Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy Fundamentals and Applications in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Flamant, Gilles; John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1344161006
Concentrating solar thermal technologies : analysis and optimisation by CFD modelling (Green energy and technology)
ISBN: 9783319458830
Concentrating solar thermal technologies : analysis and optimisation by CFD modelling (Green energy and technology) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Serrano, Maria Isabel Roldán; Springer; 2016)
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WorldCat: 962750558
Concepts of war, 1650-1900 : from free-rider strategies to survival of the fittest (Value inquiry book series ; Studies in the history of western philosophy ; v.383)
ISBN: 9789004536678
Concepts of war, 1650-1900 : from free-rider strategies to survival of the fittest (Value inquiry book series ; Studies in the history of western philosophy ; v.383) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Schuurman, Paul; Leiden ; Boston : Brill; 2023)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 1362868712
Concise computer vision : an introduction into theory and algorithms (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
ISBN: 9781447163206
Concise computer vision : an introduction into theory and algorithms (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Klette, Reinhard; Springer; 2014)
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WorldCat: 869222487
Concise guide to entrepreneurship, technology and innovation (Elgar concise guides)
ISBN: 9781783474189
Concise guide to entrepreneurship, technology and innovation (Elgar concise guides) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Edward Elgar Publishing; 2015)
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WorldCat: 922698087
Conducting systematic reviews in sport, exercise, and physical activity
ISBN: 9783030122638
Conducting systematic reviews in sport, exercise, and physical activity in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Tod, David; Palgrave Macmillan; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1119391315
Conflict, power, and organizational change (Routledge focus on business and management)
ISBN: 9781000471397
Conflict, power, and organizational change (Routledge focus on business and management) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Colwill, Deborah A.; Routledge; 2022)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1256592547
Conflicting Claims to East India Company Wealth, 1600-1650 : Reading Debates over Risk and Reward (Entanglements, Interactions, and Economies in the Early Modern World)
ISBN: 9789048557851
Conflicting Claims to East India Company Wealth, 1600-1650 : Reading Debates over Risk and Reward (Entanglements, Interactions, and Economies in the Early Modern World) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Schleck, Julia ; Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1416883575
Confronting climate gridlock how diplomacy, technology, and policy can unlock a clean energy future
ISBN: 9780300265057
Confronting climate gridlock how diplomacy, technology, and policy can unlock a clean energy future in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cohan, Daniel S.; Yale University Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1296430143
Confronting Inequality : How Societies Can Choose Inclusive Growth
Confronting Inequality : How Societies Can Choose Inclusive Growth in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Ostry, Jonathan D.; Columbia University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1078997734
Conifer Cold Hardiness (Tree Physiology, 1568-2544 ; 1)
ISBN: 9789048155873
Conifer Cold Hardiness (Tree Physiology, 1568-2544 ; 1) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Bigras, Francine J.; Springer Netherlands; 2001)
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WorldCat: 851367460
Conquering global markets : secrets from the world's most successful multinationals
ISBN: 9780230293557
Conquering global markets : secrets from the world's most successful multinationals in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Hubbard, Nancy, 1963-; Palgrave Macmillan; 2013)
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WorldCat: 842259735
Conservation of marine birds
ISBN: 9780323885409
Conservation of marine birds in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (London, United Kingdom ; San Diego, CA : Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1346529817
Conserving forest biodiversity : a comprehensive multiscaled approach
ISBN: 9781559639347
Conserving forest biodiversity : a comprehensive multiscaled approach in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Lindenmayer, David; Island Press; 2002)
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WorldCat: 56722513
Constant struggle : histories of Canadian democratization (Rethinking Canada in the world ; 9)
ISBN: 9780228009948
Constant struggle : histories of Canadian democratization (Rethinking Canada in the world ; 9) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Constant struggle (2021); McGill-Queen's University Press; 2021)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased Multi-Unlimited access
WorldCat: 1252967383
Constitutional crossroads : reflections on Charter rights, reconciliation, and change (Law and society)
ISBN: 9780774867931
Constitutional crossroads : reflections on Charter rights, reconciliation, and change (Law and society) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (UBC Press; 2022)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 1327999143
Constitutional law (4th ed. ; Essentials of Canadian law)
Constitutional law (4th ed. ; Essentials of Canadian law) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Monahan, Patrick; Canadian Electronic Library; 2013)
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WorldCat: 830009266
Construction Project Management (6th Edition)
ISBN: 9781118745052
Construction Project Management (6th Edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Sears, S. Keoki; John Wiley & Sons; 2015)
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WorldCat: 893721698
Consulting governance : implementing guidelines for successful projects (Business Guides on the Go)
ISBN: 9783662679463
Consulting governance : implementing guidelines for successful projects (Business Guides on the Go) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Bodenstein, Robert; Berlin, Germany : Springer; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1402818301
Consumer insight : how to use data and market research to get closer to your customer (Market research in practice)
ISBN: 9780749442927
Consumer insight : how to use data and market research to get closer to your customer (Market research in practice) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Kogan Page; 2004)
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WorldCat: 60678626
Consumers in the bush shopping in rural Upper Canada (McGill-Queen's rural, wildland, and resource studies series ; 3)
ISBN: 9780773544994
Consumers in the bush shopping in rural Upper Canada (McGill-Queen's rural, wildland, and resource studies series ; 3) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (McCalla, Douglas, 1942-; McGill-Queen's University Press; 2015)
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WorldCat: 1192349136
Contact zones : aboriginal and settler women in Canada's colonial past
ISBN: 9780774811354
Contact zones : aboriginal and settler women in Canada's colonial past in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Pickles, Katie; UBC Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 923441890
Contemporary debates in applied ethics (Second edition ; Contemporary debates in philosophy ; 15)
ISBN: 9781118479391
Contemporary debates in applied ethics (Second edition ; Contemporary debates in philosophy ; 15) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Wiley-Blackwell; 2014)
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WorldCat: 874150401
Contemporary entrepreneurship : global perspectives and cases (Routledge studies in entrepreneurship and small business)
ISBN: 9781003856702
Contemporary entrepreneurship : global perspectives and cases (Routledge studies in entrepreneurship and small business) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (New York, NY : Routledge; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1416892760
Contemporary global perspectives on gender economics (Advances in finance, accounting, and economics (AFAE) book series)
ISBN: 9781466686113
Contemporary global perspectives on gender economics (Advances in finance, accounting, and economics (AFAE) book series) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Information Science Reference; 2015)
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WorldCat: 919201275
Contemporary issues in branding
ISBN: 9781138368538
Contemporary issues in branding in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Routledge; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1110125031
Contemporary issues in heterodox economics : implications for theory and policy action (Routledge advances in heterodox economics)
ISBN: 9780367365042
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WorldCat: 1153336435
Contemporary World Writers : Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen and Fred D'Aguiar : Representation of Slavery
ISBN: 9780719082757
Contemporary World Writers : Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen and Fred D'Aguiar : Representation of Slavery in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Ward, Abigail; Manchester University Press; 2011)
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WorldCat: 808599037