ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased)
Building a new leadership ladder : transforming male-dominated organizations to support women on the rise
ISBN: 9780262371568
Building a new leadership ladder : transforming male-dominated organizations to support women on the rise in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Geffner, Carol J.; The MIT Press; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1304833642
Building a programmable logic controller with a PIC16F648A microcontroller
ISBN: 9781466589858
Building a programmable logic controller with a PIC16F648A microcontroller in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Uzam, Murat; CRC Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 857059569
Building a Successful Social Venture : a Guide for Social Entrepreneurs
ISBN: 9781523095957
Building a Successful Social Venture : a Guide for Social Entrepreneurs in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Carlson, Eric Daniel, 1944-; Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Incorporated; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1050755365
Building a wellness business that lasts : how to make a great living doing what you love
ISBN: 9781119679141
Building a wellness business that lasts : how to make a great living doing what you love in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Stollmeyer, Rick; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1193558630
Building an inclusive organization : leveraging the power of a diverse workforce
ISBN: 9780749484293
Building an inclusive organization : leveraging the power of a diverse workforce in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Frost, Stephen, 1977-; London, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Kogan Page Limited; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1065756515
Building Technology Transfer within Research Universities : an Entrepreneurial Approach
ISBN: 9780521876537
Building Technology Transfer within Research Universities : an Entrepreneurial Approach in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Cambridge University Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 890603362
Building the new American economy : smart, fair, and sustainable
ISBN: 9780231184045
Building the new American economy : smart, fair, and sustainable in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Sachs, Jeffrey D.; Columbia University Press; 2017)
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WorldCat: 969417703
Building the new economy : data as capital
ISBN: 9780262367400
Building the new economy : data as capital in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Pentland, Alex, 1952-; The MIT Press; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1255633002
Bulldozer capitalism : accumulation, ruination, and dispossession in northeastern Turkey (Dislocations)
ISBN: 9781800734746
Bulldozer capitalism : accumulation, ruination, and dispossession in northeastern Turkey (Dislocations) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Evren, Erdem; New York : Berghahn Books; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1312657650
Bulletproof problem solving
ISBN: 9781119553021
Bulletproof problem solving in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Conn, Charles, 1961-; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1090219873
Bullshit jobs
ISBN: 9781501143342
Bullshit jobs in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Graeber, David; Simon & Schuster; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1035847195
Burden of History : Colonialism and the Frontier Myth in a Rural Canadian Community
ISBN: 9780774807104
Burden of History : Colonialism and the Frontier Myth in a Rural Canadian Community in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Furniss, Elizabeth; UBC Press; 2007)
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WorldCat: 923444252
Bureaucratic manoeuvres : the contested administration of the unemployed (Studies in comparative political economy and public policy ; 56)
ISBN: 9781487523367
Bureaucratic manoeuvres : the contested administration of the unemployed (Studies in comparative political economy and public policy ; 56) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Grundy, John, 1976-; University of Toronto Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1089195426
Burnout at work : a psychological perspective (Current issues in work and organizational psychology)
ISBN: 9781848722286
Burnout at work : a psychological perspective (Current issues in work and organizational psychology) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Psychology Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 879202726
Business analysis (3rd ed.)
ISBN: 9781680157192
Business analysis (3rd ed.) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (BCS Learning & Development Limited; 2014)
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WorldCat: 891445912
Business analysis and design : understanding innovation in organisation
ISBN: 9783030679620
Business analysis and design : understanding innovation in organisation in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Beynon-Davies, Paul; Palgrave Macmillan; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1250640041
Business analytics and cyber security management in organizations (Advances in business information systems and analytic)
ISBN: 9781522509028
Business analytics and cyber security management in organizations (Advances in business information systems and analytic) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Business Science Reference; 2016)
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WorldCat: 961857387
Business creation : ten factors for entrepreneurial success
ISBN: 9781788118347
Business creation : ten factors for entrepreneurial success in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Reynolds, Paul D.; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1015243747
Business design thinking and doing : frameworks, strategies and techniques for sustainable innovation
ISBN: 9783030864897
Business design thinking and doing : frameworks, strategies and techniques for sustainable innovation in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Beausoleil, Angèle M.; Springer; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1293769157
Business impacts of COVID-19 : international business, crisis management, and the global economy (First edition ; Routledge studies in international business and the world economy)
ISBN: 9781000915648
Business impacts of COVID-19 : international business, crisis management, and the global economy (First edition ; Routledge studies in international business and the world economy) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (New York : Routledge; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1381066258
Business innovation through blockchain : the B³ perspective
ISBN: 9783319484778
Business innovation through blockchain : the B³ perspective in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Morabito, Vincenzo; Springer; 2017)
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WorldCat: 970693493
Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers
ISBN: 9780470901038
Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Osterwalder, Alexander; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley; 2010)
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WorldCat: 670131339
Business Model Innovation : Concepts, Analysis, and Cases (2nd edition)
ISBN: 9781138330528
Business Model Innovation : Concepts, Analysis, and Cases (2nd edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Afuah, Allan; Routledge; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1057699206
Business model innovation : the organizational dimension (First edition)
ISBN: 9780198701873
Business model innovation : the organizational dimension (First edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Oxford University; 2015)
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WorldCat: 919201369
Business model transformation : the AI & cloud technology revolution
ISBN: 9781000685299
Business model transformation : the AI & cloud technology revolution in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Samson, Danny; Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1334720281
Business statistics using Excel : a complete course in data analytics
ISBN: 9781003832041
Business statistics using Excel : a complete course in data analytics in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Panneerselvam, R.; London : Routledge; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1410861507
Business the NHL way : lessons from the fastest game on ice
ISBN: 9781487538910
Business the NHL way : lessons from the fastest game on ice in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (O'Reilly, Norm, 1973-; Aevo UTP; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1316705817
Cabinets and first ministers (Canadian democratic audit)
ISBN: 9780774811583
Cabinets and first ministers (Canadian democratic audit) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (White, Graham, 1948-; UBC Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 923442576
Cabinets, ministers, and gender
ISBN: 9780190069025
Cabinets, ministers, and gender in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Annesley, Claire; Oxford University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1112152929
Cable networks, services and management (IEEE Press series on networks and services management ; [13])
ISBN: 9781118837610
Cable networks, services and management (IEEE Press series on networks and services management ; [13]) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (IEEE Press ; Wiley; 2015)
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WorldCat: 884500472
Can legal weed win? : the blunt realities of Cannabis economics
ISBN: 9780520383272
Can legal weed win? : the blunt realities of Cannabis economics in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Goldstein, Robin (Robin S.), 1976-; University of California Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1275431623
Can we price carbon? (American and comparative environmental policy)
ISBN: 9780262037952
Can we price carbon? (American and comparative environmental policy) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Rabe, Barry George, 1957-; The MIT Press; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1031706606
Canada 1919 : a nation shaped by war (Studies in Canadian military history)
ISBN: 9780774864077
Canada 1919 : a nation shaped by war (Studies in Canadian military history) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (UBC Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1135980572
Canada : the state of the federation 2013 : Aboriginal multilevel governance (Canada. The state of the federation, 0827-0708 ; Queen's policy studies series)
ISBN: 9781553394471
Canada : the state of the federation 2013 : Aboriginal multilevel governance (Canada. The state of the federation, 0827-0708 ; Queen's policy studies series) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, McGill-Queen's University Press; 2015)
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WorldCat: 947838167
Canada alone : navigating the post-American world
ISBN: 9781459752474
Canada alone : navigating the post-American world in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Nossal, Kim Richard; Toronto, Ontario : Dundurn Press; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1378641938
Canada among nations, 2009-2010 : as others see us
ISBN: 9780773536289
Canada among nations, 2009-2010 : as others see us in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (McGill-Queen's University Press; 2010)
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WorldCat: 797828345
Canada and great power competition : Canada among nations 2021 (Canada and international affairs)
ISBN: 9783031043680
Canada and great power competition : Canada among nations 2021 (Canada and international affairs) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Palgrave Macmillan; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1343197818
Canada's army : waging war and keeping the peace (Third edition)
ISBN: 9781487509507
Canada's army : waging war and keeping the peace (Third edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Granatstein, J. L.; University of Toronto Press; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1250313367
Canada's Mechanized Infantry : the evolution of a combat arm, 1920-2012 (Studies in Canadian military history)
ISBN: 9780774862721
Canada's Mechanized Infantry : the evolution of a combat arm, 1920-2012 (Studies in Canadian military history) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Kasurak, Peter, 1949-; UBC Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1122615220
Canada's Surprising Constitution : Unexpected Interpretations of the Constitution Act, 1982 (Law and Society)
ISBN: 9780774870061
Canada's Surprising Constitution : Unexpected Interpretations of the Constitution Act, 1982 (Law and Society) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Vancouver ; Toronto : University of British Columbia Press; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1446511459
Canadian copyright law (4th ed)
ISBN: 9781118083567
Canadian copyright law (4th ed) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Harris, Lesley Ellen; John Wiley; 2014)
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WorldCat: 862208899
Canadian curriculum studies : a métissage of inspiration/imagination/interconnection
Canadian curriculum studies : a métissage of inspiration/imagination/interconnection in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Canadian Scholars; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1035219476
Canadian environmental philosophy
ISBN: 9780773557765
Canadian environmental philosophy in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (McGill-Queen's University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1083669690
Canadian federalism : performance, effectiveness, and legitimacy (Fourth edition)
ISBN: 9781487570446
Canadian federalism : performance, effectiveness, and legitimacy (Fourth edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (University of Toronto Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1145028320
Canadian Gothic : Literature, History, and the Spectre of Self-Invention (Gothic Literary Studies)
ISBN: 9780708327005
Canadian Gothic : Literature, History, and the Spectre of Self-Invention (Gothic Literary Studies) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Sugars, Cynthia Conchita, 1963-; University of Wales Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 870951025
Canadian indigenous literature and art : decolonizing education, culture, and society (Education, Culture, and Society Ser.)
ISBN: 9789004428393
Canadian indigenous literature and art : decolonizing education, culture, and society (Education, Culture, and Society Ser.) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Mullen, Carol A.; Brill Sense; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1142896786
Canadian landmark cases in forensic mental health
ISBN: 9781487507350
Canadian landmark cases in forensic mental health in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Glancy, Graham; University of Toronto Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1130750711
Canadian modern architecture : 1967 to the present
ISBN: 9781616896454
Canadian modern architecture : 1967 to the present in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Princeton Architectural Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1127934223
Canadian multiculturalism @50 : retrospect, perspectives, prospects (Transnational migration and education (Sense Publishers) v.6)
ISBN: 9789004466562
Canadian multiculturalism @50 : retrospect, perspectives, prospects (Transnational migration and education (Sense Publishers) v.6) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Fleras, Augie; Brill; 2021)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased 3-user access
WorldCat: 1256592288
Canadian multimodal transport policy and governance
ISBN: 9780773556690
Canadian multimodal transport policy and governance in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Doern, G. Bruce; McGill-Queen's University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1080207716