ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased)
A most extraordinary ride : space, politics, and the pursuit of a Canadian dream
ISBN: 9780771016264
A most extraordinary ride : space, politics, and the pursuit of a Canadian dream in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Garneau, Marc; Toronto, Ontario : Signal; 2024)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased single-user access
WorldCat: 1418836940
A mother's betrayal : the murder of Karissa Boudreau and the RCMP investigation that uncovered the truth
ISBN: 9781990770074
A mother's betrayal : the murder of Karissa Boudreau and the RCMP investigation that uncovered the truth in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Elliott, John; Lawrencetown Beach, Nova Scotia : Pottersfield Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1336716128
A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Rowlandson, Mary; Open Road Media; 2016)
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WorldCat: 945612082
A natural history of Belize : inside the Maya forest (The Corrie Herring Hooks series ; no. 67)
ISBN: 9780292726710
A natural history of Belize : inside the Maya forest (The Corrie Herring Hooks series ; no. 67) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Bridgewater, Samuel, 1968-; University of Texas Press; 2012)
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WorldCat: 777951023
A new companion to Milton (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture ; 95)
ISBN: 9781118827826
A new companion to Milton (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture ; 95) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2016)
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WorldCat: 926105966
A new history of modern computing (History of computing)
ISBN: 9780262366489
A new history of modern computing (History of computing) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Haigh, Thomas, 1972-; The MIT Press; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1256665492
A new systems thinking approach to sustainable resource management : principles and applications
ISBN: 9780323999397
A new systems thinking approach to sustainable resource management : principles and applications in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Ng, Kok Siew; Amsterdam ; Cambridge, MA : Elsevier; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1443719755
A photographic guide to seashore life in the North Atlantic : Canada to Cape Cod
ISBN: 9780691238029
A photographic guide to seashore life in the North Atlantic : Canada to Cape Cod in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Sept, J. Duane, 1950-; Princeton University Press; 2008)
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WorldCat: 647365447
A Pocket Guide to Writing in History (10th ed.)
ISBN: 9781319282257
A Pocket Guide to Writing in History (10th ed.) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Rampolla, Mary Lynn; Bedford/Saint Martin's; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1257076312
A practical guide for teachers of students with an autism spectrum disorder in secondary education
ISBN: 9781849053105
A practical guide for teachers of students with an autism spectrum disorder in secondary education in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 2012)
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WorldCat: 793996643
A practical introduction to index numbers
ISBN: 9781118977798
A practical introduction to index numbers in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Ralph, Jeff; Wiley; 2015)
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WorldCat: 910159253
A Reckoning with Racism : Changing the Conversation (Transnational Migration and Education Series)
ISBN: 9789004532946
A Reckoning with Racism : Changing the Conversation (Transnational Migration and Education Series) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Fleras, Augie; Brill; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1351197267
A research agenda for gender and health (Elgar research agendas)
ISBN: 9781802209228
A research agenda for gender and health (Elgar research agendas) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1457250692
A research agenda for women and entrepreneurship : identity through aspirations, behaviors, and confidence (Elgar research agendas)
ISBN: 9781785365362
A research agenda for women and entrepreneurship : identity through aspirations, behaviors, and confidence (Elgar research agendas) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Edward Elgar Publishing; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1020406895
A room of one's own : the feminist classic (Capstone classics)
ISBN: 9780857088819
A room of one's own : the feminist classic (Capstone classics) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941; Wiley-Capstone; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1240263571
A short account of the destruction of the Indies
ISBN: 9781504078580
A short account of the destruction of the Indies in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484-1566; [New York] : Open Road Integrated Media; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1345586457
A Short History of the Middle Ages (Fifth Edition)
ISBN: 9781442636248
A Short History of the Middle Ages (Fifth Edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Rosenwein, Barbara H.; University of Toronto Press; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1043656498
A sisterhood of suffering and service : women and girls of Canada and Newfoundland during the First World War
ISBN: 9780774822565
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WorldCat: 1037927174
A trauma-informed approach to library services
ISBN: 9780838938355
A trauma-informed approach to library services in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Tolley, Rebecca, 1971-; ALA Editions; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1292972097
A vision greater than themselves : the making of the Bank of Montreal, 1817-2017
ISBN: 9780773548299
A vision greater than themselves : the making of the Bank of Montreal, 1817-2017 in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Mussio, Laurence B,; Published for the Bank of Montreal by McGill-Queen's University Press; 2016)
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WorldCat: 951552560
AACN Core Curriculum for Pediatric High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care Nursing (3rd edition)
ISBN: 9780826133038
AACN Core Curriculum for Pediatric High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care Nursing (3rd edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (AACN; Springer Publishing Company; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1044949638
ABC of domestic and sexual violence (ABC Series)
ISBN: 9781118482186
ABC of domestic and sexual violence (ABC Series) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Wiley Blackwell/BMJ Books; 2014)
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WorldCat: 877039065
Abolish the family : a manifesto for care and liberation (Salvage editions)
ISBN: 9781839767210
Abolish the family : a manifesto for care and liberation (Salvage editions) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Lewis, Sophie; London ; New York : Verso Books; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1344542218
Abolition : a history of slavery and antislavery
ISBN: 9780521841023
Abolition : a history of slavery and antislavery in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Drescher, Seymour; Cambridge University Press; 2009)
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WorldCat: 646817015
Abolition geography : essays towards liberation
ISBN: 9781839761737
Abolition geography : essays towards liberation in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Gilmore, Ruth Wilson, 1950-; London ; New York : Verso; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1315766643
Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canada : essays on law, equality, and respect for difference
ISBN: 9780774805810
Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canada : essays on law, equality, and respect for difference in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (UBC Press; 1997)
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WorldCat: 47009054
Aboriginal and Visible Minority Librarians : Oral Histories from Canada
Aboriginal and Visible Minority Librarians : Oral Histories from Canada in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Lee, Deborah; Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; 2014)
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WorldCat: 881607175
Aboriginal TM : the cultural and economic politics of recognition
ISBN: 9781772840063
Aboriginal TM : the cultural and economic politics of recognition in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Adese, Jennifer; University of Manitoba Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1322991465
Absent mandate : strategies and choices in Canadian elections
ISBN: 9781487594817
Absent mandate : strategies and choices in Canadian elections in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Clarke, Harold D.; University of Toronto Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1113865901
Absolute OpenBSD : Unix for the practical paranoid
ISBN: 9781593270780
Absolute OpenBSD : Unix for the practical paranoid in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Lucas, Michael W.; San Francisco : No Starch Press; 2003)
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WorldCat: 70759279
Academic Advising Approaches : Strategies That Teach Students to Make the Most of College.
ISBN: 9781118100929
Academic Advising Approaches : Strategies That Teach Students to Make the Most of College. in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Drake, Jayne K.; Wiley; 2013)
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WorldCat: 855970107
ACCELERATORS : successful venture creation and growth
ISBN: 9781786434081
ACCELERATORS : successful venture creation and growth in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Edward Elgar Publishing; 2018)
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WorldCat: 1015244292
Accidental intolerance : how we stigmatize ADHD and how we can stop
ISBN: 9780199977383
Accidental intolerance : how we stigmatize ADHD and how we can stop in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Hawthorne, Susan; Oxford University Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 860879385
Accountability across borders : migrant rights in North America
ISBN: 9781477318362
Accountability across borders : migrant rights in North America in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (University of Texas Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1097597701
Accounting for taste : the triumph of French cuisine
ISBN: 9780226243238
Accounting for taste : the triumph of French cuisine in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Ferguson, Priscilla Parkhurst; University of Chicago Press; 2004)
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WorldCat: 527706266
Achieve CAPM exam success : a concise study guide and desk reference (3rd edition)
ISBN: 9781604278071
Achieve CAPM exam success : a concise study guide and desk reference (3rd edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Altwies, Diane; Plantation : J. Ross Publishing; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1084629322
Achievement relocked : loss aversion and game design (Playful Thinking)
ISBN: 9780262043533
Achievement relocked : loss aversion and game design (Playful Thinking) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Engelstein, Geoffrey; The MIT Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1130310467
Achieving inclusive education in the Caribbean and beyond : from philosophy to praxis
ISBN: 9783030157685
Achieving inclusive education in the Caribbean and beyond : from philosophy to praxis in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Springer Nature; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1103219828
Ad hoc networks telecommunications and game theory
ISBN: 9781848217744
Ad hoc networks telecommunications and game theory in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Benslama, Malek; ISTE, Ltd ; John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 2015)
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WorldCat: 899739129
Adapting high hydrostatic pressure (HPP) for food processing operations
ISBN: 9780124200913
Adapting high hydrostatic pressure (HPP) for food processing operations in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Koutchma, Tatiana; Elsevier Science; 2014)
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WorldCat: 891916518
Additive manufacturing solutions
ISBN: 9783030807832
Additive manufacturing solutions in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Kumar, Sanjay; Springer; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1264712921
Additive manufacturing technologies (Third edition)
ISBN: 9783030561277
Additive manufacturing technologies (Third edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Gibson, I. (Ian); Springer; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1225563364
Adolescent Medicine State of the Art Reviews : social networking & new technologies (Adolescent medicine : state of the art reviews, 1934-4287 ; v. 25 no. 3)
ISBN: 9781581108927
Adolescent Medicine State of the Art Reviews : social networking & new technologies (Adolescent medicine : state of the art reviews, 1934-4287 ; v. 25 no. 3) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (American Academy of Pediatrics; 2014)
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WorldCat: 905921471
Adult learning : linking theory and practice (First edition ; The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series)
ISBN: 9781118130575
Adult learning : linking theory and practice (First edition ; The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Merriam, Sharan B.; Jossey-Bass, a Wiley brand; 2014)
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WorldCat: 899588445
Advanced circuits and systems for healthcare and security applications
ISBN: 9781000652833
Advanced circuits and systems for healthcare and security applications in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (CRC Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1346316448
Advanced Cyber Security Techniques for Data, Blockchain, IoT, and Network Protection
ISBN: 9798369392287
Advanced Cyber Security Techniques for Data, Blockchain, IoT, and Network Protection in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Chaubey, Nirbhay Kumar; Hershey : IGI Global; 2025)
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WorldCat: 1477223596
Advanced engineering mathematics (Seventh edition)
ISBN: 9781284206258
Advanced engineering mathematics (Seventh edition) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Zill, Dennis G., 1940-; 2022)
WorldCat: 1229071768
Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL
ISBN: 9781558606593
Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (McReynolds, Tom; Blythe, David; Morgan Kaufmann; 2005-02-17)
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WorldCat: 60660867
Advanced integrated approaches to environmental economics and policy : emerging research and opportunities
ISBN: 9781522595632
Advanced integrated approaches to environmental economics and policy : emerging research and opportunities in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (IGI Global; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1119703084