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University Reserve Training Plan

Name: University Reserve Training Program

Previous/other names: U.R.T.P.; University Squadron

Prominent date(s) of activity: 1951 -

History: A peace time continuation of the U.A.T.C., the U.R.T.P. trained officers for the reserve force of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Activities: The U.R.T.P. trained in various capacities, participated the annual Tri-Service shooting competition, and travelled to related R.C.A.F.

Note(s): The U.R.T.P. enrolled three co-ed students in its ranks as Flight Cadets in its very early years of organization.


  • Up the Hill, 1953, p. 89.
  • Up the Hill, 1954, p. 71.
  • Up the Hill, 1955.